YFred wrote:All Liars. When you speak the truth you have nothing to fear.

YFred wrote:All Liars. When you speak the truth you have nothing to fear.
Get Real! wrote:YFred wrote:All Liars. When you speak the truth you have nothing to fear.
Get Real! wrote:YFred wrote:All Liars. When you speak the truth you have nothing to fear.
Oracle wrote:Get Real! wrote:YFred wrote:All Liars. When you speak the truth you have nothing to fear.
If you updated that thread ... it would double in length!
-mikkie2- wrote:"Do you know what the word proportional means? From the way you talk is seems that you don't."
Perhaps this may help you Piratis. There are several forms of proprtional representation.
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Proportion ... esentation
And I stated " a form of proportional representation " as that is exactly what it is so please don't insult my intelligence.
The form being propsed is based on a cross-voting principle weighted according to the size of each community. Now I think your problem is that the weighting is 66:33 instead of 80:20 or 75:25
I don't think this is a racist principle. I think its only fair that TC's will have a major say in the who the TC VP is just as it is fair that the GC's have the major say in who the GC President is.
I think you need to think about what is best for Cyprus as a whole, rather than what is best for one community over the other. Our history is a mess and you can't jump from a mess to ideal in one step.
Proportional representation (PR), sometimes referred to as full representation, is a category of electoral formula aimed at securing a close match between the percentage of votes that groups of candidates (grouped by a certain measure) obtain in elections and the percentage of seats they receive (usually in legislative assemblies).
YFred wrote:Get Real! wrote:YFred wrote:All Liars. When you speak the truth you have nothing to fear.
If I told you once I told you a thousand times, when I left Cyprus. You know it. I even told you what your friendly roc customs man told me.
Oracle wrote:YFred wrote:Get Real! wrote:YFred wrote:All Liars. When you speak the truth you have nothing to fear.
If I told you once I told you a thousand times, when I left Cyprus. You know it. I even told you what your friendly roc customs man told me.
Rather a strange time to leave Cyprus? ... 1972?
What was the motive?
Oracle wrote:YFred wrote:Get Real! wrote:YFred wrote:All Liars. When you speak the truth you have nothing to fear.
If I told you once I told you a thousand times, when I left Cyprus. You know it. I even told you what your friendly roc customs man told me.
Rather a strange time to leave Cyprus? ... 1972?
What was the motive?
Get Real! wrote:Oracle wrote:YFred wrote:Get Real! wrote:YFred wrote:All Liars. When you speak the truth you have nothing to fear.
If I told you once I told you a thousand times, when I left Cyprus. You know it. I even told you what your friendly roc customs man told me.
Rather a strange time to leave Cyprus? ... 1972?
What was the motive?
He headed for Gold at the Munich Olympics… scatology!
YFred wrote:Oracle wrote:YFred wrote:Get Real! wrote:YFred wrote:All Liars. When you speak the truth you have nothing to fear.
If I told you once I told you a thousand times, when I left Cyprus. You know it. I even told you what your friendly roc customs man told me.
Rather a strange time to leave Cyprus? ... 1972?
What was the motive?
Enclaves? Does it ring a bell?
Although I don't remeber TMT firing at me as I was eacaping from Lurucina.
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