The total value of goods entering the Greek Cypriotside from Northern Cyprus has increased by 36 %, when compared to the previous year, according to the European Commission’s annual report on the implementation of the Green Line Regulation.
The annual report said the Green Line trade in the NC reached 10 %.
However, the report say the illegal crossing of third country nationals and smuggling still remain a problem.
According to the report which covered the year to the 30th of April, the number of illegal immigrants apprehended while crossing from the Green Line was 5,525.
While noting that the Greek Cypriot Side and the UK Sovereign Base Areas have reinforced their surveillance of the Green Line, the report however warned that additional effort was needed.
Speaking after the approval of the report by the EU Commission, the Commissioner for Enlargement Olli Rehn welcomed the positive results of the report and said he was particularly encouraged by the further increase in the Green Line trade.
“Following a comprehensive settlement and reunification on the island, the Green Line Regulation will no longer be needed. The Commission’s priority now must be to support the settlement process” Mr Rehn added.
The Green Line Regulation came into force on the 1st May 2004.