Tim Drayton wrote:insan wrote:Tim Drayton wrote:Get Real! wrote:Department of Linguistics, UCSD
San Diego Linguistic Papers, Issue 2
(University of California, San Diego)
Year 2006 Paper 2
Linguistic practices in Cyprus and the
emergence of Cypriot Standard Greek
Amalia Arvaniti
University of California, San Diego
“In Cyprus today systematic changes affecting all levels of linguistic analysis are observed in the use of Standard Greek, giving rise to a distinct linguistic variety which can be called Cypriot Standard Greek. The changes can be attributed to the influence of English and Cypriot Greek (the local linguistic variety), and to the increasing use of the Standard in semi-formal occasions. Equally important is the reluctance to recognize the diglossic situation on the island (in which Standard Greek is the H variety and Cypriot Greek the L), for political and ideological reasons. This in turn means that the attention of the Cypriot speakers is not drawn to the differences between Standard Greek as spoken in Greece and their usage of it; thus the differences become gradually consolidated, while
the users remain unaware of them.”
http://repositories.cdlib.org/cgi/viewc ... t=ucsdling
Thanks for posting this. I, for one, am very interested in both of the main vernacular languages of Cyprus. However, when clicking on the above link, I get the following:
"ERROR: Page Not Found
The page you requested was not found."
Try this link Tim.
Thank you, you really are bir tanem.
Thx Tim, u r cherishing me so much, lately.