Oracle wrote:
As I said, do your research first before posting and looking ridiculous like you have just done with this thread.
It is you that appears ridiculous, because as it turns out, some people here in Australia who are members of an AKEL affiliated association called
Platones, were boasting about Christofias ascendancy in power and how he had some how permitted some of them to
rort the system by obtaining refugee housing grants to pay for their rental properties in Australia.
Even if this was an exaggeration, and even if I am entirely mistaken, it is still your
duty as a citizen of the RoC, and as a person who has the interests of the RoC at heart, to investigate these allegations, and if found to be true, then
condemn them.
The onus is not on me to obtain any evidence, because it is not as if this type of corruption or law breaking is going to be published on the internet with evidence of under the table monetary transfers to AKEL supporters and traitors to Cyprus.
No one can claim to support the RoC as a state, and that they fight for justice in Cyprus when at the same time your break RoC laws and rip off the public purse or taxpayer. This is treasonous...
Do not be so one eyed Oracle, and condemn injustice wherever you see it. Christofias is just another person, whereas the RoC is sacred and deserves our attention and respect. I would do the same if Tassos was still alive and in power, even though I thought he was a most brilliant man. But even brilliant men make mistakes sometimes...

Oracle wrote:
AKEL have not been in power nearly long enough for anyone to accomplish so much from any loopholes ...
This is
not a loophole, because if it was a loophole, then
treasonous Cypriots would have
defrauded the RoC when Tassos Papadopoulos was in power.
This did not occur, because Tassos did not allow the
abuse of RoC laws for poltical expediancy.
Only some very "privileged" Cypriot traitors who have affiliations with AKEL(Platones) were permitted to steal money from the RoC when Christofias came to power.
Oracle wrote:
So, be careful as you could be insulting a lot of refugees who deserve all our help, no matter whether you classify them as millionaires or not. It should not be a means-tested system anyway, as their losses are NOT just monetary.
This has absolutely nothing to do with the majority of refugees, because those that live in Cyprus permanently are fully entitled to RoC financial assistance. This is their
legal right, and this right is not means tested.
Cypriot refugees living abroad however, are
not entitled to anything according to RoC laws, but since Christofias came to power, some Cypriot
traitors have been allowed this assistance even though they
do not satisfy the criteria.
If I was a refugee and did that, then I could not live with myself. The shame of this treason would be just too much, as effectively I would be pissing on the RoC and every single law abiding RoC citizen.
You as a citizen of the RoC should be very upset, since some uneducated donkeys living abroad have been allowed to effectively spit on the RoC and laugh all the way to the bank....

Oracle wrote:
As for my thread. It was in
General Chat and centered on getting to know more about Cuba whilst the President was over there to offer monetary assistance and open the Embassy (which you now must agree was not such an unusual thing to do,

since ALL the EU member countries have done the same). So, where exactly did I come a cropper?
Opening an embassy in Cuba is indeed a very unusual thing to do, especially for a country the size of Cyprus. As you know, Cyprus has limited diplomatic resources and does not have the capacity to open embassies in every country. This means that the RoC will always be left with huge gaping holes within its diplomatic apparatus.
There are many countries where Cyprus does not provide dedicated Consular Services. New Zealand, Indonesia, are just 2 of the top of my head. Both countries are more deserving. NZ because of its international influence, and Indonesia because it is the world's largest Islamic nation and member of the OIC.
I saw your thread and I liked it to be honest. The only thing I can't comprehend is how you portrayed Fidel Castro as someone to be admired. But what gets to me even more is how others an be so hypocritical by sometimes rightfully condemning US, Israel, and others and then express adulation to some other tyrants such as Fidel Castro, Ahmadinejad, or even Osama Bin Laden.

This is one statement in your thread, I found very amusing:
Oracle wrote:
Yeah wow!

Very Happy Little Cyprus sending a ship all that way and helping avert World War III. We are a mouse that
roars! Cool

You need to be reminded that Cyprus is facing its current predicament because of this
roar, because it is this very roar that startled the elephant causing it to stomp on the RoC, causing oblivion.
Do not startle this elephant again!
Our non alignment since the inception of the RoC has bought upon us the biggest calamity the island has ever faced. Makarios should have applied to join NATO between 60-63, because it is the west that are our traditional allies, and not Cuba, Iran or the former Soviet Union.
Christofias is now making the same mistakes by refusing to apply for membership within the PfP.
Don't sit on the fence Oracle, because you will end up with splinters up your arse...

Oracle wrote:
If you are referring to "baby-come-fly-with-me" and Z4 discussing their prostitution business, that is an unfortunate derailment from posting in General Chat and fortunately Admin locked it to stop them degrading the content further.
Perhaps they were referring to the fact that Fidel Castro is responsible for the
economic sanctions and
isolation of Cuba from the rest of the world, resulting in most Cubans living well
below the poverty line and without a means to supporting their families, resulting in many women being forced into prostitution or the sex slave trade in order to feed themselves and family.
You should be ashamed for recklessly mocking this very sad state of affairs that Fidel Castro has brought upon his people... ... ostitutes/ wrote:
We all want to help where we can ... but get your facts straight first and don't depend on the gossip network!
You could help by trying to find out if what I state is true. As stated above, the beneficiaries of these funds have gloated about their ill gotten financial gains,
and this deserves to be investigated by those Cypriots that really do care about the RoC.
Now if you excuse me, you need to stop derailing this thread, so that I can undo some damage by trashing Fidel Castro's undeserved good name on CF....