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Half of the population in occupied A. Amvrosios are settlers

How can we solve it? (keep it civilized)

Postby Expatkiwi » Fri Oct 16, 2009 6:17 pm

barouti wrote:
Expatkiwi wrote:Sounds to me like that article may have some truth to it, judging from the vehemence of the replies against me. In case you missed it, all I did was ask if there was any truth to it. Instead of straight analytical comments, I got accused of fully supporting the article and a lot of accusatory abuse. So, either you people misjudged my question (which makes it stupidity), or the old adage "the truth hurts" came into play (which makes it vindictiveness). It doesn't seem to me to be a third possibility here...

This coming from someone who is myopically pro-Turkish. So You post an article from a bias Turkish source and you have the audacity to ask if there is any truth in this? btw the replies were civil. You're so incredibly blinkered on the issue that whatever answer you're were given you would reply polemically anyway. Your being here has obviously an anti-Greek agenda. At least admit it.

btw you do realise Cyprus has a vibrant and prosperous economy, which requires migrants anyway. So explain to me, Sherlock, how can a few thousand Pontian Greeks can even change the demographics when the indigenous Greek population of the island are 85% of the population anyway!

I notice the article speaks of Pontian Greek. Geeze, you need to ask the Turks if there is any truth to it, because according to ROT (btw you just have love the acronym used by some Turks :lol:) the Pontians are a Greek invention:

these immigrants, who did not even know Greek language, were injected and saturated with a forced "Pontus consciousness" ... key.en.mfa

What you need to do now answer is the question I asked you on the 3rd page of this thread:

Sure, it exposes you as the hypocrite. But hey! You can always use the disclaimer: "But I'm an ignorant American, what do I know?'

The answer is obvious: Nothing.

I'm not so much pro-Turkish as pro-Turkish Cypriot. BTW, I didn't take the article at face value, but I wanted comment and a structured counter-argument. Being called names and being told to piss off from the forum is NOT civility, incidentally.... at least in NZ and USA...
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Postby barouti » Fri Oct 16, 2009 6:33 pm

Expatkiwi wrote:I'm not so much pro-Turkish as pro-Turkish Cypriot. BTW, I didn't take the article at face value, but I wanted comment and a structured counter-argument. Being called names and being told to piss off from the forum is NOT civility, incidentally.... at least in NZ and USA...

Re the article, being from a Turkish news source, do you think there is any truth in it?

Re NZ and USA as an example of free speech, firstly NZ doesn’t count ANYWHERE. Not even in Australia. I’m sure the same way New Zealanders have no idea of the world beyond the Rugby World Cup and Tasman Sea, most of the world has no idea New Zealand even exists.

As for the USA and free speech? We're talking about a country whose ex-President stated: “You’re either with us or against us.”, where there widespread accusations of "being unpatriotic" towards the Dixie Chicks when they expressed their disapproving George Dubya’s policies? A country that, like Turkey, violated international law and invaded a sovereign state? I can really go on and on...

The US is a poor example to use as an example of free speech. Do you even remember when the Iranian president tried to speak in front of an audience in NY and was just booed. That’s the new censorship in USA: sure, you’re free to speak your mind but you will be vocally abused in the process.

Nice try.

Now answer my question in this thread:
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Postby Expatkiwi » Fri Oct 16, 2009 7:49 pm

barouti wrote:Nice try.

Now answer my question in this thread:

I just did.
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Postby YFred » Fri Oct 16, 2009 7:52 pm

Expatkiwi wrote:
barouti wrote:
Expatkiwi wrote:Sounds to me like that article may have some truth to it, judging from the vehemence of the replies against me. In case you missed it, all I did was ask if there was any truth to it. Instead of straight analytical comments, I got accused of fully supporting the article and a lot of accusatory abuse. So, either you people misjudged my question (which makes it stupidity), or the old adage "the truth hurts" came into play (which makes it vindictiveness). It doesn't seem to me to be a third possibility here...

This coming from someone who is myopically pro-Turkish. So You post an article from a bias Turkish source and you have the audacity to ask if there is any truth in this? btw the replies were civil. You're so incredibly blinkered on the issue that whatever answer you're were given you would reply polemically anyway. Your being here has obviously an anti-Greek agenda. At least admit it.

btw you do realise Cyprus has a vibrant and prosperous economy, which requires migrants anyway. So explain to me, Sherlock, how can a few thousand Pontian Greeks can even change the demographics when the indigenous Greek population of the island are 85% of the population anyway!

I notice the article speaks of Pontian Greek. Geeze, you need to ask the Turks if there is any truth to it, because according to ROT (btw you just have love the acronym used by some Turks :lol:) the Pontians are a Greek invention:

these immigrants, who did not even know Greek language, were injected and saturated with a forced "Pontus consciousness" ... key.en.mfa

What you need to do now answer is the question I asked you on the 3rd page of this thread:

Sure, it exposes you as the hypocrite. But hey! You can always use the disclaimer: "But I'm an ignorant American, what do I know?'

The answer is obvious: Nothing.

I'm not so much pro-Turkish as pro-Turkish Cypriot. BTW, I didn't take the article at face value, but I wanted comment and a structured counter-argument. Being called names and being told to piss off from the forum is NOT civility, incidentally.... at least in NZ and USA...

Get used to it. There are some extreme elements that cannot put an argument if they tried and revert to abusive language. You should always give it back but in equal measure. The trouble with that you soon become like them (to be avoided if you can). The only other thing is to just ignore them, and eventually they go away because they hate being ignored.
Don't give up, there are plenty of decent GCs out there you can have a meaningful discussion with and even become friends. You will soon work out which ones they are.
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Postby Expatkiwi » Fri Oct 16, 2009 9:50 pm

YFred wrote:Get used to it. There are some extreme elements that cannot put an argument if they tried and revert to abusive language. You should always give it back but in equal measure. The trouble with that you soon become like them (to be avoided if you can). The only other thing is to just ignore them, and eventually they go away because they hate being ignored.
Don't give up, there are plenty of decent GCs out there you can have a meaningful discussion with and even become friends. You will soon work out which ones they are.

Actually, some GC's whom I've had arguments with in the past on this forum were very supportive to me in the wake of my son's death. That did blow away the stereotype I had formed regarding Greek Cypriots in general. I suppose one could sum the Cyprus Problem up in one sentence: "If you love Cyprus, then you must be very very confused..."
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Postby Nikitas » Fri Oct 16, 2009 10:39 pm

Expatkiwi is playing dumb, pretending to be the forum virgin. You have been here often enough to know that a phrase like this:

"But former Turkish Cypriot politicians say that focusing solely on immigrants from mainland Turkey implies double standards"

contained in the article puts it outside the ambit of mere factual analysis.

So, yes, there are several thousand Pontians in the RoC who reside there with residence and work permits. There are also several thousand other nationals with the same status of legal foreign resident. Now we have that cleared up, how does it square against several HUNDRED thousand mainland Turks "naturalised" and allowed to vote, actually to OUTVOTE, TCs in the north?

Do us a favor and stop playing dumb.
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Postby humanist » Fri Oct 16, 2009 10:52 pm

Only half???? I thought the numbers were something like three settlers to one TC .....

My dear friend Nikitas I do not pay much attention to Kiwi not do I really care what his views are on Cyprus. What I do know is that the TC's are creating their own experience each and everyday they allow Turkey to rule them. If the settlers are there to OUT VOTE the TC voice well they only have themselves to blame. Talat wants Turkish interventionand arbitration he is certainly gettting it.

Though the TC"s are gambling on recognition it will never happen so I think they better start thinking unification under one sovereighnty, international identitity in the name of bizonal bicomunal federation
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Postby Viewpoint » Fri Oct 16, 2009 11:00 pm

humanist wrote:Only half???? I thought the numbers were something like three settlers to one TC .....

My dear friend Nikitas I do not pay much attention to Kiwi not do I really care what his views are on Cyprus. What I do know is that the TC's are creating their own experience each and everyday they allow Turkey to rule them. If the settlers are there to OUT VOTE the TC voice well they only have themselves to blame. Talat wants Turkish interventionand arbitration he is certainly gettting it.

Though the TC"s are gambling on recognition it will never happen so I think they better start thinking unification under one sovereighnty, international identitity in the name of bizonal bicomunal federation

How more simplier can I put thisand please try to understand...The settlers and Turkey are 1000 times more preferred to becomeing a minority in a GC state ruled by else can we say it so all this talk about them swallowing up means nothing as the alternaitve is not even worth thinking about...please try real hard and get that into your head once and for all. We will not capitulate to GCs demand that will take away our rights.
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Postby humanist » Fri Oct 16, 2009 11:04 pm

VP thats your view .... I have spoken to many more both on and off this forum and their views differ .... the fact that ppl will not support settler business in Kerinia tells me something that you may not want to admit.
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Postby Viewpoint » Fri Oct 16, 2009 11:09 pm

humanist wrote:VP thats your view .... I have spoken to many more both on and off this forum and their views differ .... the fact that ppl will not support settler business in Kerinia tells me something that you may not want to admit.

Where the hell is Kernia? and can you clarify what you mean?
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