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Integration of North and South is inevitable

How can we solve it? (keep it civilized)

Postby insan » Mon Sep 28, 2009 9:46 pm

Christine Toskos wrote:Ayhan. He claims to be Greek Cypriot because he is ashamed of the Turks living in America. He considers Turks of Turkey as inferior.

R all ur kindergarten students, Greek, or?
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Postby Christine Toskos » Mon Sep 28, 2009 9:57 pm

Sex professor. There is only one Turkish Cypriot in NY who passes himself as Greek. The other Turks are from Turkey. They are involved with this al Queda cell. Don't you watch the news or CNN?
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Postby insan » Mon Sep 28, 2009 10:30 pm

Christine Toskos wrote:Sex professor. There is only one Turkish Cypriot in NY who passes himself as Greek. The other Turks are from Turkey. They are involved with this al Queda cell. Don't you watch the news or CNN?

Turkish Prime Minister and Turkish Cypriot President In Oic Reception

NEW YORK (A.A) - 26.09.2009 - Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan and President Mehmet Ali Talat of Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus (TRNC) met in the 40th anniversary reception of the Organization of the Islamic Conference (OIC) in New York on Friday.
Turkish Foreign Minister Ahmet Davutoglu also attended the meeting.

Erdogan, who held a meeting with UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon in the reception, said that the UN Secretary General should be involved in Cyprus talks process too. Erdogan added that Ban Ki-moon was positive about the issue.

Meanwhile, Talat told reporters that he held a meeting with EU High Commissioner Javier Solana in the UN, and briefed him about the recent developments in Cyprus.

Talat said that he met with Qatar's foreign minister, adding that Qatar supported Turkish Cypriots and their rights in OIC, thus, it was an important country for TRNC.

Talat noted that he also met with Dutch foreign minister and conveyed the recent developments about Cyprus problem.

Regarding the speech of Greek Cypriot leader Demetris Christofias in UN General Assembly, Talat said that Christofias distorted the facts and blamed Turkey, but Turkey was strongly supporting the solution and following a very constructive policy.

Talat said that Christofias should remember the year 2004, adding that it was the Greek Cypriot administration which rejected the solution.

He added that the responsibility of insolubility belonged to Greek Cypriot administration, not Turkey.
Talat is expected to meet UN Secretary General on Monday. ... -Reception
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Postby denizaksulu » Mon Sep 28, 2009 11:29 pm

Christine Toskos wrote:Turkey doesn't make weapons. The weapons they have come from the US because they were important during the cold war. Now the cold war is over. Turkey is no longer important. Their citizens are fighting not with the West but with al Queda. Without weapons they armies are useless.

Correction Christine. Turkey is an arms manufacturer and it also makes fighter jets under licence. They provide these to many countries in the middle east. I do not approve of arms sales to others, but there you are. ... Industries ... tu-ssm.htm
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Postby Get Real! » Mon Sep 28, 2009 11:44 pm

Christine Toskos wrote:Back in 1963, no one force Turkish Cypriots to leave. If we did why did most remain on our Greek island? Why do the Turkish Cypriots speak Greek instead of Turkish? I know Turkish Cypriots who are so ashamed that the call themselves Greek Cypriots than be compared to the Turks of Turkey. On Turk told me he is so ashamed of the Turks of Turkey he rather be anything but a Turk.

I know at least one person who is so ashamed to be associated with illiterate Greeks like yourself, all because of a most inappropriate label…
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Postby Christine Toskos » Tue Sep 29, 2009 12:23 am

Look is calling the kettle black} Get Real. The Cypriot nation has more educated people than all of Turkey.
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Postby Get Real! » Tue Sep 29, 2009 12:51 am

Christine Toskos wrote:Look is calling the kettle black} Get Real. The Cypriot nation has more educated people than all of Turkey.

You’ve got a word missing... it must be your superior Greek education. :lol:
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Re: Integration of North and South is inevitable

Postby repulsewarrior » Tue Sep 29, 2009 1:58 am

YFred wrote:
Oracle wrote:
Oracle wrote:
Kibrisli Turk wrote: ... If our leaders fail to unify the island before next April and Eroglu gets into power, then I believe that either a war is going to break out as we Turkish Cypriots are frustrated or we will be forced to live under the Republic of Turkey, which would be a disaster.

Are you saying that there are TCs who are so frustrated, they are ready and willing to go to war with Turkey?

Hello Kibrisli Turk

I am really interested in the (theoretical) possibility that there may exist a size-able number of TCs who would put the RoC first and foremost, before Turkey, and would even be willing to go to war against their oppressors.

Unless, I may have misunderstood the above where you say "a war is going to break out as we Turkish Cypriots are frustrated"?

I wonder, if the RoC supported such a war whether the TCs would fight, alongside the GCs, against the Turks?

I would really appreciate a reply as this possibility represents a glimmer of hope for the future of TCs ....

I don't wish to put words in his mouth, but I think the war he is refering to is between TC and GC, although if he disagrees he will soon tell us.

At the expense of repeating myself yet again, how do you expect the TC to struggle against Turkey if they are totally dependent on her financially. If GRoC had half a cell for a brain, they would remove isolation and help TC economy grow along and with the GRoC economy each depending on the other. It is when the two economies work together that war is impossible. It is also then that the TCs would be able to stand on their own two feet and come out of the wood work to struggle against Turkey and remove her from Cyprus for once and for all. It will not be done via violence, it will be done politically. How can Turkey keep troops there if TRoC parliament wishes otherwise? simple, sooner or later youths will meet; and there will be some older leaders, they will express a desire for the self expresson we speak of. already the spark is there, we have seen its glimmer on walls and the internet, (fortunate ourselves to speak to these heros personally), because they are not just "Turks", as Turks, they are Human.

KT, you don't know how much it warms my heart to have read your post, and having read it I know you suffer like me; a Cypriot.

YFred, i wish you would consider a Bicommunal Federation: three governments; a Central Government, the State, who we elect to protect our Individual Rights, as our representative Sovereign over the territory this island represents for us, its dwellers, (this i imagine is what O and several members propose as ideal) yet to sustain our Identities as Persons, National Assemblies will serve their territories ethnicly as a majority, demonstrating the goodwill and the capacity to provide for the special needs of the minorities that live amongst them.

in this context, i encourage you to consider the effect of having an extension of our communities geographically, by providing for the return of villages and/or townships to their rightful owners, so that the strong ties Cypriots developed socially can be shared again (please read my manifesto). what is wrong with Turkish towns in the south? why shouldn't there be the same retribution for Greek speaking Cypriots in the north? what guarantees our Freedom, our Movement, our Association, and Expression if it is not this kind of Grace.
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Postby Christine Toskos » Tue Sep 29, 2009 2:07 am

Do the Turkish Cypriots really want to be enslaved by an inferior people like TURKEY? I doubt it. What can they do? They saw what Turks do when they don't get their way! They kill!
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Postby Get Real! » Tue Sep 29, 2009 2:09 am

Christine Toskos wrote:Do the Turkish Cypriots really want to be enslaved by an inferior people like TURKEY? I doubt it. What can they do? They saw what Turks do when they don't get their way! They kill!

Many Turkish Cypriots would want to live in a free democratic Cyprus but Greek Nationalist cunts like you are preventing them from having any faith in their GC compatriots, and who would blame them…
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