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How can we solve it? (keep it civilized)


Postby bill cobbett » Wed Sep 30, 2009 7:37 pm


TRNC President Mehmet Ali Talat has underlined the need for the United Nations to stand against the Greek Cypriot Side’s attempts to change standing UN-parameters on the Cyprus issue.

Speaking just minutes after his arrival to the TRNC from the United States this morning, Talat said “during my discussions, we drew attention to the struggle launched by the Greek Cypriot Side to change the UN Parameters and underlined the need for the UN to stop this”.

Mr Talat warned that the trust in the United Nations would weaken and the solution of the Cyprus problem would become more difficult if the UN keeps silent about the Greek Cypriot Side’s attempts.

Referring to the statement issued by the Greek Cypriot Leader Dimitris Christofias at the UN General Assembly, Talat said `he didn’t only accuse Turkey of being an occupation force in Cyprus but also said that the Republic of Cyprus would turn into federation through evolution and will consist of two autonomous regions`.

`This is an approach ignoring the UN parameters and the 23 May agreement which refers to issues such as two founding states, political equality and Turkish and Greek Cypriot founding states`.

`We explained this while we were in New York` he said, stressing that it was out of question for the Turkish Side to accept this.

He stated that he had urged the UN Chief to stand against Greek Cypriot attempts towards changing the resolutions adopted by the United Nations and the UN Security Council.

`The Greek Cypriot Leader did not only violate the 23 May Agreement but tried to distort it` the President said, adding that Christofias changed his position after the last meeting of the Greek Cypriot Nation Council just to satisfy the opposition within the Council.

Accusing the Greek Cypriot Leader of taking backward steps whenever he faced criticism, he said `courage is needed to succeed in brining a solution… We are facing similar criticisms but we are not taking backward steps`.

The President also said that he had invited the UN Chief to Cyprus and expressed the hope that the visit would be realized in spite of the fact that Mr Ban did not have such plans.

Asked to comment on a recent statement made by the Greek Cypriot Leader on Maraş(Varosa), he repeated that the issue could only be solved as part of a comprehensive solution to the Cyprus problem.

Propaganda Alert

Propaganda Alert

I thought it was MARCH 23 Agreement.
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Postby insan » Wed Sep 30, 2009 7:40 pm

Viewpoint wrote:Exactly where is Kikapu???

President Talat reconfirms what I have been saying;

`This is an approach ignoring the UN parameters and the 23 May agreement which refers to issues such as two founding states, political equality and Turkish and Greek Cypriot founding states`.

Christofias defending the national interests of his own people. He perforce fight for the interests of Hellenism... this is what he inherited from his predecessors. He has to represent the national interests of GCs.

His only wrong is attempting to do some things he is not able to do. His will to revising GC history text books was one of the most significant but obviously he is not able to even attempt to it.

"There is still time for Turkey to comply. It is just a matter of Turkey’s realizing in time that there will be no special handling or shortcuts. Turkey has to see that the Union doesn’t work that way. We will determine our stance depending on Turkey’s response and based on our national interests and the interests of the EU; that is, the protection of European principles, European values and the European acquis."

Bakoyannis, Athens , 3 September 2009 ... 2600707524
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Postby halil » Wed Sep 30, 2009 8:13 pm

8 July Agreement
Decision by the two leaders
The Technical Committees on issues that affect the day to day life of people will commence
by the end of July provided that, at the same time, the two Leaders will also have exchanged a
list of issues of substance and its contents to be studied by expert bi-communal working
groups and finalized by the Leaders.
The two Leaders will meet further, from time to time as appropriate, to give directions to the
expert bi-communal working groups as well as to review the work of the Technical
Set of Principles
1. Commitment to the unification of Cyprus based on a bi-zonal, bi-communal federation
and political equality, as set out in the relevant Security Council resolutions.
2. Recognition of the fact that the status quo is unacceptable and that its prolongation
would have negative consequences for the Turkish and Greek Cypriots.
3. Commitment to the proposition that a comprehensive settlement is both desirable and
possible, and should not be further delayed.
4. Agreement to begin a process immediately, involving bi-communal discussion of issues
that affect the day to day life of the people and concurrently those that concern substantive
issues, both of which will contribute to a comprehensive settlement.
5. Commitment to ensure that the ‘right atmosphere’ prevails for this process to be
successful. In that connection, confidence building measures are essential, both in terms of
improving the atmosphere and improving the life of all Turkish and Greek Cypriots. Also in
that connection, an end must be put to the so-called ‘blame game’.

23 May Agreement
The Leaders today had genuine and fruitful discussions, and reviewed the results achieved pursuant to the 21
March agreement.
They reaffirmed their commitment to a bi-zonal, bi-communal federation with political equality, as defined by relevant Security Council resolutions. This partnership will have a Federal Government with a single international personality, as well as a Turkish Cypriot Constituent State and a Greek Cypriot Constituent State, which will be of equal status.
They instructed their Representatives to examine, within 15 days, the results of the technical committees.
The Representatives will consider civilian and military confidence-building measures. They will also pursue the opening of Limnitis/Yeşilırmak and other crossing points.
The Leaders decided to come together again in the second half of June to make a new assessment.

Joint Statement
Greek Cypriot Leader Demetris Christofias and Turkish Cypriot Leader Mehmet Ali Talat
On 1 July 2008
“The two Leaders met today in a positive and cooperative atmosphere.
They undertook a first review of the work of the Working Groups and Technical Committees.
They discussed the issues of single sovereignty and citizenship which they agreed in principle. They agreed to discuss the details of their implementation during the full-fledged negotiations.
They agreed to meet on 25 July when they will undertake the final review of the Working Groups and Technical Committees.”
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Postby Kikapu » Wed Sep 30, 2009 9:12 pm

Viewpoint wrote:Exactly where is Kikapu???

President Talat reconfirms what I have been saying;

`This is an approach ignoring the UN parameters and the 23 May agreement which refers to issues such as two founding states, political equality and Turkish and Greek Cypriot founding states`.

So what in what you and Talat says. Is it reality or wishful thinking.? I looked at what Halil posted, which you agreed with that posting, and it did not make any mention of "Founding States". Now, Talat may have interpreted as being that when he agreed to a Turkish Cypriot Constituent State and a Greek Cypriot Constituent State, but that will be his fault as well as yours for taking things out of context. Now, you would think the UN would have said to Talat in New York, “Mr. Talat, you are correct and that the Christofias is changing the rules as he goes along", but they did not, otherwise Talat would have told us that too. The above states is what will become from a Federal system with two Federal states as the case is in the US.

Do you remember after Talat came out of that meeting with Christofias and the UN rep after agreeing to the above agreement March 2008, that many radicals in the north were calling him names and wanted to literally killing him for agreeing to the above agreement, because it does not spell out “Founding states” as it did very clearly in the Annan Plan and it also stated for a Single International Personality for all citizens of the United Cyprus. I even remember Talat telling these radicals that, “it only makes sense to have just one single International Personality as the case is with any country”. Talat was correct of course in saying that, but perhaps he made a mistake in agreeing to this new UN plan by getting his terminology all backwards which he has tried since then to make changes to it, but it will not work, because he put his signature on the agreement by not knowing exactly what he was signing. Even Kifeas first thought that Christofias too made a mistake and had agreed to a “Founding States” until such terms above can mean something different in a Federation as Bill C points out in the below quote.

Halil wrote:March agreement.
They reaffirmed their commitment to a bi-zonal, bi-communal federation with political equality, as defined by relevant Security Council resolutions. This partnership will have a Federal Government with a single international personality, as well as a Turkish Cypriot Constituent State and a Greek Cypriot Constituent State, which will be of equal status.

Bill wrote:Security Council
5869th Meeting (PM)



Presidential Statement Commends Political Leadership Shown,
Expresses Hope Preparatory Process for Negotiations Builds Trust, Momentum

The United Nations Security Council this afternoon welcomed the 21 March agreement between the Greek Cypriot and Turkish Cypriot leaders and commended them for the political leadership shown to tackle issues that had obstructed progress to the reunification of Cyprus.

In a statement read out by its President, Dumisani S. Kumalo of South Africa, the Council said it was encouraged by the launch of the working groups and the technical committees that would prepare the ground for beginning fully fledged negotiations, in a spirit of good faith, on a comprehensive, durable settlement under the auspices of the Secretary-General’s good offices mission. The Council looked forward to the results of that preparatory process within the three-month timeline agreed to by the two leaders, which it hoped would build trust, momentum and a sense of common interest in the search for a just, lasting solution.

Further to that text, the Council welcomed the opening of the Ledra Street crossing -- an important signal that both sides sought to improve the lives of all Cypriots -- and to the furthering of such confidence-building measures.

The Council also reaffirmed its commitment to the reunification of Cyprus based on a bicommunal, bizonal federation and political equality, as set out in relevant Council resolutions, and its willingness to support the Secretary-General’s efforts to that end. Further, it welcomed the Secretary-General’s readiness to assist the parties in Cyprus and the prospect of appointing, after the completion of a preparatory period and based on progress, a special adviser to facilitate movement towards a comprehensive settlement.

The Council also welcomed the appointment of Tayé-Brook Zerihoun as the Secretary-General’s new Special Representative to Cyprus and expressed its appreciation for the work of his predecessor, Michael Møller.

The meeting convened at 5:40 p.m. and adjourned at 5:45 p.m.

Presidential Statement

The full text of president statement S/PRST/2008/9 reads as follows:

“The Security Council warmly welcomes the agreement reached on 21 March 2008 by the Greek Cypriot and Turkish Cypriot leaders and commends them for the political leadership they have shown.

“The Security Council is encouraged by the launch of the Working Groups and the Technical Committees that will prepare the ground for the start of fully fledged negotiations, in a spirit of good faith, on a comprehensive and durable settlement under the auspices of the Secretary-General’s Good Offices Mission. The Security Council looks forward to the results of this preparatory process within the three-month timeline agreed by the two leaders, which it is hoped will build trust, momentum and a sense of common interest in the search for a just and lasting solution.

“The Security Council further welcomes the opening of the Ledra Street crossing, as an indication of political will to tackle issues that have obstructed progress, and an important signal that both sides seek to improve the lives of all Cypriots. The Security Council looks forward to further such confidence-building measures.

“The Security Council reaffirms its commitment to the reunification of Cyprus based on a bicommunal, bizonal federation and political equality, as set out in the relevant Security Council resolutions, and its willingness to support the efforts of the Secretary-General to this end. In this context, the Security Council welcomes the readiness of the Secretary-General to assist the parties in Cyprus, and further welcomes the prospect of the appointment, after the completion of the preparatory period and based on progress, of a Special Adviser to facilitate movement towards a comprehensive settlement.

“The Security Council welcomes the appointment of Tayé-Brook Zerihoun as the Secretary-General’s new Special Representative to Cyprus, and expresses its appreciation for the work of the previous Special Representative, Michael Møller.”

* *** *

Would Halil and Viewpoint like to tell us where this differs from their version please.

Here are some clues. What's missing? Is the emphasis the same? Where's the capitalisation?

Takes on a different meaning now doesn't it?
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Postby Viewpoint » Wed Sep 30, 2009 11:01 pm

We will stand our ground and fight for what we believe is right. Well done President Talat.
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Postby Kikapu » Wed Sep 30, 2009 11:42 pm

Viewpoint wrote:We will stand our ground and fight for what we believe is right. Well done President Talat.

Thanks for the concession (in a round about way) on your "Founding State" claim . I'm sure it was very painful for you not finding the words "Founding States" in Halil's post. What you may believe that is your right is one thing, but how you change what Talat already agreed on, is another when those in higher places are just keeping with the document that he signed. Is there any wonder why the UN and the EU is not making demands to accommodate Talat and his wishes. The only thing Talat can do now not to go along with this agreement, is to let these talks die and hope for another document to be signed by others in the future, assuming the GCs will go along with it. My guess is a NO, and this is as far as they will go from a Unitary state to a Federal state, but not to 2 Founding states when so many GCs have their homes, land and history in the north. I would still like to know from you, how come you like this agreement and not my BBF plan.? Doesn't my BBF plan comply with this agreement. I know it does not comply with an independent two state solution, and that's because I didn't read "Founding States" anywhere.!
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Postby Viewpoint » Thu Oct 01, 2009 12:04 am

Kikapu wrote:
Viewpoint wrote:We will stand our ground and fight for what we believe is right. Well done President Talat.

Thanks for the concession (in a round about way) on your "Founding State" claim . I'm sure it was very painful for you not finding the words "Founding States" in Halil's post. What you may believe that is your right is one thing, but how you change what Talat already agreed on, is another when those in higher places are just keeping with the document that he signed. Is there any wonder why the UN and the EU is not making demands to accommodate Talat and his wishes. The only thing Talat can do now not to go along with this agreement, is to let these talks die and hope for another document to be signed by others in the future, assuming the GCs will go along with it. My guess is a NO, and this is as far as they will go from a Unitary state to a Federal state, but not to 2 Founding states when so many GCs have their homes, land and history in the north. I would still like to know from you, how come you like this agreement and not my BBF plan.? Doesn't my BBF plan comply with this agreement. I know it does not comply with an independent two state solution, and that's because I didn't read "Founding States" anywhere.!

Your plan is flawed and you tried to sell us capitulation packaged with a bow.
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Postby Nikitas » Thu Oct 01, 2009 12:28 am


Can you please point out the phrase "founding state" in the text of the May agreement?

Can you point out which federal regions in Australia, Canada, Germany, Belgium, Switzerland and other federations are regarded as "founding states"?

Just say it clearly so we can all understand that you would like a confederation and not a federation and then we can have a proper discussion.

"23 May Agreement
The Leaders today had genuine and fruitful discussions, and reviewed the results achieved pursuant to the 21
March agreement.
They reaffirmed their commitment to a bi-zonal, bi-communal federation with political equality, as defined by relevant Security Council resolutions. This partnership will have a Federal Government with a single international personality, as well as a Turkish Cypriot Constituent State and a Greek Cypriot Constituent State, which will be of equal status.
They instructed their Representatives to examine, within 15 days, the results of the technical committees.
The Representatives will consider civilian and military confidence-building measures. They will also pursue the opening of Limnitis/Yeşilırmak and other crossing points.
The Leaders decided to come together again in the second half of June to make a new assessment."
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Postby Get Real! » Thu Oct 01, 2009 12:29 am

Viewpoint wrote:
Kikapu wrote:
Viewpoint wrote:We will stand our ground and fight for what we believe is right. Well done President Talat.

Thanks for the concession (in a round about way) on your "Founding State" claim . I'm sure it was very painful for you not finding the words "Founding States" in Halil's post. What you may believe that is your right is one thing, but how you change what Talat already agreed on, is another when those in higher places are just keeping with the document that he signed. Is there any wonder why the UN and the EU is not making demands to accommodate Talat and his wishes. The only thing Talat can do now not to go along with this agreement, is to let these talks die and hope for another document to be signed by others in the future, assuming the GCs will go along with it. My guess is a NO, and this is as far as they will go from a Unitary state to a Federal state, but not to 2 Founding states when so many GCs have their homes, land and history in the north. I would still like to know from you, how come you like this agreement and not my BBF plan.? Doesn't my BBF plan comply with this agreement. I know it does not comply with an independent two state solution, and that's because I didn't read "Founding States" anywhere.!

Your plan is flawed and you tried to sell us capitulation packaged with a bow.

The bow was my idea… :oops:
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Postby GeorgeV97qaue » Thu Oct 01, 2009 12:33 am

It all gone quite I wonder why.
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