Oh dear indeed Unkie GR. I hope you don't drive the same as you create internet chat topics - your all over the bloody place.
Remind yourself of what I said would happen on the Britain is Guilty of War Crimes fiasco you created.
OK here goes .....
You've posted two links to the RSPCA website, a redundant article from 1999 on fox hunting that has been superseded by legislation, and a link to some pay for content blog website ....
Your first link refers to a potential cull of badgers in response to a threat of Bovine TB within Wales. Bovine TB kills cattle and an outbreak would have a significant economic impact on the area. The badger is a known carrier of the disease. The RSPCA is arguing for the use of a potential vaccine developed in New Zealand as opposed to a cull.
As far as I can see it the debate goes on.
Irrespective of the current status of the proposed cull I'm struggling to see how you can justify this as an item of cruelty? It would be reasonable to expect that if the cull takes place this will be overseen by Defra and members of the RSPCA and the veterinary profession. I think you have some idea that this would be carried out by some guy's with sticks ....
Your second link is a plea to the government to examine the plight of greyhounds post working life. Having been to the occasional greyhound meet (work events) I can certainly say that they are seriously looked after during their working life - most are worth more than the average house.
The RSPCA wants an investigation into what happens when they've come to the end of their useful life as they DON'T HAVE ANY INFORMATION OR EVIDENCE ON THIS YET. Good that they ask though hey?
Link to 1999 article on fox hunting. No longer legal in the UK. World didn't end. Not sure why you think this is relevant - it doesn't help your case (and in fact goes against it .... still).
Your last link is without a doubt the best and my personal favourite.
It's a web blog by some woman called Ethel Smith that is hosted on a pay for content blog site called Helium (still in Beta apparently). Take a look at the tagline for the site
http://www.helium.com/content/whatishelium where it proudly proclaims 'Write. Get Published. Get Paid' in large typeface.
Kudos to Ethel for trying to drum up support for a charity (UK based) but let's face it I'm not sure she's an authoritative source, especially as most of her links are grabbed from the RSPCA website and refer to cruelty cases around the world. Still, girls gotta earn a living right!
You want to compare prosecutions?
Discuss the Cypriot authorities attitude to law enforcement on animal welfare issues?
Have a chat about the Cypriot social attitude to indiscriminate use of poison and illegal trapping methods?
Jeez fella would you take a shower - your covered in it.