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Mr. Christofias, be honest!

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Mr. Christofias, be honest!

Postby insan » Sat Oct 03, 2009 1:09 pm

Christofias ‘not satisfied with talks’
By Anna Hassapi

THE COMMONWEALTH Finance Minster’s meeting ended yesterday with a message from President Demetris Christofias that he has been disappointed with the outcome of the first round of Cyprus talks.

“I must tell you that I am not satisfied with the results of the first round. I expected more convergence instead of deflection on various aspects of the Cyprus problem. Unfortunately, we have not achieved that to the present,” Christofias said.

Christofias also highlighted the role played by Turkey in materializing its commitment towards finding a solution based on the agreed framework. “Words alone- without specific steps- simply prolong the current state of affairs and do not contribute to making progress,” he said.

Regarding the second round of talks that has been initiated, Christofias re-iterated his commitment to making progress. He also expressed the hope that the 50th anniversary of the foundation of the Republic of Cyprus net year would be celebrated jointly by the Greek Cypriot and the Turkish Cypriot communities.

“We have just started the second round of talks in an effort to reduce our differences and achieve agreement. Without going into details, I would say that this is a difficult but not impossible objective,” he said.

“Despite the difficulties we face at the negotiations, I am determined to make every possible attempt for the successful culmination of our efforts,” he added.


Mr. Christofias;

1- If u wish progress on talks, stop humiliating Mr. Talat by accusing him being the "puppet" of Turkey. Turkey has always been the closest and sincere ally of TCs throughout the history. Mr. Christofias, neither u nor anyone else have any right to stop any TC to cooperate and collaborate with Turks, Turkey or other states and nationals.

2- Mr. Christofias; as u well know but trying to ignore; there has never been a Cypriot nation in Cyprus. As overwhelming of GCs consider their ethnic origins as Greeks; same way the overwhelming majority of TCs consider their ethnic origins as Turkish/Turkic. Mr. Christofias, accept this reality and stop reffering to 2 communities as so-called Cypriot nation.

3- Mr. Christofias, stop hiding urself behind ur little fingers and come forward, explain to whole world that u struggle for the interests of Cyprus' Hellenism, Turkish Cypriots r a minority as all other minorities living all around the world; therefore, it's "anti-democratic" to negotiate "political equality" of a minority in a Greek nation state.

It is obvious to me that u don't have the balls to admit what goes in ur mind, Mr. Christofias...
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Postby paliometoxo » Sat Oct 03, 2009 2:46 pm

hes just saying the truth.. anyone even a blind person can see talat is puppet master of turkey.. just like the turks slam into the cypriots and go behind their backs and ask eu to forget them.. what we need is turkey to allow a re unified cyprus for talks to go anywhere and STOP insisting on two states..

i am in the minority i guess that considers myself to be cypriot and not greek anything.. its funny a tiny island of less thena million and we cant all agree even on what we are.. cypriot or GREEk cypriot or GREEKS.

well turkey outright says cyprus is another TURKISH state and its turkish and say lots of rubbish in the press..

so before you have a go at chrisfoias look at turkey and talat and the crap they come up with and do and say
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Postby insan » Sat Oct 03, 2009 2:54 pm

paliometoxo wrote:hes just saying the truth.. anyone even a blind person can see talat is puppet master of turkey.. just like the turks slam into the cypriots and go behind their backs and ask eu to forget them.. what we need is turkey to allow a re unified cyprus for talks to go anywhere and STOP insisting on two states..

i am in the minority i guess that considers myself to be cypriot and not greek anything.. its funny a tiny island of less thena million and we cant all agree even on what we are.. cypriot or GREEk cypriot or GREEKS.

well turkey outright says cyprus is another TURKISH state and its turkish and say lots of rubbish in the press..

so before you have a go at chrisfoias look at turkey and talat and the crap they come up with and do and say

Do u really, naively think that Talat would accept minority status for TCs and TCs would vote yes for it in the referandum; had Talat supposedly been allowed by Turkey? :lol:
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Postby Nikitas » Sat Oct 03, 2009 4:23 pm

Where did this minority bullshit come from?

Since 1977 we are discussing BBF, with varying interpretations put on it. It is Turkey who keeps throwing a spanner in the works and brings up "two states" and crap about legalising settlers. Most recently at the UN by Erdogan.

Not being a minority, legally speaking, because the numbers are another matter, is one thing, expecting to have a special status of a superior race is another. TCs even expect the EU to change its laws to accomodate their special status, something that has not happened in any other state with more than one ethnic group in Europe.
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Postby insan » Sat Oct 03, 2009 4:27 pm

Nikitas wrote:Where did this minority bullshit come from?

Since 1977 we are discussing BBF, with varying interpretations put on it. It is Turkey who keeps throwing a spanner in the works and brings up "two states" and crap about legalising settlers. Most recently at the UN by Erdogan.

Not being a minority, legally speaking, because the numbers are another matter, is one thing, expecting to have a special status of a superior race is another. TCs even expect the EU to change its laws to accomodate their special status, something that has not happened in any other state with more than one ethnic group in Europe.

That bs comes from a lot of ur compatriots and allusions of GC national council.
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Postby Nikitas » Sat Oct 03, 2009 4:30 pm

Can you point to any GC politician who rejects the equality of the two constituent states of the proposed federation?
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Postby paliometoxo » Sat Oct 03, 2009 4:41 pm

Nikitas wrote:Where did this minority bullshit come from?

Since 1977 we are discussing BBF, with varying interpretations put on it. It is Turkey who keeps throwing a spanner in the works and brings up "two states" and crap about legalising settlers. Most recently at the UN by Erdogan.

Not being a minority, legally speaking, because the numbers are another matter, is one thing, expecting to have a special status of a superior race is another. TCs even expect the EU to change its laws to accomodate their special status, something that has not happened in any other state with more than one ethnic group in Europe.

and in the north of cyprus the illigal state they created they are not a minority?

turkey is the one that wants eu and the tcs and they shouldent expect eu to change any laws to suite them.. if they want eu so badly they should change their stance and accept the laws instead of trying to change them to suite them
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Postby repulsewarrior » Sun Oct 04, 2009 12:40 am

...insan, two states solutions are not bicommunal. equalities as equals can be defined as an internal matter of Cypriots, but as Cypriots, it really should not matter what ethnic origin you have. This is the modern State that is expected of us from the rest of the world.
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Postby insan » Sun Oct 04, 2009 12:45 am

Nikitas wrote:Can you point to any GC politician who rejects the equality of the two constituent states of the proposed federation?

Equality of the 2 constituent states? No, Nikitas; equality of 2 communities which have 2 different ethnic origins and r rivals for more than 400 years because of various reasons... Constituent states r not equals, the 2 communities r politically equals, thus their constituent states have equal status.
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Postby insan » Sun Oct 04, 2009 12:50 am

repulsewarrior wrote:...insan, two states solutions are not bicommunal. equalities as equals can be defined as an internal matter of Cypriots, but as Cypriots, it really should not matter what ethnic origin you have. This is the modern State that is expected of us from the rest of the world.

I have respect for all that happens in ur dream world but these r not realities based on facts regarding 2 communities of Cyprus.

U say, let's assume we r all Cypriots... blah, blah... this ship does not move with ur assumptions, RP.
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