Sophia1 wrote:Hey your quite a nice guyI STILL Love Cyprus hun for ever I will But I know I come across mouthy but Im so not and I never went to Cy to change or show off like other English Cypriot Idiots who give us a bad name. What was said? Im sure they never meant it though.. Stuff like You will never be Cypriot, English Product, MISSO TOUS ENKLEZOUS KAI TOUS AMERICANOUS.. Oh mate the best one was when I went to buy a paper and was asked if my father was ok? I said yeah why? Oh because there was an English Greek who shot him self and I thought it was your Father? I said nothing... I went home, called my dad and he said that's it enough come home..
im sorry to hear that.. some people can just be rude and make you feel bad and they dont stop to think what effect it has ont he other person..
a lot of friends from uni dont speak a word of greek i dont make fun of them or tell them stupid english.
i have cousins in england and none of them speak much greek.
like the other english cypriot who show off? about what? that they are english-cypriot and speaka nother language other then english?
so now cyprus is just holiday for you?