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Piratis as a moderator ?!

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Is Piratis a reasonable moderator in cyprus forum?

Total votes : 7

Piratis as a moderator ?!

Postby detailer » Mon Jul 11, 2005 7:31 pm

This is what Piratis wrote about Norh Cyprus in "Cyprus Tourism" section and he is deleting & banning all the posts he doesn't like in that forum as the moderator(My posts, city's posts, angle's posts).

I am calling all reasonable people in this forum to protest this kind of "moderation".

Well, I am sure some of you people wouldn't have a problem if your daughter was kidnapped and was sold as a whore and the people that had sex with her were coming on forums commenting on how nice was to fuck her.

However I have a problem, and this is the last thread on how some others are profiting from the rape of my country.
Last edited by detailer on Mon Jul 11, 2005 7:48 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby city » Mon Jul 11, 2005 7:41 pm

I voted no, because I just posted a polite message in the Cyprus Tourism section, directly addressed to Piratis and it has been deleted. The post stated my disagreement with his actions as a moderator in that forum and also critized his biased view on the issue which I did not think was appropriate for that section of the forum where usually people seek advise and help re. travelling.
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Postby sk » Mon Jul 11, 2005 7:48 pm

i voted yes,i havent had problems with him.
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Postby Piratis » Mon Jul 11, 2005 8:00 pm

I deleted what was against the rules of this forum and the laws of this country.

If you want to brake the laws, you are the wrong doers, and not me because I do not assist you.
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Postby detailer » Mon Jul 11, 2005 8:05 pm

Piratis wrote:I deleted what was against the rules of this forum and the laws of this country.

If you want to brake the laws, you are the wrong doers, and not me because I do not assist you.

I wish I could show city's post which you deleted. It was very polite not insulting at all.
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Postby Piratis » Mon Jul 11, 2005 8:06 pm

Here it is:
Dear Piratis,

I would like to express my opinion that I do not think you are handling things in the appropriate manner here.
This is a Cyprus forum and this section is about Cyprus Tourism. I believe in most members opinion that covers the WHOLE island.
Whether you personally oppose to the situation as currently is on the island you will not be able to deny reality, especially not the fact that the north part of the island exists and people live there and other people go there.
By deleting the posts in the other thread (and leaving your own insults there) in my opinion you did neither show fairness nor responsibility.
By trying to prevent communication about the north, apart from the political topics, you will not prevent that tourists are interested in the area and will definitely go there, whether you like it or not. If someone does not find the answer to his questions in this section of this forum here, than they will get it from some other source. I would rather have them here where they can also learn about the whole issue and might think about the situation.

regards, a foreigner who likes the whole island

City has my answer
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Postby ex_pat » Mon Jul 11, 2005 8:32 pm

Got to be a "no"

Setting a very bad example as one of the new holier-than-thou moderators!

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Postby Admin » Mon Jul 11, 2005 8:47 pm

If you have any complaints about moderators send them or me a private message.
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