THIS is my island, this is my land,
and yet the living dead that walk its streets
and till its soil are not my people nor this land’s.
Each day they walk and do not see the skies,
each night they sleep, and waking are too dead
ever to dream save when they seek to hear
in dreams some petty alien-nationalist false-goal
And yet we could so easily awake and dream,
and feel in every stick and stone and leaf,
in the whole earth and air of this our land,
a nation’s fire smouldering for the need
of wind to set the flames alight and leaping high
to sweep and stir our hearts
and kindle in our minds firesticks of nationhood.
Once we have seen the sun through olive leaves
with not one thought of citrus or pines behind the mind;
once we have drunk the Zivania of the village
with no book-coloured smell of woodlands in the draught:
once we have felt this land, this land alone,
as our whole world, our wealth, our strength, our life,
then living blood shall course our veins anew.
This land shall then know patriots worthy
of its vast soil; no more shall petty slaves
- each in his puny separate mind intent
on his immediate ends – forever dance
colonial puppet jigs to distant tunes;
no more shall this our people be divided,
half-blind and wholly dead, blind to their destiny.
Then shall each one stand, Cypriot, mighty
in unity beneath Cypriot skies,
to this land dedicated, all thought and strength
bent to the building here in nationhood
of new life in this isle– new life, indeed,
mighty with national purpose,
strong with Cypriot need.