Transcript of Remarks by Special Adviser of the Secretary-General Alexander Downer following 21 October meeting
So, we’ve had three hours for the leaders this afternoon. They had a tête-à-tête for around an hour. It might have been a little more than an hour, actually, about an hour and half. And then they had a discussion for an hour-and-a-half or so about the issue of external relations. Tomorrow they will be meeting again at 10 o’ clock, and the leaders then will discuss the question of property. They will begin some discussions on that issue again. That is all I\'ve got to say, if there is anything you want to ask.
Question: [inaudible]… say about the executive issue?
Answer: Well, as you know, the last time they met they were discussing the executive issue and they\'re obviously having a think about some of the things that were put forward there. Obviously, there has been some speculation about that, but far be it for us to add to that speculation. But, obviously, there is a period of contemplation now on that issue while they talk about external relations. They have a bit of time to think about some of the ideas that have been put on the table there. They will talk a bit about property tomorrow and we will see how it goes.
Question: So, are we finished with the executive, then? Will we be finished with the executive tomorrow, then?
Answer: No, they won’t be talking about the executive tomorrow, they will be talking about property tomorrow. They will have to decide themselves. That is not to say the following week or the week after that they won’t once more go back to the question of the executive. As you know, these are big issues and different proposals come forward.
Question: [Inaudible]
Answer: Let\'s just take things one step at a time. At the moment, we are going through the second phase, they\'re exploring a lot of different options on how to handle the different issues. I would say it\'s a productive process. A lot of bridging proposals are put forward and they need time to think about these issues, work these issues through and discuss these issues.
Question: Who is putting the bridging proposals forward, is it the sides or the United Nations?
Answer: As you know, they do.
Question: Inaudible
Answer: I think the best answer to your question is that they\'ve been making steady progress, obviously they\'re exploring different ideas and they\'ve been making steady progress in doing that.
Thank you very much.