Z4 wrote:denizaksulu wrote:Z4 wrote:fig head wrote:Z4 you started your pethatic thread with YOU DECIDE now do you think every one should DECIDE what you want !!! and let me tell you something alrite mate.. you cant say i bring it on my self.. who you are i had enough from your attention seeking!!! you put your nose in other people bussiness and the cat didnt eat kafenes tounge, he doesnt need you as his lawer !! knowing that his way way way much older than me (LIKE YOUR SELF) and can handle his own posts.. and kafenes dont act like an innocent here ! coz you not you started all this shit by giving me advice to learn a sexual words to use it!! then used the word BITCHY so let me make it clear ! i awe you fuck all arite ! and to make Z4 happy i`ll be again abusive if this rabbish contenu..!! GROW UP for goodness sake !!
You dont owe/awe me anything. If you can handle the abuse back don't dish it out in the first place.
What I would do is - go away for a couple of months, re-group, learn how to be polite and pick up some manners, then come back a new person/member.
Abuse goes on the CF on a daily basis. If we hounded out every 'abuser', we'd end up with Piratis and Lana all by themselves.
If they have indeed kissed and made up, its time to close this thread. Over to you Z4..
Fig Head to apologise to Kafenes
saying"Kafenes I am sorry for the way I spoke to you yesterday. It was bang out of order and I won't do it again"
Kafenes to apologise to Fig Head
saying"Fig Head I am sorry for winding you up the way I did and I won't do it again"
Then we will be happy and the case will be closed!!!!
i think they have already made up without the need for apologies. so no need a final verdict. i don't see kafenes protesting anything, so the matter has been laid to rest and ??