YFred wrote:Get Real! wrote:YFred wrote:What most GCs cannot see to this day is that the desirable is a dream and has no chance of being achieved.
What’s all this mumbo jumbo about "achievable" and "desirable" that some of you seem to have latched onto lately?
Had you asked the average Turkish Cypriot about the possibility of a “TC State” would he have said its achievable one month before the Turkish invasion? Of course not!
So what does that tell us? That the desirable CAN be made achievable with the right resources and tools!
I really wish GC stopped trying to use others to get their way. It has not worked in 35 years and it will not work in another 35 thousand years.
But isn’t that exactly what Turkish Cypriots are doing who can’t fight their own battles? Could the Turkish Cypriots stand up to the Republic these days and ask for stupid things without Turkey?
There is nothing new about desirables. It has always been there from 1960, the moment the fools signed the akritas plan. Call it maximalists call it anything you like. It's all the same and certainly it is not new.
Turkey is not others. Turkey signed a guaranty agreement to protect the TCs. Considering the losses between 63 and 74 and since 74, I do think that she did her job.
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