While the ruling and opposition parties were using Turkey as leverage in the election campaigns, the ultra-right and leftists drew a far different picture for Greek-Turkish relations.
Ultra-nationalist LAOS used “Say no to Macedonia and Turkey” as one of its main electoral slogans and its well-known leader, Giorgos Karatzaferis, tried to formulate a collective emotion of hatred against everyone who does not support LAOS policies. “If I become prime minister, I will stop all this foolishness of a one-sided, friendly approach toward Turkey,” Karatzaferis said in a recent interview.
In the meantime, the leftists, who believe that Turkey and Greece have many things in common, said the two nations should not allow foreign imperialistic powers such as the United States to harm Greek-Turkish relations for their increasing profits by selling weapons to two countries.
Christos Poulakis, a journalist and member of leftist Synaspismos party, said: “The differences between Greece and Turkey are totally generated by Washington. The people of the two countries have nothing to divide them.”
http://www.hurriyetdailynews.com/n.php? ... 2009-09-28
Judging by the posts of almost all Greek and GC members of this forum; ultra-nationalists' Laos party would be the most suitable political party for them to vote for.

However, Garacafer should first of all get rid of Turkish origin surname of himself.