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Challenge for Kikapu.

How can we solve it? (keep it civilized)

Postby Viewpoint » Sat Sep 26, 2009 12:37 am

Kikapu wrote:
YFred wrote:
Kikapu wrote:
YFred wrote:
Viewpoint wrote:YFred well argued, these keyboard cowards hide behind a barrage of words and when challenged shit themselves running away from ever showing the guts and determination to prove how right you are. If Kikapu had balls he would apologise but we have seen it time and time again he is just a perverted twisted sick individual who hates TCs and Turks.

Shitface and his ausi bitch came up with an idea that they feared for their lives, so in order to alleviate their anxiety I offered them the protection of the New Scotland Yard. According to Mrs Thatcher, it is the best police force money can buy. What more do they need?
He knows I'll take him to the cleaners the moment he walks into a Solicitors office and signs the contract. He is stupid but he is not that stupid.

Look at it this way, it took the steam out of 3 of the worst forumers. At least we’ll have some peace for bit.

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

The only steam that's coming out, is from your rear end.! :lol:

I'm still waiting, so if you have nothing to hide, let me know when I can arrange to pick up the documents. Just because I do not play your game, don't assume you won anything. Your family still has GC properties, because you told us that already, so what more do I need to know.!

But I'm glad you and VP can do a virtual victory lap. Perhaps Zan will join you soon.! :lol:

“The Three Fascisteers”

:lol: :lol: :lol:

I am gona do to you what people used to do in the 70's to puppies when they pooped in the house. It's quite ironic really that your name ends with poo.

I told you in a post that one of my family members lives in a GC house given in esdeger (not bought) whilst the RoC holds on to hundreds of donums of YFred family land. And I am supposed to feel guilty over this?
I can prove to you everything I have ever said to you, just sign the damn contract and you will get what you deserve. A very important lesson in life. You are just playing a game as usual. The chalenge is very clear and not very unfair either considering that either way it's coming out of my money at the end because, if you win, you can pay for it from your winnings Which is my money and if you loose than you are paying for it from my winnings. Have squared a circle or have we squared a circle.

Chicken Chicken Chicken Chicken Chicken Chicken.
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

I can see us going around in circles on this one, so let me propose a way out of this.

If you would swear on your parents grave and wish that they would rot in hell if you are lying, that you nor your close family has any GC land or property in the north, other than the one your sister is occupying through "exchange", then I would apologise to you for wrongly accusing you and your family. But be careful not to take this lightly, because karma will come to haunt you and make the rest of your life miserable for you by expecting the very worse things to happen to you and your close family. So, go ahead and swear on your parents grave, and God help you if you should lie.!

Wiggle wiggle little worm, put your and your mothers property up for what you accused YFred of otherwise apologise like you mean it for all to read.
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Postby Kikapu » Sat Sep 26, 2009 12:38 am

Viewpoint wrote:
Kikapu wrote:
Viewpoint wrote:YFred well argued, these keyboard cowards hide behind a barrage of words and when challenged shit themselves running away from ever showing the guts and determination to prove how right you are. If Kikapu had balls he would apologise but we have seen it time and time again he is just a perverted twisted sick individual who hates TCs and Turks.

Apologise for what exactly. YFreak's family is holding onto GC land, so is yours, so is Zans, and so are members of my extended family, and so does many other TCs, and I don't mean "exchanged property" just to live in either, until a solution is found, but those who fly over from the UK and buy GC properties. What, you find this as shocking news.? Hardly.! It is these people that are preventing peace to Cyprus, but as a result of their actions, they will be on the lookout for having court papers served to them in the UK soon, if a settlement is not found. They took the risk to buy, so don't ask me to feel sorry for them, just because they left their morals, integrity and common sense in the UK and went and bought property belonging to others with title deeds.! How dumb is that.?

The only thing I hate is people like you who are Racist, Fascists & Liars, regardless what ethnicity they may belong to, because I really couldn't care less, specially someone like you who is an Englishman pretending to be a TC. You were not born in Cyprus and the "trnc" does not qualify you to be a TC, and now that you are called a "Turks of Cyprus", you most definitely do not qualify to be a TC. The only way you can be a TC is, if your parents accept being Cypriots of Cyprus and not the "trnc". If they do not, and you personally most certainly do not, then all you are is an Englishman living in the north. You are a classic Illegal Alien, that's all, so don't talk to me about me hating anything TC, because you do not qualify being a TC. I just hate all the Racists, Fascist and Liars. It is that simple. At least with other Fascists NeoPartitionist who were born in Cyprus can claim being a Cypriot no matter how much they may hate the RoC, except for the settlers of course, because they would also qualify as Illegal Aliens same as you.!

By the way, I'm surprised you had not commented on my last article on my BBF plan thread. I thought you would be celebrating on the plan where the TCs will always be the majority in the north state, hence keeping all 5 seats.

Oh well, perhaps Talat has a better plan after visiting New York.! :lol:

Stop bullshitting and put all your property where your mouth is, YFred has the balls to do so making a legally binding have been exposed for what you are a racist coward who licks GC ass.

Says the Illegal Alien Englishman.! :lol: :lol: :lol:

I don't see you denying in holding onto GC properties.! :wink: :wink: :wink:
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Postby Get Real! » Sat Sep 26, 2009 12:38 am

Christine Toskos wrote:get Real Turkey doesn't belong on the Greek island of Cyprus.

That's right... and neither do you.
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Postby Viewpoint » Sat Sep 26, 2009 12:38 am

Get Real! wrote:I can’t believe this thread is still going… :? :lol:

Kikapooo has shit himself and is trying to worm his way out as usual.
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Postby YFred » Sat Sep 26, 2009 12:40 am

Kikapu wrote:
YFred wrote:
Kikapu wrote:
YFred wrote:
Viewpoint wrote:YFred well argued, these keyboard cowards hide behind a barrage of words and when challenged shit themselves running away from ever showing the guts and determination to prove how right you are. If Kikapu had balls he would apologise but we have seen it time and time again he is just a perverted twisted sick individual who hates TCs and Turks.

Shitface and his ausi bitch came up with an idea that they feared for their lives, so in order to alleviate their anxiety I offered them the protection of the New Scotland Yard. According to Mrs Thatcher, it is the best police force money can buy. What more do they need?
He knows I'll take him to the cleaners the moment he walks into a Solicitors office and signs the contract. He is stupid but he is not that stupid.

Look at it this way, it took the steam out of 3 of the worst forumers. At least we’ll have some peace for bit.

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

The only steam that's coming out, is from your rear end.! :lol:

I'm still waiting, so if you have nothing to hide, let me know when I can arrange to pick up the documents. Just because I do not play your game, don't assume you won anything. Your family still has GC properties, because you told us that already, so what more do I need to know.!

But I'm glad you and VP can do a virtual victory lap. Perhaps Zan will join you soon.! :lol:

“The Three Fascisteers”

:lol: :lol: :lol:

I am gona do to you what people used to do in the 70's to puppies when they pooped in the house. It's quite ironic really that your name ends with poo.

I told you in a post that one of my family members lives in a GC house given in esdeger (not bought) whilst the RoC holds on to hundreds of donums of YFred family land. And I am supposed to feel guilty over this?
I can prove to you everything I have ever said to you, just sign the damn contract and you will get what you deserve. A very important lesson in life. You are just playing a game as usual. The chalenge is very clear and not very unfair either considering that either way it's coming out of my money at the end because, if you win, you can pay for it from your winnings Which is my money and if you loose than you are paying for it from my winnings. Have squared a circle or have we squared a circle.

Chicken Chicken Chicken Chicken Chicken Chicken.
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

I can see us going around in circles on this one, so let me propose a way out of this.

If you would swear on your parents grave and wish that they would rot in hell if you are lying, that you nor your close family has any GC land or property in the north, other than the one your sister is occupying through "exchange", then I would apologise to you for wrongly accusing you and your family. But be careful not to take this lightly, because karma will come to haunt you and make the rest of your life miserable for you by expecting the very worse things to happen to you and your close family. So, go ahead and swear on your parents grave, and God help you if you should lie.!

You can partly have your wish. I will do that after you sign the contract. My Family is clean and you have done a lot of accusations with no basis what so ever. That is not actions of a decent person. You know it and I know it. As I said before, if what I have said doesn't add up to in your mind its because you know nothing about what happened in Lurucina in 63 and 74. I could have explained to you if you asked nicely but instead you went on the attack with all your gang and called and accused me and my family of everything under the sun. Have another look through the posts and see how disgusting and low you got. Even Tim couldn't stomach it. The question is can I forgive and I don't mind telling you I find it very difficult. Its one thing to forgive a person with a silly or simple mistake but what you and your friends did is something else. It throws integrity and honesty right out of the window.
Last edited by YFred on Sat Sep 26, 2009 12:44 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby Kikapu » Sat Sep 26, 2009 12:40 am

Viewpoint wrote:
Kikapu wrote:
YFred wrote:
Kikapu wrote:
YFred wrote:
Viewpoint wrote:YFred well argued, these keyboard cowards hide behind a barrage of words and when challenged shit themselves running away from ever showing the guts and determination to prove how right you are. If Kikapu had balls he would apologise but we have seen it time and time again he is just a perverted twisted sick individual who hates TCs and Turks.

Shitface and his ausi bitch came up with an idea that they feared for their lives, so in order to alleviate their anxiety I offered them the protection of the New Scotland Yard. According to Mrs Thatcher, it is the best police force money can buy. What more do they need?
He knows I'll take him to the cleaners the moment he walks into a Solicitors office and signs the contract. He is stupid but he is not that stupid.

Look at it this way, it took the steam out of 3 of the worst forumers. At least we’ll have some peace for bit.

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

The only steam that's coming out, is from your rear end.! :lol:

I'm still waiting, so if you have nothing to hide, let me know when I can arrange to pick up the documents. Just because I do not play your game, don't assume you won anything. Your family still has GC properties, because you told us that already, so what more do I need to know.!

But I'm glad you and VP can do a virtual victory lap. Perhaps Zan will join you soon.! :lol:

“The Three Fascisteers”

:lol: :lol: :lol:

I am gona do to you what people used to do in the 70's to puppies when they pooped in the house. It's quite ironic really that your name ends with poo.

I told you in a post that one of my family members lives in a GC house given in esdeger (not bought) whilst the RoC holds on to hundreds of donums of YFred family land. And I am supposed to feel guilty over this?
I can prove to you everything I have ever said to you, just sign the damn contract and you will get what you deserve. A very important lesson in life. You are just playing a game as usual. The chalenge is very clear and not very unfair either considering that either way it's coming out of my money at the end because, if you win, you can pay for it from your winnings Which is my money and if you loose than you are paying for it from my winnings. Have squared a circle or have we squared a circle.

Chicken Chicken Chicken Chicken Chicken Chicken.
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

I can see us going around in circles on this one, so let me propose a way out of this.

If you would swear on your parents grave and wish that they would rot in hell if you are lying, that you nor your close family has any GC land or property in the north, other than the one your sister is occupying through "exchange", then I would apologise to you for wrongly accusing you and your family. But be careful not to take this lightly, because karma will come to haunt you and make the rest of your life miserable for you by expecting the very worse things to happen to you and your close family. So, go ahead and swear on your parents grave, and God help you if you should lie.!

Wiggle wiggle little worm, put your and your mothers property up for what you accused YFred of otherwise apologise like you mean it for all to read.

Be careful, VP, because it will be you who may need to make a swearing soon.! :wink: :wink: :wink:
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Postby Viewpoint » Sat Sep 26, 2009 12:44 am

swearing???? what are you on about now...are you going to risk all your and your mothers property? YFred feels so strongly he is willing to do so, apologise like a man and we will all let it slip. Othrwise your feable attempts to worm your way out is just confirming the bullshitter you really are, you cannot just around around making things up as you go along which is a very sick habit of yours.
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Postby Kikapu » Sat Sep 26, 2009 12:47 am

YFred wrote:
Kikapu wrote:
YFred wrote:
Kikapu wrote:
YFred wrote:
Viewpoint wrote:YFred well argued, these keyboard cowards hide behind a barrage of words and when challenged shit themselves running away from ever showing the guts and determination to prove how right you are. If Kikapu had balls he would apologise but we have seen it time and time again he is just a perverted twisted sick individual who hates TCs and Turks.

Shitface and his ausi bitch came up with an idea that they feared for their lives, so in order to alleviate their anxiety I offered them the protection of the New Scotland Yard. According to Mrs Thatcher, it is the best police force money can buy. What more do they need?
He knows I'll take him to the cleaners the moment he walks into a Solicitors office and signs the contract. He is stupid but he is not that stupid.

Look at it this way, it took the steam out of 3 of the worst forumers. At least we’ll have some peace for bit.

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

The only steam that's coming out, is from your rear end.! :lol:

I'm still waiting, so if you have nothing to hide, let me know when I can arrange to pick up the documents. Just because I do not play your game, don't assume you won anything. Your family still has GC properties, because you told us that already, so what more do I need to know.!

But I'm glad you and VP can do a virtual victory lap. Perhaps Zan will join you soon.! :lol:

“The Three Fascisteers”

:lol: :lol: :lol:

I am gona do to you what people used to do in the 70's to puppies when they pooped in the house. It's quite ironic really that your name ends with poo.

I told you in a post that one of my family members lives in a GC house given in esdeger (not bought) whilst the RoC holds on to hundreds of donums of YFred family land. And I am supposed to feel guilty over this?
I can prove to you everything I have ever said to you, just sign the damn contract and you will get what you deserve. A very important lesson in life. You are just playing a game as usual. The chalenge is very clear and not very unfair either considering that either way it's coming out of my money at the end because, if you win, you can pay for it from your winnings Which is my money and if you loose than you are paying for it from my winnings. Have squared a circle or have we squared a circle.

Chicken Chicken Chicken Chicken Chicken Chicken.
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

I can see us going around in circles on this one, so let me propose a way out of this.

If you would swear on your parents grave and wish that they would rot in hell if you are lying, that you nor your close family has any GC land or property in the north, other than the one your sister is occupying through "exchange", then I would apologise to you for wrongly accusing you and your family. But be careful not to take this lightly, because karma will come to haunt you and make the rest of your life miserable for you by expecting the very worse things to happen to you and your close family. So, go ahead and swear on your parents grave, and God help you if you should lie.!

You can partly have your wish. I will do that after you sign the contract. My Family is clean and you have done a lot of accusations with no basis what so ever. That is not actions of a decent person. You know it and I know it. As I said before, if what I have said doesn't add up to in your mind its because you know nothing about what happened in Lurucina in 63 and 74. I could have explained to you if you asked nicely but instead you went on the attack with all your gang and called and accused me and my family of everything under the sand. Have another look through the posts and see how disgusting and low you got. Even Tim couldn't stomach it. The question is can I forgive and I don't mind telling you I find it very difficult. Its one thing to forgive a person with a silly or simple mistake but what you and your friends did is something else. It throws integrity and honesty right out of the window.

That's all I wanted to know. So you are not telling the truth and I am correct in everything I've said about you and your family regarding GC land. You see, that wasn't so difficult, was it.!

I have no connection to any other accusations regarding murders and such. You will not find any post made by me accusing you or your father in that way. If you can find it, then show us, so stop making lies about me on that subject.!
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Postby YFred » Sat Sep 26, 2009 12:55 am

Kikapu wrote:
YFred wrote:
Kikapu wrote:
YFred wrote:
Kikapu wrote:
YFred wrote:
Viewpoint wrote:YFred well argued, these keyboard cowards hide behind a barrage of words and when challenged shit themselves running away from ever showing the guts and determination to prove how right you are. If Kikapu had balls he would apologise but we have seen it time and time again he is just a perverted twisted sick individual who hates TCs and Turks.

Shitface and his ausi bitch came up with an idea that they feared for their lives, so in order to alleviate their anxiety I offered them the protection of the New Scotland Yard. According to Mrs Thatcher, it is the best police force money can buy. What more do they need?
He knows I'll take him to the cleaners the moment he walks into a Solicitors office and signs the contract. He is stupid but he is not that stupid.

Look at it this way, it took the steam out of 3 of the worst forumers. At least we’ll have some peace for bit.

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

The only steam that's coming out, is from your rear end.! :lol:

I'm still waiting, so if you have nothing to hide, let me know when I can arrange to pick up the documents. Just because I do not play your game, don't assume you won anything. Your family still has GC properties, because you told us that already, so what more do I need to know.!

But I'm glad you and VP can do a virtual victory lap. Perhaps Zan will join you soon.! :lol:

“The Three Fascisteers”

:lol: :lol: :lol:

I am gona do to you what people used to do in the 70's to puppies when they pooped in the house. It's quite ironic really that your name ends with poo.

I told you in a post that one of my family members lives in a GC house given in esdeger (not bought) whilst the RoC holds on to hundreds of donums of YFred family land. And I am supposed to feel guilty over this?
I can prove to you everything I have ever said to you, just sign the damn contract and you will get what you deserve. A very important lesson in life. You are just playing a game as usual. The chalenge is very clear and not very unfair either considering that either way it's coming out of my money at the end because, if you win, you can pay for it from your winnings Which is my money and if you loose than you are paying for it from my winnings. Have squared a circle or have we squared a circle.

Chicken Chicken Chicken Chicken Chicken Chicken.
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

I can see us going around in circles on this one, so let me propose a way out of this.

If you would swear on your parents grave and wish that they would rot in hell if you are lying, that you nor your close family has any GC land or property in the north, other than the one your sister is occupying through "exchange", then I would apologise to you for wrongly accusing you and your family. But be careful not to take this lightly, because karma will come to haunt you and make the rest of your life miserable for you by expecting the very worse things to happen to you and your close family. So, go ahead and swear on your parents grave, and God help you if you should lie.!

You can partly have your wish. I will do that after you sign the contract. My Family is clean and you have done a lot of accusations with no basis what so ever. That is not actions of a decent person. You know it and I know it. As I said before, if what I have said doesn't add up to in your mind its because you know nothing about what happened in Lurucina in 63 and 74. I could have explained to you if you asked nicely but instead you went on the attack with all your gang and called and accused me and my family of everything under the sand. Have another look through the posts and see how disgusting and low you got. Even Tim couldn't stomach it. The question is can I forgive and I don't mind telling you I find it very difficult. Its one thing to forgive a person with a silly or simple mistake but what you and your friends did is something else. It throws integrity and honesty right out of the window.

That's all I wanted to know. So you are not telling the truth and I am correct in everything I've said about you and your family regarding GC land. You see, that wasn't so difficult, was it.!

I have no connection to any other accusations regarding murders and such. You will not find any post made by me accusing you or your father in that way. If you can find it, then show us, so stop making lies about me on that subject.!

You and your gang DT, Bumbolla, Bafiti work very well together. There is a real law which works just as well with the virtual one called guilty by association.
You are guilty as charged.
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Postby Kikapu » Sat Sep 26, 2009 10:25 am

YFred wrote:
Kikapu wrote:
YFred wrote:
Kikapu wrote:
YFred wrote:
Kikapu wrote:
YFred wrote:
Viewpoint wrote:YFred well argued, these keyboard cowards hide behind a barrage of words and when challenged shit themselves running away from ever showing the guts and determination to prove how right you are. If Kikapu had balls he would apologise but we have seen it time and time again he is just a perverted twisted sick individual who hates TCs and Turks.

Shitface and his ausi bitch came up with an idea that they feared for their lives, so in order to alleviate their anxiety I offered them the protection of the New Scotland Yard. According to Mrs Thatcher, it is the best police force money can buy. What more do they need?
He knows I'll take him to the cleaners the moment he walks into a Solicitors office and signs the contract. He is stupid but he is not that stupid.

Look at it this way, it took the steam out of 3 of the worst forumers. At least we’ll have some peace for bit.

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

The only steam that's coming out, is from your rear end.! :lol:

I'm still waiting, so if you have nothing to hide, let me know when I can arrange to pick up the documents. Just because I do not play your game, don't assume you won anything. Your family still has GC properties, because you told us that already, so what more do I need to know.!

But I'm glad you and VP can do a virtual victory lap. Perhaps Zan will join you soon.! :lol:

“The Three Fascisteers”

:lol: :lol: :lol:

I am gona do to you what people used to do in the 70's to puppies when they pooped in the house. It's quite ironic really that your name ends with poo.

I told you in a post that one of my family members lives in a GC house given in esdeger (not bought) whilst the RoC holds on to hundreds of donums of YFred family land. And I am supposed to feel guilty over this?
I can prove to you everything I have ever said to you, just sign the damn contract and you will get what you deserve. A very important lesson in life. You are just playing a game as usual. The chalenge is very clear and not very unfair either considering that either way it's coming out of my money at the end because, if you win, you can pay for it from your winnings Which is my money and if you loose than you are paying for it from my winnings. Have squared a circle or have we squared a circle.

Chicken Chicken Chicken Chicken Chicken Chicken.
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

I can see us going around in circles on this one, so let me propose a way out of this.

If you would swear on your parents grave and wish that they would rot in hell if you are lying, that you nor your close family has any GC land or property in the north, other than the one your sister is occupying through "exchange", then I would apologise to you for wrongly accusing you and your family. But be careful not to take this lightly, because karma will come to haunt you and make the rest of your life miserable for you by expecting the very worse things to happen to you and your close family. So, go ahead and swear on your parents grave, and God help you if you should lie.!

You can partly have your wish. I will do that after you sign the contract. My Family is clean and you have done a lot of accusations with no basis what so ever. That is not actions of a decent person. You know it and I know it. As I said before, if what I have said doesn't add up to in your mind its because you know nothing about what happened in Lurucina in 63 and 74. I could have explained to you if you asked nicely but instead you went on the attack with all your gang and called and accused me and my family of everything under the sand. Have another look through the posts and see how disgusting and low you got. Even Tim couldn't stomach it. The question is can I forgive and I don't mind telling you I find it very difficult. Its one thing to forgive a person with a silly or simple mistake but what you and your friends did is something else. It throws integrity and honesty right out of the window.

That's all I wanted to know. So you are not telling the truth and I am correct in everything I've said about you and your family regarding GC land. You see, that wasn't so difficult, was it.!

I have no connection to any other accusations regarding murders and such. You will not find any post made by me accusing you or your father in that way. If you can find it, then show us, so stop making lies about me on that subject.!

You and your gang DT, Bumbolla, Bafiti work very well together. There is a real law which works just as well with the virtual one called guilty by association.
You are guilty as charged.

You are finished here on the Cyprus Forum, YFreak, because you have confirmed yourself as being a liar and possessor of GC land along with your family in the north benefiting from the "Spoils of War". You have lived up to your Fascistic and Racist ways as an immoral person, along with all your other Fascist NeoPartionists friends here. You should have quit when I gave you the chance couple of days ago but you got too cocky for your own good by taking too many virtual victory laps, just as Liar Soyer did, which VP also backed and failed miserably. You cannot escape Kikapu's tenacity to get to the truth, no matter what slimy tactics all you Fascists may choose to throw at him. You have been found out by mostly of all your doing, which is no different than how all other common criminals get caught.

So long, Liar YFreak.!
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