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We all need a good laugh.


Postby petethegreek » Mon Jul 11, 2005 12:11 am

A chicken farmer walks into a bar, sits down and orders a glass of champagne.

The lady sat next to him says,"What a coincidence, I`ve also ordered a glass of champagne."

He turned to her and says, "Yes it is..this is a special day for me and I`m celebrating

"This is a special day for me", says the lady. "I`m also celebrating."

"What a coincidence", says the man as they clink glasses. "What are you celebrating?"

"My husband and I have wanted a child for years, I thought I was infertile and today the doctor told me that i was pregnant."

"What a coincidence", says the man." I`m a chicken farmer and for years i thought all my hens where infertile and today I`ve been told they're all fertile."

"Thats great, how did your chickens become fertile?", asks the lady.

"I switched cocks", he replied.

"What a coincidence", she says .
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Postby brother » Mon Jul 11, 2005 11:51 am

:lol: :lol:
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