Piratis wrote:Tim Drayton wrote:The question of what constitutes a separate language is a complex one, and has as much to do with politics as linguistics. There used to be one language known as Serbo-Croat where there now exist Serbian, Croatian, Bosnian and even Montenegrian. Yet the language(s) that people speak on the ground is exactly the same and all of these individual languages are, I believe, mutually comprehensible.
And what they speak in FYROM and they call "Macedonian" is actually a dialect of Bulgarian, a Slavic language which has absolutely nothing to do with the ancient Macedonians. One could also talk of an "Austrian language" while in fact is just German, or "American language" while it is actually English.
So if we wanted we could pretend that we had some different kind of language, and those that do so are indeed politically motivated.
Well said, Piratis.