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Russian interests and Cyprus problem.

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Russian interests and Cyprus problem.

Postby insan » Thu Oct 08, 2009 7:46 pm

Russia and Islam

While supporting and helping Iran to advance in its nuclear endeavours, Russia deploys an incessant and multifaceted effort to detach Turkey from the NATO, the WEU, and the EU. Bringing China in, and consenting to the rise of Union of Turkic States, Russia rekindles Turkey’s aspirations to become fast, and even before Iran, a nuclear power. Playing an equidistant game towards the two poles of Turkish political – economic establishment, namely the secular military circles, and Gul’s and Erdogan’s Islamists, Russia needs to make only small effort, as the job is mainly done the rising Western anti-Turkish racism and hysteria.

If the US Congress deliberates on the so-called Armenian Genocide, one should expect a disaster to hit NATO with two of its members, Turkey and Greece, engaging a war for aerial supremacy and Oil exploitation in the Aegean Sea.

The crisis could also start in Cyprus where the Turkish army could invade the southern part of the island, thus triggering deep discord among the Anglo—Saxons, who have diverse positions as regards the Eastern Mediterranean island.

Worse, if the rapidly increasing Turkish – Iranian relationship causes Israeli reactions in Iraq (support to the terrorist group PKK), Russia will exploit the situation to help bring Turkey and Syria closer.

Practically speaking, any crisis in Kosovo, Macedonia, the Aegean Sea, Cyprus and Iraq could be fatal for Turkey’s European candidacy. As a matter of fact, before Angela Merkel and the French Right started speaking against the Turkish candidacy, the secular military establishment did (already in 1995). Reiterating Turkey’s pro-Western determination was in fact a diplomatic attitude void of real content; at the epicenter of the Turkish military establishment’s reaction to Turkey’s adhesion to EU was the liberalization of the Turkish public sector which was targeted by European companies. The fact that Brussels, and more particularly London, Paris and Berlin, have a very biased conception of the term ‘economic liberalization’ led the Turkish military establishment to the conclusion that several tactics were needed in order to address the issue.

In a certain way, Erdogan’s Islamists were useful to the Turkish secular military establishment because the economic opening to the Gulf capital could only help a liberalization without a sell-out to Europe.

In a certain way, before Putin’s rise to power, there were in Turkey and in Iran circles of economic and military power predisposed to opt for a cooperation with a rising continental Asiatic alliance between Russia and China – against the Anglo-Saxon world and the American control over the natural resources of Saudi Arabia and the Gulf pseudo-countries.
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