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How can we solve it? (keep it civilized)

Postby halil » Fri Oct 23, 2009 7:58 pm

I was little bit late for the events . It was nice to see young boys and girls from both side of the island .
I missed u Bannaniot . When did u left ?

I have been interviewed by CyBc 2 TV . I will let u know when it will broadcast to listen my message .(ıt was BIZ ''Emesis'' program team)

I invite them for our regular coffee meeting at Buyukhan . Do not get excited for tomorrow.

@YFred your uncle H was there as well .He took my picture under the posters.

Kids ask me to put below information .

Εκδήλωση για την έναρξη των δραστηριοτήτων στα πλαίσια του προγράμματος Jumpstart
Λευκωσία, 23 Οκτωβρίου 2009

Σας προσκαλούμε στην εκδήλωση για την έναρξη των δραστηριοτήτων της νεολαίας σε πόλεις και χωριά της Κύπρου, στα πλαίσια του προγράμματος Jumpstart.

Η εκδήλωση, θα αρχίσει στις 5:00 μ.μ στην περιοχή Locmaci (στην βόρεια πλευρά της οδού Λήδρας) και θα συνεχιστεί μέχρι τις 11:00μ.μ με πλούσιο καλλιτεχνικό πρόγραμμα και στις δύο πλευρές του οδοφράγματος.

Το πρόγραμμα της εκδήλωσης έχει ως εξής:

Περιοχή Locmaci

17:00-17:30 Κόκτεϊλ και μουσική από μέλη του δικοινοτικού συγκροτήματος “Jazz Futures”
17:30-18:00 Τελετή έναρξης των δραστηριοτήτων της νεολαίας στα πλαίσια της περιοδείας για την Ειρήνη με χαιρετισμούς από τους συντονιστές του προγράμματος και εκπροσώπους από την Ευρωπαϊκή Ένωση.
18:00-19:00 Μουσικό Πρόγραμμα από το Λάρκο Λάρκου-Κυπρογένεια
19:15-20:00 Μουσικό ethnic πρόγραμμα από τον Yucel Dogan
20:15-21:00 Ελληνικό μουσικό πρόγραμμα
21:15-21:45 Ροκ μουσική από το συγκρότημα Version 6
22:00- 22:45 Ροκ μουσική από το συγκρότημα Rock Corn

Πλατεία Φανερωμένης

20:00-21:00 Διαδραστικό δρώμενο με τύμπανα από την ομάδα Druminspire
21:00- 23:00 Fire Juggling από τον Oded Zohar και μουσικό πρόγραμμα από τους DJs Lawrence, Allen και Baris

Η πρωτοβουλία αυτή πραγματοποιείται με τη συμμετοχή νέων απ’όλο το νησί και συντονίζεται από δύο μη κυβερνητικούς οργανισμούς, τον οργανισμό Cenclic Merkezi Βirligi στην τουρκοκυπριακή κοινότητα και τον οργανισμό Future Worlds Center στην ελληνοκυπριακή κοινότητα, με τη στήριξη της Ευρωπαϊκής Ένωσης.

Το πρόγραμμα Jumpstart στοχεύει να:

α)αναζωογονήσει την ειρηνευτική διαδικασία στην Κύπρο

β)μεταβάλει την παθητική και απαισιόδοξη στάση των νέων σε μια αισιόδοξη και δημιουργική στάση, η οποία θα ενθαρρύνει τους νέους απ’ όλο το νησί να αναλάβουν θετικές πρωτοβουλίες

γ)στηρίξει το θετικό και εποικοδομητικό διάλογο ανάμεσα στους νέους και από τις δύο κοινότητες

δ)ενισχύσει τη δημιουργία και εφαρμογή νέων προγραμμάτων για τη νεολαία υπό την καθοδήγηση Ε/K και Τ/Κ νέων, οι οποίοι θα δρουν ως πρωτεργάτες.

Επόμενος στόχος στα πλαίσια του προγραμματος είναι η πραγματοποίηση μιας περιοδείας με λεωφορεία σε πόλεις και χωριά της Κύπρου που θα συμπεριλαμβάνει ευχάριστες και διαδραστικές δραστηριότητες, με τη συμμετοχή νέων απ ‘όλο το νησί.

Οι δραστηριότητες θα περιλαμβάνουν μουσικές εκδηλώσεις, εργαστήρια, διαγωνισμούς graffiti, DJ πάρτυ, Ζωντανή Βιβλιοθήκη, Θέατρο του δρόμου καθώς και καλλιτεχνικές δημουργίες.

Για περισσότερες πληροφορίες επικοινωνήστε με τους συντονιστές του προγράμματος Huseyin Kursat και Νικολίνα Μαρκίδου στις πιο κάτω διευθύνσεις: [email protected], [email protected]

“JUMPSTART” Youth Peace Campaign in Cyprus Kicks Off an
Island-wide Peace Bus Tour and Public Campaign

You are invited to attend this fun and important event in Cyprus!

The “JUMPSTART” Youth Peace Campaign in Cyprus will hold a Kick Off event that will mark the starting point of an island-wide peace bus tour that will conduct a diverse set of positive youthful activities both in the cities and villages of Cyprus until March 2010.

The Kick Off event will begin Friday 23 October 2009 at 17:00 in the Lokmaci pedestrian area near Al Divan restaurant. The celebration will begin with a cocktail reception and the crowd will hear welcoming words from “JUMPSTART” youth leaders and European Union representatives. Local representatives including Nicosia Mayor Eleni Mavrou will also be present.

Following the opening ceremony, celebration street events will take place until 23:00 and be held in the Lokmaci pedestrian area and in Faneromeni Square and will include live music, drum circles, DJs and fire juggling / dancing. The “JUMPSTART” Youth Peace Campaign in Cyprus Kick Off event is open to the public and the media.

“JUMPSTART” Youth Peace Campaign in Cyprus is a European Commission funded joint action put forward by Youth Center Union (Genclik Merkezi Birligi), a Turkish Cypriot NGO, which is the leader of the project, and its partner Future Worlds Center, an NGO in the Greek Cypriot Community.

“JUMPSTART” Youth Peace Campaign in Cyprus aims to:

• “Jumpstart” and re-invigorate the peace process;
• Transcend the current trend of apathy and pessimistic mood to an optimistic and creative attitude, that will empower and encourage Turkish Cypriot and Greek Cypriot youth to take positive action;
• Create spaces which support positive and constructive dialogue between the Greek Cypriots and Turkish Cypriots;
• Facilitate youth to envision and implement new youth bi-communal projects LED by a network of youth leaders from both communities who will serve as agents of change.

Since March 2009 the “JUMPSTART” Youth Peace Campaign in Cyprus has been focusing on creating a core group of youth aged 16-30 from both the Greek Cypriot and Turkish Cypriot communities and developing their leadership, communication and conflict resolution skills through trainings.

For more details contact Project Coordinators:
Huseyin Kursat at +90 533 830 0744 or [email protected]
Nicolina Markidou at +357 99 358 442 or [email protected]

“JUMPSTART” Youth Peace Campaign in Cyprus Kick Off Celebration Street Events

Lokmaci Pedestrian Area Activities
Time Activity
17:00-17:30 Cocktail Reception and music by members of the bicommunal jazz ensemble “Jazz Futures”
17:30-18:00 Official kick off of the Island-wide Peace Bus Tour with welcoming words from “JUMPSTART” youth leaders and European Union representatives.
18:00-19:00 Live music from Larkos Larkou-Kyprogenia
19:15-20:00 Live Ethnic music performed by Yucel Dogan
20:15-21:00 Manos and Themis
21:15-21:45 Version 6
22:00- 22:45 Rock Corn

Faneromeni Square Area Activities
Time Activity
20:00-21:00 Inspire drum circle with the Druminspire Team
21:00- 23:00 Oded Zohar Fire Juggling and Live DJ music from Lawrence, Allen and Baris
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Postby Bananiot » Fri Oct 23, 2009 10:59 pm

I left early, about 18:30, the program had hardly started. See you tomorrow.
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Postby halil » Fri Oct 23, 2009 11:05 pm

Bananiot wrote:I left early, about 18:30, the program had hardly started. See you tomorrow.

ok .... i was late because of opening ceremonies at my work .

u missed the interview with CyBc .... they might be at Buyukhan to make reportage with our group .
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Postby Kikapu » Sat Oct 24, 2009 10:45 am

zan wrote:
Kikapu wrote:
YFred wrote:Halil, the top of this post is very worrying, it looks like somone light a match near Kickapoo's bum and it cought fire. Don't smoke near him for god sake.
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

I was going to give you a break and not make a comment, was the reason why I changed my mind and cancelled my post above, but since you want to make a point of it, then let me bring it back and ask you to explain yourself.

YFred wrote:I know Mulayim, he lived in Lurucina up to 74. Halil give him my regards.

So YFred, doesn't the above statement add one more piece to the puzzle of you being in Cyprus in 1974 since you know so well of this character Mulayim being there until 1974. How can you be so certain he was in Luruciana in 1974 if you were not there with him, hmmmmmmmmmmm.? :wink: :wink:

Also, why are you and VP so much into BUMS.? :lol: :lol: :lol:

This Forum, if you let it, can open up a whole new world for you Kiks....One with phones and letters and family......I have no idea what Fred is going to say to you but your world is so small be gardas.....You see what you want to see and all logic goes out the window......My two year old niece could give you a few more examples of how communication works and possible outcomes of what you asked :lol: :lol: :lol:

Zan, my friend, has it ever occurred to you that I may have my own ways of interrogating suspects, oops sorry, I meant asking questions to YFred my way, which are designed to lead into something else to something else to something else until he gets caught in his own web that he weaves. Aren't you being very simplistic in stating the obvious in what you wrote, that even your 2 year old, I'm sure very smart and adorable niece could figure out, just because you are approaching the subject from an innocent angle, but to those who continually trip themselves up with inconsistent and self incriminating information, even the above obvious answers would further get themselves tangled up. This is how criminals always get caught, because when they don't tell the truth, they soon forget which lie they last told, hence getting themselves trip all over themselves. Please Zan, give me a little credit for as if I have not seen the obvious you have stated above.!

Now, how you not wondered as to why YFred has not answered my post yet.! :wink: :wink:
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Postby YFred » Sat Oct 24, 2009 11:41 am

Kikapu wrote:
zan wrote:
Kikapu wrote:
YFred wrote:Halil, the top of this post is very worrying, it looks like somone light a match near Kickapoo's bum and it cought fire. Don't smoke near him for god sake.
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

I was going to give you a break and not make a comment, was the reason why I changed my mind and cancelled my post above, but since you want to make a point of it, then let me bring it back and ask you to explain yourself.

YFred wrote:I know Mulayim, he lived in Lurucina up to 74. Halil give him my regards.

So YFred, doesn't the above statement add one more piece to the puzzle of you being in Cyprus in 1974 since you know so well of this character Mulayim being there until 1974. How can you be so certain he was in Luruciana in 1974 if you were not there with him, hmmmmmmmmmmm.? :wink: :wink:

Also, why are you and VP so much into BUMS.? :lol: :lol: :lol:

This Forum, if you let it, can open up a whole new world for you Kiks....One with phones and letters and family......I have no idea what Fred is going to say to you but your world is so small be gardas.....You see what you want to see and all logic goes out the window......My two year old niece could give you a few more examples of how communication works and possible outcomes of what you asked :lol: :lol: :lol:

Zan, my friend, has it ever occurred to you that I may have my own ways of interrogating suspects, oops sorry, I meant asking questions to YFred my way, which are designed to lead into something else to something else to something else until he gets caught in his own web that he weaves. Aren't you being very simplistic in stating the obvious in what you wrote, that even your 2 year old, I'm sure very smart and adorable niece could figure out, just because you are approaching the subject from an innocent angle, but to those who continually trip themselves up with inconsistent and self incriminating information, even the above obvious answers would further get themselves tangled up. This is how criminals always get caught, because when they don't tell the truth, they soon forget which lie they last told, hence getting themselves trip all over themselves. Please Zan, give me a little credit for as if I have not seen the obvious you have stated above.!

Now, how you not wondered as to why YFred has not answered my post yet.! :wink: :wink:

Your argument of why I have not answered your post is full of shit, I have not been on line. If I had been and not answered you may have a point. Even then I may choose not to answer just to wind you up because I understand how it winds you up when I ignore you.

Get some help, God knows you need it. Lawyer you will never make. You are led up blind alleys every time like a good little sheep. The judge would have charged you with contempt of court every time and it would have cost you more money than if you had accepted my challenge.

Now I am a changed man. I have decided to go back to what I was like when I first joined. So I shall take the trouble to explain things to you so that you can be slightly more enlightened.

As far as Mulayim efendi is concerened, Bodamya, Aysozzomeno and Dali TCs came to Lurucina in 63, and stayed there till 74. Because there was nowhere else for them to go. There villages were walking distance away and they chose not to go back even in the calm years prior to 74 intervention. That should tell you volumes about the security aspect just before the 74. Situation changed after the Turkish Army came to the TCs rescue in 74. They all moved on mass out of Lurucina and settled in the north. I think you will find that the Bodamya people settled in Argaca. How do I know this fact, is the question and you are implying that I am a liar and that I must have been there in 1974. Well it just goes to show how much of an arshole you are. In 1974, when this event happened I had 2 brothers, 2 sisters, mum and dad and lots of bodamyali friends living in Lurucina I communicated with at the time. The main form of communication at the time was a letter. My Mother at the time could not read or write so used to get others to write her letters. She actually learned to read and write at the age of 55 to be able to communicate with us without having to depend on others, which rather puts you into real shame because you can read and write and yet you are unable to communicate with most TC. The only reason you are communicating with GCs is because you are saying what they want to hear.

While I am in this giving and friendly mood, I will also explain to you the land situation and why I am right and you are out of your head, to insist on something you know nothing about.
In 1974 (I promises I was not there, I just know because its the way I am) local Lurucadis, made a land swap agreement with the local GCs. If you look at google map, you will see a line of Electricity Pylons splitting the Lurucina land West of 80%/ east of 20% approximately. As the GCs gave Lurucadis a strip of land between Lurucina and Piroyi to be able to access TRNC unimpeded, the Lurucadis gave them to 20% lurucina land to the east of the Electric pylons. Now very high percentage of the land in the 20% belongs to my family. We have plenty more else where, the party in Power at the time was UBP and looked after their people by giving the GC land to their party members rather than those who lost land to the GCs.

So when I say to you We have no GC land to grow wheat and we grow on totally TC land, it is actually very precise and true. If you dared take the challenge I would have cleaned you out. I am no practicing Muslim, but I don't gamble. An apology any time will be accepted.

BTW Top of the mornin to all of you chaps and chappesses and puffdas an all.
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Postby YFred » Sat Oct 24, 2009 3:37 pm

This is just for my friend.

or this one.
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Postby zan » Sat Oct 24, 2009 6:21 pm

YFred wrote:
Kikapu wrote:
zan wrote:
Kikapu wrote:
YFred wrote:Halil, the top of this post is very worrying, it looks like somone light a match near Kickapoo's bum and it cought fire. Don't smoke near him for god sake.
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

I was going to give you a break and not make a comment, was the reason why I changed my mind and cancelled my post above, but since you want to make a point of it, then let me bring it back and ask you to explain yourself.

YFred wrote:I know Mulayim, he lived in Lurucina up to 74. Halil give him my regards.

So YFred, doesn't the above statement add one more piece to the puzzle of you being in Cyprus in 1974 since you know so well of this character Mulayim being there until 1974. How can you be so certain he was in Luruciana in 1974 if you were not there with him, hmmmmmmmmmmm.? :wink: :wink:

Also, why are you and VP so much into BUMS.? :lol: :lol: :lol:

This Forum, if you let it, can open up a whole new world for you Kiks....One with phones and letters and family......I have no idea what Fred is going to say to you but your world is so small be gardas.....You see what you want to see and all logic goes out the window......My two year old niece could give you a few more examples of how communication works and possible outcomes of what you asked :lol: :lol: :lol:

Zan, my friend, has it ever occurred to you that I may have my own ways of interrogating suspects, oops sorry, I meant asking questions to YFred my way, which are designed to lead into something else to something else to something else until he gets caught in his own web that he weaves. Aren't you being very simplistic in stating the obvious in what you wrote, that even your 2 year old, I'm sure very smart and adorable niece could figure out, just because you are approaching the subject from an innocent angle, but to those who continually trip themselves up with inconsistent and self incriminating information, even the above obvious answers would further get themselves tangled up. This is how criminals always get caught, because when they don't tell the truth, they soon forget which lie they last told, hence getting themselves trip all over themselves. Please Zan, give me a little credit for as if I have not seen the obvious you have stated above.!

Now, how you not wondered as to why YFred has not answered my post yet.! :wink: :wink:

Your argument of why I have not answered your post is full of shit, I have not been on line. If I had been and not answered you may have a point. Even then I may choose not to answer just to wind you up because I understand how it winds you up when I ignore you.

Get some help, God knows you need it. Lawyer you will never make. You are led up blind alleys every time like a good little sheep. The judge would have charged you with contempt of court every time and it would have cost you more money than if you had accepted my challenge.

Now I am a changed man. I have decided to go back to what I was like when I first joined. So I shall take the trouble to explain things to you so that you can be slightly more enlightened.

As far as Mulayim efendi is concerened, Bodamya, Aysozzomeno and Dali TCs came to Lurucina in 63, and stayed there till 74. Because there was nowhere else for them to go. There villages were walking distance away and they chose not to go back even in the calm years prior to 74 intervention. That should tell you volumes about the security aspect just before the 74. Situation changed after the Turkish Army came to the TCs rescue in 74. They all moved on mass out of Lurucina and settled in the north. I think you will find that the Bodamya people settled in Argaca. How do I know this fact, is the question and you are implying that I am a liar and that I must have been there in 1974. Well it just goes to show how much of an arshole you are. In 1974, when this event happened I had 2 brothers, 2 sisters, mum and dad and lots of bodamyali friends living in Lurucina I communicated with at the time. The main form of communication at the time was a letter. My Mother at the time could not read or write so used to get others to write her letters. She actually learned to read and write at the age of 55 to be able to communicate with us without having to depend on others, which rather puts you into real shame because you can read and write and yet you are unable to communicate with most TC. The only reason you are communicating with GCs is because you are saying what they want to hear.

While I am in this giving and friendly mood, I will also explain to you the land situation and why I am right and you are out of your head, to insist on something you know nothing about.
In 1974 (I promises I was not there, I just know because its the way I am) local Lurucadis, made a land swap agreement with the local GCs. If you look at google map, you will see a line of Electricity Pylons splitting the Lurucina land West of 80%/ east of 20% approximately. As the GCs gave Lurucadis a strip of land between Lurucina and Piroyi to be able to access TRNC unimpeded, the Lurucadis gave them to 20% lurucina land to the east of the Electric pylons. Now very high percentage of the land in the 20% belongs to my family. We have plenty more else where, the party in Power at the time was UBP and looked after their people by giving the GC land to their party members rather than those who lost land to the GCs.

So when I say to you We have no GC land to grow wheat and we grow on totally TC land, it is actually very precise and true. If you dared take the challenge I would have cleaned you out. I am no practicing Muslim, but I don't gamble. An apology any time will be accepted.

BTW Top of the mornin to all of you chaps and chappesses and puffdas an all.

Do you think he will come back and ask you the same question again Fred? Just remember what you said because Kilumbos techniques are sooooooooooo very tricky..... :wink: :lol: :lol: :lol:


My niece says you are talking crap yet again..... :roll:
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Postby YFred » Sat Oct 24, 2009 7:10 pm

zan wrote:
YFred wrote:
Kikapu wrote:
zan wrote:
Kikapu wrote:
YFred wrote:Halil, the top of this post is very worrying, it looks like somone light a match near Kickapoo's bum and it cought fire. Don't smoke near him for god sake.
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

I was going to give you a break and not make a comment, was the reason why I changed my mind and cancelled my post above, but since you want to make a point of it, then let me bring it back and ask you to explain yourself.

YFred wrote:I know Mulayim, he lived in Lurucina up to 74. Halil give him my regards.

So YFred, doesn't the above statement add one more piece to the puzzle of you being in Cyprus in 1974 since you know so well of this character Mulayim being there until 1974. How can you be so certain he was in Luruciana in 1974 if you were not there with him, hmmmmmmmmmmm.? :wink: :wink:

Also, why are you and VP so much into BUMS.? :lol: :lol: :lol:

This Forum, if you let it, can open up a whole new world for you Kiks....One with phones and letters and family......I have no idea what Fred is going to say to you but your world is so small be gardas.....You see what you want to see and all logic goes out the window......My two year old niece could give you a few more examples of how communication works and possible outcomes of what you asked :lol: :lol: :lol:

Zan, my friend, has it ever occurred to you that I may have my own ways of interrogating suspects, oops sorry, I meant asking questions to YFred my way, which are designed to lead into something else to something else to something else until he gets caught in his own web that he weaves. Aren't you being very simplistic in stating the obvious in what you wrote, that even your 2 year old, I'm sure very smart and adorable niece could figure out, just because you are approaching the subject from an innocent angle, but to those who continually trip themselves up with inconsistent and self incriminating information, even the above obvious answers would further get themselves tangled up. This is how criminals always get caught, because when they don't tell the truth, they soon forget which lie they last told, hence getting themselves trip all over themselves. Please Zan, give me a little credit for as if I have not seen the obvious you have stated above.!

Now, how you not wondered as to why YFred has not answered my post yet.! :wink: :wink:

Your argument of why I have not answered your post is full of shit, I have not been on line. If I had been and not answered you may have a point. Even then I may choose not to answer just to wind you up because I understand how it winds you up when I ignore you.

Get some help, God knows you need it. Lawyer you will never make. You are led up blind alleys every time like a good little sheep. The judge would have charged you with contempt of court every time and it would have cost you more money than if you had accepted my challenge.

Now I am a changed man. I have decided to go back to what I was like when I first joined. So I shall take the trouble to explain things to you so that you can be slightly more enlightened.

As far as Mulayim efendi is concerened, Bodamya, Aysozzomeno and Dali TCs came to Lurucina in 63, and stayed there till 74. Because there was nowhere else for them to go. There villages were walking distance away and they chose not to go back even in the calm years prior to 74 intervention. That should tell you volumes about the security aspect just before the 74. Situation changed after the Turkish Army came to the TCs rescue in 74. They all moved on mass out of Lurucina and settled in the north. I think you will find that the Bodamya people settled in Argaca. How do I know this fact, is the question and you are implying that I am a liar and that I must have been there in 1974. Well it just goes to show how much of an arshole you are. In 1974, when this event happened I had 2 brothers, 2 sisters, mum and dad and lots of bodamyali friends living in Lurucina I communicated with at the time. The main form of communication at the time was a letter. My Mother at the time could not read or write so used to get others to write her letters. She actually learned to read and write at the age of 55 to be able to communicate with us without having to depend on others, which rather puts you into real shame because you can read and write and yet you are unable to communicate with most TC. The only reason you are communicating with GCs is because you are saying what they want to hear.

While I am in this giving and friendly mood, I will also explain to you the land situation and why I am right and you are out of your head, to insist on something you know nothing about.
In 1974 (I promises I was not there, I just know because its the way I am) local Lurucadis, made a land swap agreement with the local GCs. If you look at google map, you will see a line of Electricity Pylons splitting the Lurucina land West of 80%/ east of 20% approximately. As the GCs gave Lurucadis a strip of land between Lurucina and Piroyi to be able to access TRNC unimpeded, the Lurucadis gave them to 20% lurucina land to the east of the Electric pylons. Now very high percentage of the land in the 20% belongs to my family. We have plenty more else where, the party in Power at the time was UBP and looked after their people by giving the GC land to their party members rather than those who lost land to the GCs.

So when I say to you We have no GC land to grow wheat and we grow on totally TC land, it is actually very precise and true. If you dared take the challenge I would have cleaned you out. I am no practicing Muslim, but I don't gamble. An apology any time will be accepted.

BTW Top of the mornin to all of you chaps and chappesses and puffdas an all.

Do you think he will come back and ask you the same question again Fred? Just remember what you said because Kilumbos techniques are sooooooooooo very tricky..... :wink: :lol: :lol: :lol:


My niece says you are talking crap yet again..... :roll:

He is checking every single fact with his bum chums at the UBP headquarters. I have finally twigged what he is about. He is part of an UBP plan which inherently is against peace. He has aligned himself with the GCs to encourage them to demand so much that there cannot be peace. But that’s another story for another day.
As to his questioning manner and style, I though he was into politics but apparently he sees himself as a lawyer to out TCs who are not telling the truth. He can ask me 10 thousand times and he will have the same answer.

Either way he is an absolute arse. In order to accuse, you must have some evidence and I know he has no evidence, because there isn’t any to be had so he is the one who is a liar. To then attack a totally innocent person without a shred of evidence also shows him to be of a person with no integrity. Not even worth posting against, but I promised Insan I would go back to what I was like and that I have done and will maintain under any provocation.

I liked your analogy of your 2 year old nice being able to answer that question which my friend needed an answer to. That puts him below the mental age of 2.

Now, if he does not apologise that means he has no conscience either and I think the decent forumers can see that.
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Postby patriotisplus » Sat Oct 24, 2009 8:16 pm

I dont like where this is going, I am going to start a new topic to remind you of the religion they have in Turkey. How can you talk or even see someone who doesn't believe in Jesus? Unless you plan to go close enough to poison his coffee, then you are going straight to hell for treason.
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Postby zan » Sat Oct 24, 2009 9:12 pm

YFred wrote:
zan wrote:
YFred wrote:
Kikapu wrote:
zan wrote:
Kikapu wrote:
YFred wrote:Halil, the top of this post is very worrying, it looks like somone light a match near Kickapoo's bum and it cought fire. Don't smoke near him for god sake.
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

I was going to give you a break and not make a comment, was the reason why I changed my mind and cancelled my post above, but since you want to make a point of it, then let me bring it back and ask you to explain yourself.

YFred wrote:I know Mulayim, he lived in Lurucina up to 74. Halil give him my regards.

So YFred, doesn't the above statement add one more piece to the puzzle of you being in Cyprus in 1974 since you know so well of this character Mulayim being there until 1974. How can you be so certain he was in Luruciana in 1974 if you were not there with him, hmmmmmmmmmmm.? :wink: :wink:

Also, why are you and VP so much into BUMS.? :lol: :lol: :lol:

This Forum, if you let it, can open up a whole new world for you Kiks....One with phones and letters and family......I have no idea what Fred is going to say to you but your world is so small be gardas.....You see what you want to see and all logic goes out the window......My two year old niece could give you a few more examples of how communication works and possible outcomes of what you asked :lol: :lol: :lol:

Zan, my friend, has it ever occurred to you that I may have my own ways of interrogating suspects, oops sorry, I meant asking questions to YFred my way, which are designed to lead into something else to something else to something else until he gets caught in his own web that he weaves. Aren't you being very simplistic in stating the obvious in what you wrote, that even your 2 year old, I'm sure very smart and adorable niece could figure out, just because you are approaching the subject from an innocent angle, but to those who continually trip themselves up with inconsistent and self incriminating information, even the above obvious answers would further get themselves tangled up. This is how criminals always get caught, because when they don't tell the truth, they soon forget which lie they last told, hence getting themselves trip all over themselves. Please Zan, give me a little credit for as if I have not seen the obvious you have stated above.!

Now, how you not wondered as to why YFred has not answered my post yet.! :wink: :wink:

Your argument of why I have not answered your post is full of shit, I have not been on line. If I had been and not answered you may have a point. Even then I may choose not to answer just to wind you up because I understand how it winds you up when I ignore you.

Get some help, God knows you need it. Lawyer you will never make. You are led up blind alleys every time like a good little sheep. The judge would have charged you with contempt of court every time and it would have cost you more money than if you had accepted my challenge.

Now I am a changed man. I have decided to go back to what I was like when I first joined. So I shall take the trouble to explain things to you so that you can be slightly more enlightened.

As far as Mulayim efendi is concerened, Bodamya, Aysozzomeno and Dali TCs came to Lurucina in 63, and stayed there till 74. Because there was nowhere else for them to go. There villages were walking distance away and they chose not to go back even in the calm years prior to 74 intervention. That should tell you volumes about the security aspect just before the 74. Situation changed after the Turkish Army came to the TCs rescue in 74. They all moved on mass out of Lurucina and settled in the north. I think you will find that the Bodamya people settled in Argaca. How do I know this fact, is the question and you are implying that I am a liar and that I must have been there in 1974. Well it just goes to show how much of an arshole you are. In 1974, when this event happened I had 2 brothers, 2 sisters, mum and dad and lots of bodamyali friends living in Lurucina I communicated with at the time. The main form of communication at the time was a letter. My Mother at the time could not read or write so used to get others to write her letters. She actually learned to read and write at the age of 55 to be able to communicate with us without having to depend on others, which rather puts you into real shame because you can read and write and yet you are unable to communicate with most TC. The only reason you are communicating with GCs is because you are saying what they want to hear.

While I am in this giving and friendly mood, I will also explain to you the land situation and why I am right and you are out of your head, to insist on something you know nothing about.
In 1974 (I promises I was not there, I just know because its the way I am) local Lurucadis, made a land swap agreement with the local GCs. If you look at google map, you will see a line of Electricity Pylons splitting the Lurucina land West of 80%/ east of 20% approximately. As the GCs gave Lurucadis a strip of land between Lurucina and Piroyi to be able to access TRNC unimpeded, the Lurucadis gave them to 20% lurucina land to the east of the Electric pylons. Now very high percentage of the land in the 20% belongs to my family. We have plenty more else where, the party in Power at the time was UBP and looked after their people by giving the GC land to their party members rather than those who lost land to the GCs.

So when I say to you We have no GC land to grow wheat and we grow on totally TC land, it is actually very precise and true. If you dared take the challenge I would have cleaned you out. I am no practicing Muslim, but I don't gamble. An apology any time will be accepted.

BTW Top of the mornin to all of you chaps and chappesses and puffdas an all.

Do you think he will come back and ask you the same question again Fred? Just remember what you said because Kilumbos techniques are sooooooooooo very tricky..... :wink: :lol: :lol: :lol:


My niece says you are talking crap yet again..... :roll:

He is checking every single fact with his bum chums at the UBP headquarters. I have finally twigged what he is about. He is part of an UBP plan which inherently is against peace. He has aligned himself with the GCs to encourage them to demand so much that there cannot be peace. But that’s another story for another day.
As to his questioning manner and style, I though he was into politics but apparently he sees himself as a lawyer to out TCs who are not telling the truth. He can ask me 10 thousand times and he will have the same answer.

Either way he is an absolute arse. In order to accuse, you must have some evidence and I know he has no evidence, because there isn’t any to be had so he is the one who is a liar. To then attack a totally innocent person without a shred of evidence also shows him to be of a person with no integrity. Not even worth posting against, but I promised Insan I would go back to what I was like and that I have done and will maintain under any provocation.

I liked your analogy of your 2 year old nice being able to answer that question which my friend needed an answer to. That puts him below the mental age of 2.

Now, if he does not apologise that means he has no conscience either and I think the decent forumers can see that.

I think we have both wasted to much time on him!!!! :lol:
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