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Cyprus dialect banned on Turkish Cypriot TV

How can we solve it? (keep it civilized)

Postby Gregory » Mon Oct 19, 2009 2:57 pm

Tim Drayton wrote:
halil wrote:

to see with your eyes how its all lies .


I am not sure what you mean by lies. The discussion is about part of a statement made by the Supreme Broadcasting Board which can be found on the Board’s own website: ... -uyar-yazs

(Fourth paragraph)

It is a fact that the above statement was issued. The precise interpretation of this statement may be up to debate. As I have said elsewhere, I think this was an example of what in politics is known as ‘flying a kite’ (see the following for a detailed definition and discussion: )

It is significant that, following the uproar which this announcement provoked, Eroğlu immediately distanced himself from the proposal. If my thesis above is correct, this suggests that it will be some time, if ever, before moves are made to officially restrict the use of the TC dialect in the Turkish Cypriot media.

But why conduct such a superficial discussion over this on whether it was a recommendation or a directive? Why do the Cypriots on this forum not question why such intention (going by Tim's definition this shows definite intention which will probably be repeated later after better pr and demographic adjustments) is there?

Is there a consensus amongst TC's showing they realise that they are being asked to assimilate into the larger mainland community? If so do they object to this?
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Postby insan » Mon Oct 19, 2009 4:41 pm

Tim Drayton wrote:
halil wrote:

to see with your eyes how its all lies .


I am not sure what you mean by lies. The discussion is about part of a statement made by the Supreme Broadcasting Board which can be found on the Board’s own website: ... -uyar-yazs

(Fourth paragraph)

It is a fact that the above statement was issued. The precise interpretation of this statement may be up to debate. As I have said elsewhere, I think this was an example of what in politics is known as ‘flying a kite’ (see the following for a detailed definition and discussion: )

It is significant that, following the uproar which this announcement provoked, Eroğlu immediately distanced himself from the proposal. If my thesis above is correct, this suggests that it will be some time, if ever, before moves are made to officially restrict the use of the TC dialect in the Turkish Cypriot media.

Tim, if u were a TC u would 100% be sure of that it had nothing to do with flying a kite but inadequacy of the council of SBB to articulate what they recommended. It was 100% related with the imbecilness of the council of SBB. The relevant law is even funnier than their inadequacy. Tim please read the below statemnet of Özalp and try to translate/interprete the relevant law.


Olayın basına da yansıyarak, değişik yorumlara neden olduğunu belirten Özalp, YYK’nın yasaklayıcı bir zihniyete sahip olmadığını, zaten yasanın da kendilerine bu yetkiyi vermediğini vvurguladı.

Yasalarının 33. Maddesi’nde “Mahkeme kararları saklı kalmak koşuluyla yayınlar önceden denetlenemez, durdurulamaz” ifadelerine yer verildiğine dikkat çeken Özalp, “Kıbrıs ağzı yasaklandı” ifadesinin yanlış olduğunu kaydetti.

Kendilerinin yayın ilkelerini hatırlatırken, yasada yer alan ve yasanın 20. Maddesi’ni teşkil eden “Türkçe yayın yapan radyo ve TV kuruluşlarınca Türkçeyi aşırıya kaçmadan, özellikleri ve kuralları bozulmadan konuşma dili olarak kullanmak, çağdaş eğitim ve bilim dili haline gelmesini sağlamak yayıncılığın ilkesidir” maddesine dikkat çekilmeye çalışıldığını anlatan Özalp, basın bildirilerinde “Sanatsal ve kültürel değeri bulunmayan ve Kıbrıs ağzıdır diye yanlış ifade ve anlatımlarla güzel Türkçemizi bozmakta olan yayınlara programlarda yer verilmemelidir” dediklerini söyledi.

Kendilerinin amacının “Kıbrıs ağzının” kendine has özelliğinin değiştirilmeden korunması olduğunu ifade eden Özalp, aslılarını inkar etmediklerini, kendilerinin de Kıbrıslı olduğunu belirtti. Özalp, Kıbrıs ağzını yasaklayacak bir zihniyete sahip olmadığını, bunun kendi kendilerini inkar etmek anlamına geldiğini kaydetti.

YYK’nın bu uyarıyı yapmaktaki amacının program yapımcıları, sunucular ve spikerlerin Türk Dil Kurumu’nu baz alarak, kurallara uygun bir şekilde konuşması için olduğunu belirten Özalp, “Lafımız ‘Kıbrıs ağzı’ diye yalan yanlış ifadelerle dili bozanlaradır” dedi. Özalp, halkı denetlemek gibi bir şansları ve düşünceleri olmadığını, sunucuların “Kıbrıs ağzı” diye argo kullanıldıklarını, burada anlatmaya çalıştıklarının ve yapmaya çalıştıklarının, bunun önüne geçmek olduğunu söyledi.

Can it be interpreted as talking Turkish and TC dialect without exaggerations?

On the other hand, can u tell me who will gain what by culturally assimilating TCs?
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Postby halil » Mon Oct 19, 2009 6:43 pm

I am telling u TIM that TC dialect did not ban from our television .
Tv programs are here ( which i gave u the link) very easy to get it from web and listen and watch it .

as i said before no one has such a power to stop us from using our dialect as long as we want .
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Postby Tim Drayton » Tue Oct 20, 2009 8:33 am

halil wrote:I am telling u TIM that TC dialect did not ban from our television .

I agree. When did I ever claim such a thing?
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Postby Tim Drayton » Tue Oct 20, 2009 8:49 am

insan wrote:[...]
On the other hand, can u tell me who will gain what by culturally assimilating TCs?

An interesting question, my dearest Insan, but you surely cannnot deny that there has been a long-term policy in place to achieve precisely this goal. Let us look at some of the things that have happened in the Turkish Cypriot community since the late 1950's, when the Turkish deep state first took an interest in this community.

- People were forced to speak only Turkish, even though many who defined themselves as 'Muslim' could only in fact speak the Cypriot vernacular form of Greek, and most TCs were fluent speakers of both languages.

- Merchants were forced to remove signs in languages other than Turkish, i.e. generally those in Greek.

- People were forbidden to have commercial or social relations with Greek Cypriots.

- Village names were Turkified.

- People were given Turkish style surnames in place of patronymics.

The evidence is staring you in the face that Turkey has for decades striven to culturally assimilate the TCs. I would suggest that the reason was/is to drive a wedge between the two communities, to cement partition, make re-unification more difficult and to pave the way for possible annexation.
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Postby B25 » Tue Oct 20, 2009 9:05 am

Tim Drayton wrote:
insan wrote:[...]
On the other hand, can u tell me who will gain what by culturally assimilating TCs?

An interesting question, my dearest Insan, but you surely cannnot deny that there has been a long-term policy in place to achieve precisely this goal. Let us look at some of the things that have happened in the Turkish Cypriot community since the late 1950's, when the Turkish deep state first took an interest in this community.

- People were forced to speak only Turkish, even though many who defined themselves as 'Muslim' could only in fact speak the Cypriot vernacular form of Greek, and most TCs were fluent speakers of both languages.

- Merchants were forced to remove signs in languages other than Turkish, i.e. generally those in Greek.

- People were forbidden to have commercial or social relations with Greek Cypriots.

- Village names were Turkified.

- People were given Turkish style surnames in place of patronymics.

The evidence is staring you in the face that Turkey has for decades striven to culturally assimilate the TCs. I would suggest that the reason was/is to drive a wedge between the two communities, to cement partition, make re-unification more difficult and to pave the way for possible annexation.

Thank you Tim, you are spot on, but you also forgot; -
- no more Turkish Cypriot but Cyprus Turk,

- recommendations for banning the TC dielect,

- building more mosques,

-Turkish books now flooding the occupied area,

-cleansing anything Greek from the north,

- destruction of the orthodox religion,

- deliberately cause problems for cross green line trade (blaming the GCs),

- giving the settlers voting rights to out vote anything the TCs want, well theres more, but I think you get the picture.

If any reasonable person cannot see whats going on then he deserves all that he has got coming.

Like I keep saying bye bye.

And we are supposed to be the bad guys, shish!
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Postby runaway » Tue Oct 20, 2009 9:46 am

B25 wrote:
Tim Drayton wrote:
insan wrote:[...]
On the other hand, can u tell me who will gain what by culturally assimilating TCs?

An interesting question, my dearest Insan, but you surely cannnot deny that there has been a long-term policy in place to achieve precisely this goal. Let us look at some of the things that have happened in the Turkish Cypriot community since the late 1950's, when the Turkish deep state first took an interest in this community.

- People were forced to speak only Turkish, even though many who defined themselves as 'Muslim' could only in fact speak the Cypriot vernacular form of Greek, and most TCs were fluent speakers of both languages.

- Merchants were forced to remove signs in languages other than Turkish, i.e. generally those in Greek.

- People were forbidden to have commercial or social relations with Greek Cypriots.

- Village names were Turkified.

- People were given Turkish style surnames in place of patronymics.

The evidence is staring you in the face that Turkey has for decades striven to culturally assimilate the TCs. I would suggest that the reason was/is to drive a wedge between the two communities, to cement partition, make re-unification more difficult and to pave the way for possible annexation.

-Turkish books now flooding KKTC

What's wrong about it? Reading is a good thing. And reading in native language is even better. May God prevent the spread of greek books in KKTC. Amen.
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Postby insan » Tue Oct 20, 2009 10:22 am

Tim Drayton wrote:
insan wrote:[...]
On the other hand, can u tell me who will gain what by culturally assimilating TCs?

An interesting question, my dearest Insan, but you surely cannnot deny that there has been a long-term policy in place to achieve precisely this goal. Let us look at some of the things that have happened in the Turkish Cypriot community since the late 1950's, when the Turkish deep state first took an interest in this community.

- People were forced to speak only Turkish, even though many who defined themselves as 'Muslim' could only in fact speak the Cypriot vernacular form of Greek, and most TCs were fluent speakers of both languages.

- Merchants were forced to remove signs in languages other than Turkish, i.e. generally those in Greek.

- People were forbidden to have commercial or social relations with Greek Cypriots.

- Village names were Turkified.

- People were given Turkish style surnames in place of patronymics.

The evidence is staring you in the face that Turkey has for decades striven to culturally assimilate the TCs. I would suggest that the reason was/is to drive a wedge between the two communities, to cement partition, make re-unification more difficult and to pave the way for possible annexation.

The things u listed above were all happened under the then circumstances of late 50s. Those years were the times when TMT wanted to organize TCs to resist against Enosis. In order to do this, TMT should activate the national feelings of TCs. Otherwise, a national struggle against Enosis and rights of TCs couldn't be organized. Maybe some high ranked TMT executives treated some TCs harshly and wrongly in some isolated cases but just because some wrong doings had took place, we can't blame whole TMT because of the wrong doings of some high ranked TMT executives; just like we don't blame all GCs because of the wrong doings of some political groups of GCs.

Turkish governments together our ruling class(politicians, teachers, artists, intellectuals), one way or other urged us to recover our national idendity that suffered from cultural erosion during the British rule. If what Turkish government together with TC ruling class had done was something serving to cement the partition then Greek governments together with GC ruling class were their biggest cooperators because they started to activate the Hellenic national feelings of GCs abt a century before the arrival of Turkish nationalism in Cyprus.

Tim, as long as u don't take into account then the circumstances and what was stimulating the actions of organizations and people; u will keep getting it all wrong. Ur view point is very superficial just like how GC propaganda makers view the events and abuse them to create impressions in favour of their national interests; as it is clearly seen in B25's posts. :lol:
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Postby Tim Drayton » Tue Oct 20, 2009 11:42 am

Insan, if we reduce things to one simple question:
"Does Turkish Cypriot culture today more closely resemble that of mainland Turkey than it did 50 years ago?"
and decide that the answer is "yes", then we must conclude that cultural assimilation has taken place.
The question of whether or not this is a good thing involves a value judgment, and is a different issue.
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Postby Piratis » Tue Oct 20, 2009 11:52 am

insan wrote:
Tim Drayton wrote:
insan wrote:[...]
On the other hand, can u tell me who will gain what by culturally assimilating TCs?

An interesting question, my dearest Insan, but you surely cannnot deny that there has been a long-term policy in place to achieve precisely this goal. Let us look at some of the things that have happened in the Turkish Cypriot community since the late 1950's, when the Turkish deep state first took an interest in this community.

- People were forced to speak only Turkish, even though many who defined themselves as 'Muslim' could only in fact speak the Cypriot vernacular form of Greek, and most TCs were fluent speakers of both languages.

- Merchants were forced to remove signs in languages other than Turkish, i.e. generally those in Greek.

- People were forbidden to have commercial or social relations with Greek Cypriots.

- Village names were Turkified.

- People were given Turkish style surnames in place of patronymics.

The evidence is staring you in the face that Turkey has for decades striven to culturally assimilate the TCs. I would suggest that the reason was/is to drive a wedge between the two communities, to cement partition, make re-unification more difficult and to pave the way for possible annexation.

The things u listed above were all happened under the then circumstances of late 50s. Those years were the times when TMT wanted to organize TCs to resist against Enosis. In order to do this, TMT should activate the national feelings of TCs. Otherwise, a national struggle against Enosis and rights of TCs couldn't be organized. Maybe some high ranked TMT executives treated some TCs harshly and wrongly in some isolated cases but just because some wrong doings had took place, we can't blame whole TMT because of the wrong doings of some high ranked TMT executives; just like we don't blame all GCs because of the wrong doings of some political groups of GCs.

Turkish governments together our ruling class(politicians, teachers, artists, intellectuals), one way or other urged us to recover our national idendity that suffered from cultural erosion during the British rule. If what Turkish government together with TC ruling class had done was something serving to cement the partition then Greek governments together with GC ruling class were their biggest cooperators because they started to activate the Hellenic national feelings of GCs abt a century before the arrival of Turkish nationalism in Cyprus.

Tim, as long as u don't take into account then the circumstances and what was stimulating the actions of organizations and people; u will keep getting it all wrong. Ur view point is very superficial just like how GC propaganda makers view the events and abuse them to create impressions in favour of their national interests; as it is clearly seen in B25's posts. :lol:

Maybe Greeks should have never revolted seeking their freedom then? Because what is true for Cyprus is also true for every other Greek island and territory.

The fact is that in the 1950s we revolted against the British and we didn't touch you. If our revolution was successful then Cyprus instead of being under the British empire it would be part of the Greek Republic. Nothing would change for you if you respected the democratic wish of the Cypriot people.

So don't blame us for the conflict when in fact it is you who started it by attacking us. We had every right for freedom and every right to democratically determine the destiny of our island. You had no right for ethnic cleansing and stealing our lands. So don't try to equate our 100% legitimate demands, with your crimes.

The fact is that the British and Turkish Imperialists, who had oppressed Cypriots for centuries, didn't want to allow Cyprus to be free, so they used your minority as their pawns in order to apply their usual divide and rule practices and keep troops and control over our island.
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