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Eroglu: Morphou will not be sacrificed

How can we solve it? (keep it civilized)

Postby Bananiot » Tue Sep 29, 2009 6:57 pm


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Postby Hermes » Tue Sep 29, 2009 7:04 pm

Kikapu wrote:
You are assuming of course, that this is all for real. The question is, will Turkey keep Morphou for the sake of losing the EU.? Will Turkey keep the north for sake of losing the EU.? I don't think so.!

2004 AP was not just about Morphou where it was a make or break deal to have a settlement. I don't need to tell you, that it was not.!

I find it hard to believe that G/Cs will accept a plan that didn't involve the return of Morphou to their rightful owners. Even that was part of the hated Annan Plan. Why would they accept less?

Besides, don't the Turks realise that they can't insist on keeping anything as not even Christofias can negotiate away the property rights of the original owners. Isn't that the point of the Orams' case?
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Postby Kikapu » Tue Sep 29, 2009 7:09 pm

Bananiot wrote:STACY!


Fine looking animal.

Better looking than some of the two legged one's I’ve seen here on the forum, for sure.! :lol:
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Postby Lit » Tue Sep 29, 2009 7:28 pm

Bananiot wrote:The Annan plan gave Morphou back to its rightful owners. May be it wasn't that bad after all. Worth noting that the residents of Morphou voted in favour for the Annan plan back in 2004 and in effect, many of them, were prepared to become refugees for the 3rd time in their lifetime.

So you really expected the poachers of the past to turn themselves into the honest gamekeepers of the future? The “implementation” of the Plan in general depended upon the good will of Turkey to fulfill the obligations it assumed in the plan. The monitoring Committee were composed of representatives of the guarantor powers. This plan had no teeth LOL You can trust Turkey all you want but Cypriots aren't that naive. Worth noting that before i created this thread, i knew you or your sock puppet would post something like the drivel above. Just saying.
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Postby Kikapu » Tue Sep 29, 2009 7:30 pm

Hermes wrote:
Kikapu wrote:
You are assuming of course, that this is all for real. The question is, will Turkey keep Morphou for the sake of losing the EU.? Will Turkey keep the north for sake of losing the EU.? I don't think so.!

2004 AP was not just about Morphou where it was a make or break deal to have a settlement. I don't need to tell you, that it was not.!

I find it hard to believe that G/Cs will accept a plan that didn't involve the return of Morphou to their rightful owners. Even that was part of the hated Annan Plan. Why would they accept less?

Besides, don't the Turks realise that they can't insist on keeping anything as not even Christofias can negotiate away the property rights of the original owners. Isn't that the point of the Orams' case?

You are correct, of course, that Christofias cannot negotiate any part of the GCs properties away now, as he may have been able to in the past, unless it makes sense to do so for sake of peace, which some land will have to be forfeited for cash or exchange by the GC refugees, as long as they are only losing their properties to the potential north state under a Federal country along with the south state and not losing it to the north to become another country, as may well be the desires by the NeoPartitionist. This is why Talat has lost a great deal of negotiation power on the GC properties in my opinion since the ECJ ruling on the Orams case. The north has nothing to lose but play "hardball" with their demands, but ultimately, it is all in the hands of Turkey to decide what's more important for her in the long run. Even in most extreme case of Turkey annexing the north, the GCs refugees will not lose their claim to their land and will make everyone's life miserable in the 27 EU nations courts of all those living on their properties.
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Postby YFred » Tue Sep 29, 2009 7:38 pm

Kikapu wrote:
Bananiot wrote:STACY!


Fine looking animal.

Better looking than some of the two legged one's I’ve seen here on the forum, for sure.! :lol:

I wouldn't mind betting that if it sees sheep it'll get very excited. So keep away. Otherwise the poor dog will get accused of being ferocious.
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Postby zan » Tue Sep 29, 2009 9:34 pm

Hermes wrote:
Kikapu wrote:
You are assuming of course, that this is all for real. The question is, will Turkey keep Morphou for the sake of losing the EU.? Will Turkey keep the north for sake of losing the EU.? I don't think so.!

2004 AP was not just about Morphou where it was a make or break deal to have a settlement. I don't need to tell you, that it was not.!

I find it hard to believe that G/Cs will accept a plan that didn't involve the return of Morphou to their rightful owners. Even that was part of the hated Annan Plan. Why would they accept less?

Besides, don't the Turks realise that they can't insist on keeping anything as not even Christofias can negotiate away the property rights of the original owners. Isn't that the point of the Orams' case?

He could be tricking you and taking you down the road of compensation and no right of return..... :wink:
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Postby Bananiot » Tue Sep 29, 2009 9:43 pm

You are so clever Lit, we are really amazed at your ability to predict responses. Your IQ must be well into the 70's.

If you want something to laugh about, look at the responses (quite predictable but I will not brag about it) of our patriotic politicians, to the Pascoe statement. Omirou and Karoyan basically told the government to report the UN to the ... UN. This the maximum scope of the rejectionists. They think we can get Morphou and Famagusta back by reporting Turkey and anyone that says something which they do not find palatable.

By the way, if Turkey will not honour her signature, why the hell are we negotiating for anything with Turkey? Perhaps this is the time to declare war, as GR suggested, but we will place restrictions on the Turks to kill maximum 20 000 of us, as this bagger suggested last year.

So much stupidity by so few people!
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Postby humanist » Tue Sep 29, 2009 10:16 pm

Morphou has already been sacrificed you idiotic moron and has been so for 35 years ...... I really feel sorry fro the TC's for they have some stupid people batting for their team.
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Postby Viewpoint » Tue Sep 29, 2009 10:22 pm

humanist wrote:Morphou has already been sacrificed you idiotic moron and has been so for 35 years ...... I really feel sorry fro the TC's for they have some stupid people batting for their team.

Seams to be working 35 years and you have not taken 1 inch of land back viva the next 100...really pity the GC side they neither have the vision desire nor the capability to bring the 2 sides together.
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