Gregory wrote:Viewpoint wrote:Gregory wrote:Viewpoint wrote:bill cobbett wrote:Viewpoint wrote:Its obvious that the voting balance of 80% vs 20% can be manipulated to a degree where the TCs do not get a look in, all that is necessary is unity and determination to stamp out TC influence and hey presto we are history in our own country.
This leads me to once again turn to agreed division, if all GCs were allowed the right to return live sell or rent their property in the TRNC would they accept division? avoiding having to share with people they obviously think very little of from the posts on this thread.
People aren't "allowed rights" by you, by the Tnucland Regime or by anyone else.
Rights are like wot it says on the can - yours and mine, inalienable, uncompromised and unqualified. Yours and mine As of Right.
Just as you and I have the Right to Breathe the air around us. No one gives us permission to breathe, do they? No one tries to limit the amount of air we breathe, do they?
Permissions and "being allowed to" don't come in to Rights.
Stop bullshitting...I think Gcs would be willing to get back property rights if they agreed to let go of say 25-29% of the island to TCs who are also entitled to live on this island. Seeing we are unable to agree reunificaiton then this is the only viable solution available. GCs would then not have to worry about sharing power or us being the bad influence they always claim we would be in a unified Cyprus. Each side can go it alone and aloow people to live in which ever country they wish be it south or north of the border.
why on earth would such a small community be given 29% of the land on this island?
Or even, why would any land be given to someone just because they belong to some ethnic minority?
hello time you got your thinking hat on we are indigenious to this land as well and own between 20% to 30% time you understood that fact...if the % could be agreed and GC got their property and settlement rights back would the majority agree to partition???if the % could be agreed
if you own between 20-30% of this land then why do you need us to agree to anything?
Why not change strategy and demand your 20-30% of this island? From what I know from the data I read the private TC property came to about 12% (including that ottoman remnant you insist on bringing up, Evkaf) Why is the Turkish side always negotiating the giving up of strategic towns like Famagusta and Morphou?
Even so, lets consider that your argument was entertained by the GC's, on what grounds would you allow people to return to their land and not be able to stand for or elect office? You realise under EU law any such rules would be overturned in a week and that town hall of a government you and the rest of the eroglu faithful would setup would be considered null and void in a month.
You have no choices, you have no future. You can't stand alone as a government, you will be pushed aside sooner rather than later by Turkey. You will disperse and spread out into the world making the words Turkish Cypriot a phrase of the past.
There's a cancer in your community and instead of seeking treatment you are smoking Craven A's with your mates from Eskisehir.
Why are you so concerned about our health? you should have thought about that back in 1963-1974 its ours and we can live it anyway we wish..your concerns are clearly insincere as always.
Answer the question if we agreed the % would GCs accept division in exchnage for property rights?