by Main_Source » Thu Jul 21, 2005 12:25 pm aint it.
Funny thing is...when i said i woukd complain to admin about the comments made...I was doing it to show that I could be petty too (like some other people)...not my fault everyone took it seriously lol.
The only thing I didnt like about all that was that you guys thought you were funny...but the jokes were so stale and boring after a while, that I couldnt get over how little ammo you had...same old jokes all the time. Even worse when you had the two bandwaggonists, Demetriou and Pete, thinking they were funny with the same old posts...mainly because you and Brother set such a low benchmark for something funny.
I didnt find it offensive, just extremely annoying...cos as funny as you thought you guys turned SHIT after a little while lol.