Christine Toskos wrote:Hi Fred:
Are you still trying to spread your racist views against Christianity? What the Western Europeans, Spaniards, French, Dutch, English, did the Native Americans was criminal at best. What the Turks did to us is worst! But, being educated by Turks what do you expect? A decent education? What a joke! Anyone who thinks Turkey has a right in Cyprus must agree that Turkey must be also partition. If Turkey isn't partition than Cyprus should not be partition. If Turkey doesn't understand what international law: No nation has a right to enslave 1/3 of another nation than that nation should be partition. Turkish Cypriots must be freed from their Barbaric Turkish masters. Only than can justice be served on our Greek island. PARTITION TURKEY! PARTITION TURKEY!
Get you maths right.
Turkey came to protect the TC from the GC and killed 4500 people and displaced 180000, nothing to boast about. What the Ottomans did to you does not count on account that when he was deposed from Turkey of all people on earth, Rome gave him a home.
But before you compare it to anybody else first of all find out how many The spanish and the English killed in America as well as how many people the french killed in Algeria as well as how many people were killed by English in Australia and when you find out than you can return to the planet you came from Uranus.
I must object most strongly that I do not hate Christians, or any other sect or tribe even GCs. I have many and many and many more friends from all over the world which even includes jews. I am sure you must have read what I write about Israel. You must not confuse the attack on a particular government as an attack on the country or its people. With a degree education they should have at least learned you at least dear woman. I thought Oracle was the worst woman I came across but I think you take biscuit.