If a solution does come about, it seems there will always be parties that represent only one community.
What needs to happen is that parties need to represent EVERY cypriot, be s/he TC, GC, Armenian, Latin, Christian, Muslim etc.
If this happens, then i beleive a solution would be much more likely as the parties involved would be striving towards the same ends, for all cypriots, rather than just the one community.
Also, in the long term, pan-cypriot parties would make cyprus much more stable, politically, and i feel this would filter through to society.
If these types of parties develop soon, i think a solution would come sooner too.
It is easy for communist/socialist parties to represent everyone, due to their ideological belief against 'nationalism'(although this can be questioned), but one day, i would like to see a party on the right of politics which represents all cypriots, not just seperate communities.
What do people feel about parties which represent every cypriot, not just each community, is it the way forward?
I found this party.... http://www.yenikibris.org/ybh/congress8/index.htm
are there others?