ex_pat wrote:I blame it on all the so called asylum seekers that Britain has opened it's doors to!
Tony Blair should hang his head in shame for what he has done to our country! It's been proved time and time again that many of the asylum seekers are terrorists! In Scotland, they have been caught making bombs in their flats that are paid for by our government!
It is a disgrace! Send them all packing, it's the only thing to do for the sake of the UK.
I suppose I have opened the flood gates for all the politically correct do-gooders now to come back defending the scrounging asylum seekers that are ruining Britain!
I have never been called a 'do-gooder' but I do have a rational view of this, as opposed to yours which I would classify as reactionary and ill-informed.
I think it's quite likely that the people who carried out these attacks are here legitimately and may even be a home-grown cell. I had the displeasure of living in Luton once and a radical islamist group called al-Mahajaroun (or something like that), were always in the High Street recruiting for potential members. I remember I took a leaflet off one of them which essentially called for a holy war against the west and the establishment of an islamic state in the UK - both ridiculous notions, but these people believe it vehemently. Most of the members of this group were also born and bred in Luton, albeit within what I would label the Pakistani/Bangladeshi 'ghetto' that forms a part of the city.
It's also likely that these people would want to remain as far away from authority intrusion as possible, as did the plotters of 9/11 in the US, who were all relatively anonymous individuals whose neighbours saw no signs of what they were plotting. It's unlikely that they would even want to meet any officials, especially those involved in accommodation which could be checked at any time, or from which they could be relocated at any time.
It's easy to blame this on asylum seekers, foreigners or whoever. It's the natural nationalist response. It's also wrong to jump to such conclusions - remember the Oklahoma City bombing, many in America were quick to point the blame at foreigners, at Iran or Iraq, or whoever. In the end it turned out to be someone who was as American as apple pie. While I agree it's likely that these individuals emerge from an alien form of radical islam that has no origins in this country, some of the more radical islamists are converts, misguided converts to something that isn't really islam, but converts nonetheless. Remember Richard Reid, the famous 'shoe-bomber', a case in point.
Therefore, before you point the finger, think about it. Read the Guardian or Times rather than the Daily Star, and also before you lump all asylum seekers together, think about where some of them come from. You would obviously return people to Darfur, or North Korea, or Zimbabwe... then again, in the case of Zimbabwe, I'm guessing your definition of an asylum seeker differs to mine. I would surmise that you're all for welcoming white asylum seekers, whereas your policy is more likely to be 'if they're black, send them back'... which is pathetic.