As a Turkish Speaking Cypriot, I can't help thinking that Turkey's passive response to the
Orams' case is seen (by Turkey only) as just another opportunity to create a conflict between
the Two Cypriot people in their latest comments. Mr Davutoglu yesterday clearly indicated
That he believes the Orams case only intensifies the conflict of interests of the Cypriot
People and confirms the so called right of property of the so called unrecognised state of
the "TRNC". In simple form, he doesn't give two cents about the "individual" implications
Of the orams case, but believes that the problem is easily solved if all peoples involved in
The property dispute moved back to northern cyprus. Therefore he is actually saying that
the Orams can easily solve this problem, along with the many other people whom have
Purchased Greek Cypriot land in Kyrenia, by simply abandoning their London home and
Declaring the "TRNC" as their main residence and moving there. My god, the Ignorance
Is amazing.