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Can Turkey annex the occupied territory of Cyprus?

How can we solve it? (keep it civilized)

Postby Get Real! » Mon Oct 19, 2009 5:55 pm

B25 wrote:
Get Real! wrote:
B25 wrote:yes, but will that stop them?

They don't give a hoot about any of the other laws thus broken, why should it bother them now?

Well, we will have to wait and see, otherwise it is just the Turks threats AGAIN!

How many you got on your list so far?? Count me in.

We may have to be the surgeon ourselves :wink:

You’re missing the whole point here. It’s always important to be able to identity what is LEGALLY POSSIBLE and what is NOT under international law! The definition for annexation itself starts with…

“Annexation is the legal incorporation…”

…note the key word “LEGAL”. Therefore, annexation cannot be conducted illegally and still be called an “annexation”! In other words, there are no loopholes and all Turkey can possibly do is further worsen her standing with bogus ceremonies and such which I doubt she will ever engage in.

What’s important is that no UN member can possibly recognize any Turkish tomfoolery that may mimic "annexation".

I hear what you are saying GR, but since when does anything LEGAL mean anything to the Turks.

They ILLEGALLY brought in the settlers against the 4th Geneva Convention, so again I say, who's going to stop them?

And by the same token, who is going to recognize it which brings us right back to where we are now!
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Postby Cypriot Nick » Mon Oct 19, 2009 5:55 pm

Legally speaking (on the basis of International law) turkey cannot annexe the north of Cyprus, so GR is quite right. However on the basis of precedent Turkey may act illegally and do so but risk international condemnation.
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Postby B25 » Mon Oct 19, 2009 5:57 pm

insan wrote:First of all; why Turkey or TCs shall look for annexation and not an independent state in full cooperation and collaboration with each other?

Insan, I thought that is what you had presently??? Or are you saying you are not indipendent??

Furthermore, Turkey is not interested in what the TCs think nor want, she just wants to make north Cyprus Turkish so she can control the waterways between the two, have a foot hold in Cyprus and claim it is for national defence whilst at the same time have somewhere to 'dump' her trash of people she doesn't want at home.

Well hello, I hope you will be very happy living in a future unrecognised shithole, all thanks to your wonderful motherland Turkey. Hip hip hooray!!!! :lol: :lol: :lol:
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Postby Cypriot Nick » Mon Oct 19, 2009 6:04 pm

B25 wrote:
insan wrote:First of all; why Turkey or TCs shall look for annexation and not an independent state in full cooperation and collaboration with each other?

Insan, I thought that is what you had presently??? Or are you saying you are not indipendent??

Furthermore, Turkey is not interested in what the TCs think nor want, she just wants to make north Cyprus Turkish so she can control the waterways between the two, have a foot hold in Cyprus and claim it is for national defence whilst at the same time have somewhere to 'dump' her trash of people she doesn't want at home.

Well hello, I hope you will be very happy living in a future unrecognised shithole, all thanks to your wonderful motherland Turkey. Hip hip hooray!!!! :lol: :lol: :lol:

At this point it is fair to say that B25 is correct. The fact that TC's are able to (and have) applied for and received RoC ID's and passports - thereby gaining all the benefits of EU membership - legitimises the RoC as the only legal sovereign representative of the TC's internationally.
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Postby Get Real! » Mon Oct 19, 2009 6:07 pm


Cyprus must be very careful not to sign a political arrangement that would effectively pave the way for Turkish annexation!

ie: BBF/BBC, etc!

3. ' Agreement concluded between the authorities of the occupied territory and the Occupying Power '

"Agreements concluded with the authorities of the occupied territory represent a more subtle means by which the Occupying Power may try to free itself from the obligations incumbent on it under occupation law; the possibility of concluding such agreements is therefore strictly limited by Article 7, paragraph 1" ... enDocument
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Postby bill cobbett » Mon Oct 19, 2009 6:12 pm

Such an annexation would be An Act of War. :shock:

.. which would justify a just war (by any definition I know of) in defence of CY sovereignty.
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Postby insan » Mon Oct 19, 2009 6:20 pm

B25 wrote:
insan wrote:First of all; why Turkey or TCs shall look for annexation and not an independent state in full cooperation and collaboration with each other?

Insan, I thought that is what you had presently??? Or are you saying you are not indipendent??

Furthermore, Turkey is not interested in what the TCs think nor want, she just wants to make north Cyprus Turkish so she can control the waterways between the two, have a foot hold in Cyprus and claim it is for national defence whilst at the same time have somewhere to 'dump' her trash of people she doesn't want at home.

Well hello, I hope you will be very happy living in a future unrecognised shithole, all thanks to your wonderful motherland Turkey. Hip hip hooray!!!! :lol: :lol: :lol:

Turkish officials r not as stupid as u, reh guvello! :lol: They would prefer an independent TRNC in full cooperation and collaboration primarily with Turkey and secondarily all allies of TCs and Turks. :wink: The rest of ur post is pure galimatias. :lol: Together with Turkey we r strong not Hellenists like u. :lol:
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Postby Get Real! » Mon Oct 19, 2009 6:25 pm

insan wrote:They (Turkey) would prefer an independent TRNC in full cooperation and collaboration primarily with Turkey and secondarily all allies of TCs and Turks.

There's not a shred of evidence in the last 35 years, to suggest that. What suits Turkey best is the status quo.
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Postby insan » Mon Oct 19, 2009 6:44 pm

Get Real! wrote:
insan wrote:They (Turkey) would prefer an independent TRNC in full cooperation and collaboration primarily with Turkey and secondarily all allies of TCs and Turks.

There's not a shred of evidence in the last 35 years, to suggest that. What suits Turkey best is the status quo.

That's because extra-ordinary circumstances of TRNC, arise primarily from the embargoes, secondarily instability of Turkish democracy and thirdly being on a hotspot that mainly Russia, Greece and GC administration have been exerting to destablize democratic order of TRNC for their own interests.

Status-quo in no way suits the interests of Turkey. It only suits some Turkish indivuduals or TC political groups that r fed by status quo.
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Postby B25 » Mon Oct 19, 2009 7:23 pm

insan wrote:
B25 wrote:
insan wrote:First of all; why Turkey or TCs shall look for annexation and not an independent state in full cooperation and collaboration with each other?

Insan, I thought that is what you had presently??? Or are you saying you are not indipendent??

Furthermore, Turkey is not interested in what the TCs think nor want, she just wants to make north Cyprus Turkish so she can control the waterways between the two, have a foot hold in Cyprus and claim it is for national defence whilst at the same time have somewhere to 'dump' her trash of people she doesn't want at home.

Well hello, I hope you will be very happy living in a future unrecognised shithole, all thanks to your wonderful motherland Turkey. Hip hip hooray!!!! :lol: :lol: :lol:

Turkish officials r not as stupid as u, reh guvello! :lol: They would prefer an independent TRNC in full cooperation and collaboration primarily with Turkey and secondarily all allies of TCs and Turks. :wink: The rest of ur post is pure galimatias. :lol: Together with Turkey we r strong not Hellenists like u. :lol:

Yes, Yes, dream on, as if Turkey would give you the power to be independent.

35 years on and she is still paying (oops bribing) you, so get you finger out of your arse reh guvello (whatever that means) and take note.

Either way matey you are fucked.

Or you could do what every other minority does the world over and joing the majority in a democratic way where every one rights are protected or you can just continue to be out laws. Your choice.

You know I am talking sense, right?? You are just to damn stubborn to admit you are about to be shafted. Enjoy :lol: :lol: :lol:
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