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How can we solve it? (keep it civilized)

Postby Nikitas » Mon Sep 21, 2009 12:30 am

The translation of Christofias' statements is incomplete. In the complete version he defines the solution which the GC side is pursuing which include (among other things) minimum temporary derogations from the EU aquis, properties issue to be regulated by reference to the wishes of the lawful owner, evolution of the new state from the RoC, and the issue of security and guarantees.

If the above post is the total report on Christofias' statements then it is a bad editing job.
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Postby YFred » Mon Sep 21, 2009 12:57 am

Nikitas wrote:The translation of Christofias' statements is incomplete. In the complete version he defines the solution which the GC side is pursuing which include (among other things) minimum temporary derogations from the EU aquis, properties issue to be regulated by reference to the wishes of the lawful owner, evolution of the new state from the RoC, and the issue of security and guarantees.

If the above post is the total report on Christofias' statements then it is a bad editing job.

You mean Muhtar X is not discussing everyone to their homes immediately :shock: :shock:
Can we have the actual statement please? So we can compare it to the plan proposed by a certain TC member on this forum, so he can be in doubt as to how much he is out of touch with reality. As well as so we can prepare for the burial activities of Shitface and his gang once and for all.
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Postby Christine Toskos » Mon Sep 21, 2009 1:31 am


Let me explain. Turkey must leave our country and never to return. Turkey is a terrorist country. Turkey is one of the evil doers. There were Turks on the planes that attack the Twin Towers and the Pentagon. Turkey is a friend and protector of bin Laden and Al Queda.
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Postby Nikitas » Mon Sep 21, 2009 1:38 am


Where did you find this reference to everyone returning to their homes immediately? Are you being facetious or did you see an actual reference?

Christofias from the start of his election campaign talked about "painful compromises" and has said that with suitable terrirorial arrangements 120 000 GCs can return to their homes under GC administration. For the rest his view is that the owners should be left to decide whether to return, exchange or accept compensation.

Talat is proposing a 30-30-30 proposal for properties, ie one third repossession, one third exchange and one third compensation. Personally I have not understood how this works and how it applies to TCs owning property in the south. Presumably the details will come out during the week.

In an interview on RIKSAT Christofias explained, convincigly I thought, that most people would not choose to return to their properties.

My bet is that more TCs would want to retain and reoccupy their properties in the south than GCs in the north.
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Postby Kikapu » Mon Sep 21, 2009 1:42 am

YFred wrote:
Kikapu wrote:
YFred wrote:Instead of preparing the GCs for a realistic peace, Muhtar X is playing the same game that his predecessors have played for 35 years. Not even god can help the Cypriots. Somebody please change the record.

:lol: :lol: :lol:

Yes YFreak, Christofias should shove the Annan Plan down the throats of the GCs, so that you can keep profit from their properties in the north by renting them out to the settlers and growing wheat on it.!

I think you have been watching too much of "Deep Throat" lately. :lol: :lol:

Shitface, I leave films like that to the sexually perverted like you. Miller's Crossing, The Godfather and The Missouri Breaks is more my kind of films.
Have you seen Brokeback Mountain yet? Is it worth seeing? :wink:

Are you not the one who is always talks about "bums" all the time, and I don't mean those on skid row either.? :lol:

We need to get you to see VP's psychiatrist friend, the "Midnight Cowboy" to evaluate you one of these Sunday nights at midnight to determine the level of your perversion.! :lol: :lol:

As for movie "Broadback Mountain", yes, I have seen it, just as you have and I thought it was a great film. I particularly think the part where they end up in the tent together for the first time must have given you the idea to wear your YFronts from front to back then on, if you know what I mean.! :wink: :wink: :wink:

I know you would have like to have renamed this film to be called "Inside Man", but much to your disappointment, that title went to another film with Jodie Foster.! :lol: :lol:
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Postby Nikitas » Mon Sep 21, 2009 1:48 am

The actual text of the statement YFred is published in Politis, in Greek, and is very long and detailed. If I get a chance I will translate the relevant parts tomorrow, or perhaps the PIO will do it by then.
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Postby Kikapu » Mon Sep 21, 2009 2:03 am

Nikitas wrote:YFred,

Where did you find this reference to everyone returning to their homes immediately? Are you being facetious or did you see an actual reference?

Christofias from the start of his election campaign talked about "painful compromises" and has said that with suitable terrirorial arrangements 120 000 GCs can return to their homes under GC administration. For the rest his view is that the owners should be left to decide whether to return, exchange or accept compensation.

Talat is proposing a 30-30-30 proposal for properties, ie one third repossession, one third exchange and one third compensation. Personally I have not understood how this works and how it applies to TCs owning property in the south. Presumably the details will come out during the week.

In an interview on RIKSAT Christofias explained, convincigly I thought, that most people would not choose to return to their properties.

My bet is that more TCs would want to retain and reoccupy their properties in the south than GCs in the north.


Why do you think the north is demanding that all the settlers be given Cypriot citizenships, is because many True TCs will flee the north to the south to claim their properties and at the same time, many GCs will not return to the north if most of the GC land is returned to become part of the south state. If the settlers are sent back, the only ones left in the north state will be all the Fascists NeoPartitionist and their supporters with hardly any industry or people to collect taxes from. The north will become a place of destitute and a welfare recipient state. It will be a financial nightmare which will be worse than what it is today, if that's possible. The north will collapse financially, because the Federal government can only give so much of tax payers money to the north state to keep their heads above the water. Sooner or later, the north state will be declared bankrupt. So I think Turkey should be a guarantor to the north state, but only to help the north financially when ever they will run out of money, like every month, to run the north state.!
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Postby Nikitas » Mon Sep 21, 2009 11:44 am


You are touching on a point that has donfused me, and others I imagine, since the days of the Annan plan, namely taxation and fund allocation.

It was never clear how people would be taxed- according to the place of income earned or place of domicile or place of political affiliation? A TC living in Kyrenia, working in Nicosia with a house in Limassol rented out to a foreign firm, would be taxed where? I heard one view that his income would be taxed in the north but the VAT would be local depending on where he bought and sold goods and services. I would love to see this person filling his tax forms!

The other aspect of a solution, which the GC side is taking into account but the TC side seems to overlook, is the dynamics of population movement FOLLOWING a settlement. The GCs are insisting on EU aquis and human rights as a safeguard after the settlement. The TC side seems to be thinking that by cementing bizonality with a deviation from the EU aquis they will be able to prevent what is obvious to anyone who looks at the economy of the island- namely a major shift of the population to the towns of the south.

The irony is that the north was pre 1974 the more productive part of Cyprus. It was only the invasion that gave impetus for developing Paphos and Larnaca.

The other part of the problem, which again the TCs are not taking into account, is the diaspora. A TC heir of a TC owner of land in Limassol and Paphos will obviously not want to lose his valuable land. Having no ties to the TRNC such a person will or will not be part of the 30-30-30 deal proposed by Talat? Such people will be foreign borne nationals inheriting land in the south, how can they be excluded from EU protected rights?

There are many such examples and what they all point to is that the 1974 action did not solve the Cyprus problem as Ecevit had contended, it created a huge mess which has been well camouflaged and only now it is surfacing. But notice how Turkey has pulled its tail out of the trap and has let the TCs handle the mess.
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Postby zan » Mon Sep 21, 2009 11:51 am

Kikapu wrote:
Nikitas wrote:YFred,

Where did you find this reference to everyone returning to their homes immediately? Are you being facetious or did you see an actual reference?

Christofias from the start of his election campaign talked about "painful compromises" and has said that with suitable terrirorial arrangements 120 000 GCs can return to their homes under GC administration. For the rest his view is that the owners should be left to decide whether to return, exchange or accept compensation.

Talat is proposing a 30-30-30 proposal for properties, ie one third repossession, one third exchange and one third compensation. Personally I have not understood how this works and how it applies to TCs owning property in the south. Presumably the details will come out during the week.

In an interview on RIKSAT Christofias explained, convincigly I thought, that most people would not choose to return to their properties.

My bet is that more TCs would want to retain and reoccupy their properties in the south than GCs in the north.


Why do you think the north is demanding that all the settlers be given Cypriot citizenships, is because many True TCs will flee the north to the south to claim their properties and at the same time, many GCs will not return to the north if most of the GC land is returned to become part of the south state. If the settlers are sent back, the only ones left in the north state will be all the Fascists NeoPartitionist and their supporters with hardly any industry or people to collect taxes from. The north will become a place of destitute and a welfare recipient state. It will be a financial nightmare which will be worse than what it is today, if that's possible. The north will collapse financially, because the Federal government can only give so much of tax payers money to the north state to keep their heads above the water. Sooner or later, the north state will be declared bankrupt. So I think Turkey should be a guarantor to the north state, but only to help the north financially when ever they will run out of money, like every month, to run the north state.!

So if you know about the practicalities of why then WHY bitch about it...

You know that in WW11 the Russians gave guns to women and children and fought off Germany......

You are still after the destruction of the TC people as a whole...Your whole aim. Anything we do in order to survive you find fault with...Is breathing acceptable or should we just take a big last breath now!! :roll: :roll:
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