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Why are you proud to be a Cypriot?

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Why are you proud to be a Cypriot?

Postby Sophia1 » Fri Oct 16, 2009 3:29 pm

I've asked this question before but no one has answered? Well I'm proud to be an ENGLISH Cypriot, why? The food, original Cypriot traditions, sticking together, being naturally friendly etc.

Because of this the immigrants thought they would find the same culture in Cyprus but un fortunately they are wrong sorry guys, but we have taken the Cypriot tradition with us hence the name calling of Charlie lol. The Greek Cypriots don't even know what that is or why they call us names and above all the most funniest is that they think we are funny? LOL come on get off your high horses please LOL.

Kindness of peoples hearts they will not call you the bad names which you deserve.

Why are you proud to be Cypriot?
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Postby fig head » Fri Oct 16, 2009 3:31 pm

cypriots are lovely, friendly and nice people!
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Postby Sophia1 » Fri Oct 16, 2009 3:35 pm

True they are hun not saying all :-) But can I ask you something? do you understand Greek clearly? or there mentality?
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Postby sniper » Fri Oct 16, 2009 3:36 pm

i think it originated from the Greek Folk History :) where they talk about greek gods. so now there is a submerged brainwashing personality trait that they think they are all gods :) oh, that was a fun theory to think up :) lol no offense, nor anything serious meant by it...
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Postby Sophia1 » Fri Oct 16, 2009 3:39 pm

No that's fine and that was actually funny and I also do not mean to offend, but hearing lots of bad feed back from the Cypriot people and my self experiencing delusional behaviour I cant help but be curious into why these people think there gods gift.
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Postby fig head » Fri Oct 16, 2009 3:43 pm

Sophia1 wrote:True they are hun not saying all :-) But can I ask you something? do you understand Greek clearly? or there mentality?

well, i dont understand greek very well, i started to catch few words and little conversations tho, and i dont know much about cypriots i`ve been living here less than 2 years but i just cant tell you how much i love it here and how much i love my cypriot friends, it wasnt easy to get to know girls to be honest they dont make frienships wv forigners easily. they are warm, friendly and i find them trust worthy (at least i didnt see anything makes me doubtful) ive got a little problem wv being just a friend wv guys tho! in general i cant find more friendly ppl than cypriots specially the ones in villiages (im lucky enough to be a friend of a lovely family)
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Postby Sophia1 » Fri Oct 16, 2009 3:46 pm

You sound like a strong, well mannered decent person :-) Well there lucky to have a friend like you too. :-)
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Postby sniper » Fri Oct 16, 2009 3:47 pm

last night while talking to a british family that have migrated to cyprus i was horrified to hear their experiences. one story was about a friend of theirs. they were driving home one evening and a car coming in the opposite direction had their lights on bright. the gentle man flickered in order to indicate to the other man to durn down his brights. the other driver halted his car directly in front of them, closing off their side of the road, jumped out with a steel pole and hit their car repeatedly and their windscreen. they got the car details as the man sped off after attacking them, they phoned the police who came and advised him to drive on another road in future... just like a horror movie. but the worst part is that the police are not very helpful. and to sum it all up, it was a cypriot guy who attacked them... road rage...
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Postby fig head » Fri Oct 16, 2009 3:47 pm

Sophia1 wrote:You sound like a strong, well mannered decent person :-) Well there lucky to have a friend like you too. :-)

do i really sound like-- what you just said
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Postby fig head » Fri Oct 16, 2009 3:48 pm

haha whoops most ppl say you are a crazy brainless girl !!
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