can you please rephrase the question, i'm not too clear what you are asking.
Rafaella wrote: And one of the things you fail to understand is that the occupation army is keeping you isolated from the rest of the world for more than 30 years ...
Turkcyp wrote: For GCs EOKA was freedom fighters and Turkish army is doing occupation and had attempted ethnic cleansing.
Murtaza wrote: So why do you think, they dont call army of Turkey as occupiers?
gabaston wrote:rafaella
can you please rephrase the question, i'm not too clear what you are asking.
RAFAELLA wrote: Trs & Tcs are the clever and right ones and the rest of the world is stupid and incorrect?...it can't be!![]()
erolz wrote:RAFAELLA wrote: Trs & Tcs are the clever and right ones and the rest of the world is stupid and incorrect?...it can't be!![]()
Could the same not be said of GC with regard to the Annan Plan. The UN, the UK, USA, EU and all the other agencies that supported the annan plan were stupid and incorrect and the GC are the clever and right ones?
MicAtCyp wrote:Murtaza wrote: So why do you think, they dont call army of Turkey as occupiers?
Read the reply of Turkcyp and you will understand.
RAFAELLA wrote:gabaston wrote:rafaella
can you please rephrase the question, i'm not too clear what you are asking.
Gabaston, Tcs claim that the invasion was legal, they claim that the occupation and the presence of the turkish army in Cy is legal, am I right?
IF what they claim is correct THEN WHY no country has recognised the bastard child of TR, "TRNC", all those years?
IF everything was and is legal, WHY for more than 30 years Tcs are isolated and have their "state" unrecognised?
Trs & Tcs are the clever and right ones and the rest of the world is stupid and incorrect?...it can't be!![]()
There are many UN resolutions regarding the invasion & occupation, there are many ECHR decisions, why they don't bother to take note of all these and understand the wrong doings of TR?
I believe I am clear enough.
Turkey (( * wrote:RAFAELLA wrote:gabaston wrote:rafaella
can you please rephrase the question, i'm not too clear what you are asking.
Gabaston, Tcs claim that the invasion was legal, they claim that the occupation and the presence of the turkish army in Cy is legal, am I right?
IF what they claim is correct THEN WHY no country has recognised the bastard child of TR, "TRNC", all those years?
IF everything was and is legal, WHY for more than 30 years Tcs are isolated and have their "state" unrecognised?
Trs & Tcs are the clever and right ones and the rest of the world is stupid and incorrect?...it can't be!![]()
There are many UN resolutions regarding the invasion & occupation, there are many ECHR decisions, why they don't bother to take note of all these and understand the wrong doings of TR?
I believe I am clear enough.
Rafaella, I don't want a deep discussion on this but just an answer: how come the OIC countries are keen on starting trade and Azerbaijan starting direct flights??
gabaston wrote:Rafaella
You are quite clear. now let me be clear. Should you wish any selfrespecting tc to respectfully answer your question, please ask it respectfully. If you wait for me to answer a question about your proclaimed "bastard child" you will wait a long time.
In fact the more i think of your loaded question the more insulted i feel. i suggest tc's do not respond to any more of your questions or comments until you withdraw your prejudicial question and apologise.
you twice asked for a ruling on the legitimacy of the invasion. i posted you one from the court of greece, and you didn't even have the decency to show gratitude for my efforts on your behalf.
one more thing without a constitutioin there is no legality, only assumed legality, by your side and our side, irrespective of world opinions. for instance is it illegal for Azerbaijan to recognise TC? or is it illegal for USA to recognise tc? unless we reach a settlement soon that day will come.
choose your leaders wisely, and may they for your sake take a more civil approach to tc ooops "i mean turks" than you.
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