Obviously, I am wasting my time in here. Some of you here have no idea about discussing a subject in a civilized manner. Some can't express feelings without insulting the other party.
Have fun all of you! I am outta here!
jesus wrote:Obviously, I am wasting my time in here. Some of you here have no idea about discussing a subject in a civilized manner. Some can't express feelings without insulting the other party.
Have fun all of you! I am outta here!
Viewpoint wrote:TCs only refer to compensation for GCs if it is beyond a realistic possiblity for that individual to get back what they owned pre 1974, we never dictate that that individual should be paid off and told to leave the island where he belongs, why do you do this????
Viewpoint wrote:magikthrill you are right under normal conditions but we have an anomaly situation which calls for measure that will help elivate mistrust and build a common goal, we cant get from level 0 to 10 in one jump we have to take it in stages building trust.
Those GCs that reside in the TCCS can freely cast their vote but intially for Candidates in the GCCS that they feel can respresent them. After an agree interim period and building of trust this can be reviewed and if both sides agree can be adjusted along the lines of other countires within the EU.
Is this so unrealistic??
abslutely not. and i am quite shocked you said something like this. the problem we have the lies in who gets to go back to their ancestral home and who doesn't.
ive always proposed that the initial TC refugees and their descendants be subtracted from the GC refugees and their descendants and those should be offered to return to their homes.
whatchu think about that?
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