Viewpoint wrote:Another issue I wanted to ask you, is why do you feel TCs are paranoid about not living with GCs to a degree that GCs desire, what makes the difference between us??? I know we have baggage we cannot forget but whenever but still that barrier is very evident amongst TCs.
I think there is a kind of majority-minority psychology at play here. The smaller group (TCs in our case) tends to see the bigger group as a threat, because size inevitably entails power, and power in the hands of someone I do not trust is dangerous. The bigger group, in contrast, has no such fears, because it rests assured in its power, and does not see the smaller group as a credible threat. So the bigger group can more easily "afford" to be open-minded about co-existence and about a total mixing of the populations.
Similarly, it is natural for the smaller group to seek some sort of safety barriers - and some sort of independence - as a guarantee against the feared whims of the mistrusted larger group.