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How can we solve it? (keep it civilized)


Postby EPSILON » Tue Sep 15, 2009 12:18 pm

Lets someone good in English translate the below before administation delete it because is in Greek.It looks very interesting

Μήπως αντιλήφθηκες και εσύ τελικά τους μιναρέδες του χωριού που πηγαίνουμε;

Κοίτα αδελφέ Χριστόφια. Ο 'Αγγλος λόρδος που με είχε επισκεφτεί μια μέρα μού είπε το εξής: «Δεν θα ήθελα καθόλου να είμαι στα παπούτσια σου». Δεν ξέρω πώς λέγεται αυτό στα ελληνικά, αλλά αν μεταφραστεί επί λέξει όπως μου το είπε, ότι δηλαδή «δεν θα ήθελα να είμαι στα παπούτσια σου», στη δική μας γλώσσα δεν είναι και πολύ σωστό. Ακριβώς όπως η κουβέντα που είπε ο Ταγίπ Ερντογάν στον Βρετανό πρέσβη στη δεξίωση στην 'Αγκυρα. Τι είχε πει; «Μην μου κάνεις νούμερα»! Ο μεταφραστής του Ερντογάν το μετάφρασε στα αγγλικά ως εξής: «DonΆt pull a number on me»! Αυτή είναι η λέξη προς λέξη μετάφραση. Συνήθως είναι γελοία. Αυτό που μου είπε ο 'Αγγλος λόρδος μπορεί να μεταφραστεί στη γλώσσα μας μόνο ως «δεν θα ήθελα να ήμουν στη θέση σου».
Με συγχωρείς αδελφέ. Έκανα μια μακροσκελή εισαγωγή. Αυτό που ήθελα να πω είναι κοντολογίς το εξής: «Ούτε εγώ θα ήθελα να ήμουν στη δική σου θέση αδελφέ»! Αντιλαμβάνομαι ότι είσαι πολύ στριμωγμένος. Δεν πάνε καλά τα πράγματα. Μοιάζεις με τιγράκι που έπεσε στην παγίδα ή κλείστηκε σε κλουβί. Νομίζω πως και εσύ το γνωρίζεις πλέον αυτό. Αναζητάς διέξοδο. Για να σωθείς από αυτή την παγίδα, από αυτό το κλουβί. Όμως, σαν να είναι λίγο αργά. Διανύθηκε περισσότερη από τη μισή απόσταση. Έπρεπε να τα είχες αντιληφθεί όλα από την αρχή της υπόθεσης. Γιατί στήθηκε αυτό το τραπέζι. Για ποιον στήθηκε. Ποιος το έστησε. Σε αποκοίμισαν λέγοντάς σου συνεχώς ότι «οι Κύπριοι θα λύσουν το πρόβλημα». Ότι «αυτή είναι η τελευταία ευκαιρία». Μάλιστα ξεχάστηκες και εσύ με αυτές τις μελωδίες. Και εσύ έλεγες σε όποιον σε ρωτούσε ότι «αυτή είναι η τελευταία ευκαιρία». Δεν αντιλήφθηκες το κακό παιχνίδι που παιζόταν πίσω από αυτό. Εμπιστεύτηκες πολύ τον συνομιλητή σου, τον οποίο θεωρούσες «σύντροφο». Νόμιζες ότι θα συμφωνούσες εύκολα μαζί του αν τον άφηνε η 'Αγκυρα. Παρηγορούσες συνεχώς τον εαυτό σου σάμπως και η 'Αγκυρα έθετε συνεχώς όρους και εκείνος ήταν αντίθετος με αυτούς. Ακόμη έτσι είσαι ε;.. Δεν ξέρεις ότι ακόμη και αν η 'Αγκυρα τραβηχτεί από το τραπέζι, αν δεν αναμειγνύεται καθόλου, ο Ταλάτ θα τη σύρει με το ζόρι σε αυτό. Τώρα σε έβαλαν μέσα σε αυτό το κλουβί και σε πιέζουν από παντού, έτσι δεν είναι; Διπλωμάτες. Επιχειρηματίες. Και εκείνοι οι παλιοί λύκοι που είναι πλέον συνδρομητές για το νησί μας. Οι «Σοφοί». Να που δεν μπορείς να επιβάλεις τίποτε που είναι δίκαιο κατά τη γνώμη σου σε αυτό το τραπέζι. Ούτε αν πάρεις το δρόμο για το Παρίσι ωφελεί, ούτε το δρόμο για τη Ρώμη. Πάλι χιόνισε στα βουνά που έλπιζες (να σε βοηθήσουν). Έκλεισαν οι δρόμοι, έστω και αν είναι Σεπτέμβριος ακόμη. Έπαψαν πλέον να υπάρχουν ελπίδες ότι θα ασκήσουν πιέσεις πάνω στην 'Αγκυρα εκείνοι πάνω στους οποίους είχαν εναποτεθεί τέτοιες ελπίδες. Δεν ξέρω ούτε εγώ πλέον πώς θα γλιτώσεις από αυτή την υπόθεση με τις πιο ελαφρές πληγές. Αφού δέχτηκες αυτό το παιχνίδι μέσα σε τέτοιες συνθήκες. Ακριβώς όπως οι προκάτοχοί σου. Έπεσες και εσύ σε αυτή την παγίδα. Και τώρα δεν προστρέχει σε βοήθειά σου ούτε η μπλε ευρωπαϊκή σημαία με τα πολλά αστέρια που θεωρούσες ότι θα κοιμόσουν ήσυχος κάτω από τη σκιά της. Για παράδειγμα θα μπορούσες να είχες δικαιολογημένους όρους για να καθίσεις σε αυτό το τραπέζι. Θα μπορούσες να πεις ότι πρέπει να ανοίξει το Βαρώσι που είναι κλειστό και να επιστραφεί στους ιδιοκτήτες του. Θα μπορούσες να πεις να αποσυρθούν τουλάχιστον οι δέκα χιλιάδες από τις σαράντα χιλιάδες Τούρκων στρατιωτών. Να σταματήσει η ροή των εποίκων. Να τερματιστεί η λεηλασία των περιουσιών. Να ανοιχτούν χωρίς όρους οι ομαδικοί τάφοι. Όλα αυτά θα μπορούσαν να ήταν λογικοί λόγοι. Αλλά δεν πρόβαλες τίποτα από αυτά ως όρο για συνομιλίες. Και στο τέλος εσύ έχασες. Μαζί με εσένα έχασαν και όλοι οι Κύπριοι που θέλουν την επανένωση του νησιού. Εμείς εδώ σε αυτή την πλευρά θα συνεχίσουμε να ζούμε κάτω από τη διοίκηση της Τουρκίας. Ως Τουρκοκύπριοι θα αφανιζόμαστε καθημερινά όλο και πιο πολύ. Και εσείς σε εκείνη την πλευρά θα ζείτε με το φόβο ότι μια μέρα θα χάσετε τη Λάρνακα κλπ.
Διάβασα στις εφημερίδες ότι θα μπορούσες να αποσυρθείς από τις συνομιλίες. Τι έγινε; Τι συμβαίνει; Μήπως αντιλήφθηκες και εσύ πλέον τους μιναρέδες του χωριού στο οποίο πηγαίνουμε;

Κωδικός άρθρου: 896301

ΠΟΛΙΤΗΣ - 15/09/2009, Σελίδα: 13
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Postby The Cypriot » Tue Sep 15, 2009 4:52 pm

Not a particularly brilliant tanslation; not a particularly brilliant article...

Have you perceived also the minarets of the village where we are headed?

Look, brother Christofias. The English Lord who visited me one day said the following: “I would not want, by any means, to be in your shoes”. I do not know how this is said in Greek but, if translated word-for-word, as it was said to me, it would be, “I would not want to be in your shoes." In our own language it is not very clear.

Precisely the conversation that Tayyip Erdogan had with the British ambassador at a reception in Ankara. What did he say? “Don't make me numbers!”

Erdogan's interpreter translated this into English as follows: “Don't pull a number on me!” This is the word-to-word translation. Usually it's ridiculous.

What the English Lord said to me can be translated in our language only as “I wouldn't want to be in your place”.

Forgive me brother. I made a lengthy introduction. What I wanted to say is the following: “Nor, would I want to be in your place, brother!"

I perceive that you are cornered. Things aren't going well. You resemble a little tiger that has fallen into a trap or has been locked in a cage. I believe you're also well aware of this. You seek exit. In order to be saved from this trap, from this cage.

However, it's a little late. You've covered more than half the distance. You should have known all this from the start. Why the table was set this way. For who. Who set it.

They lulled you by saying continuously that “the Cypriots will resolve the problem”. That “this is the last chance”. Of course, you lost yourself in these choruses. You also told whoever asked you that “this is the last chance”.

You didn't appreciate the bad game that was being played behind the scenes. You trusted your interlocutor a lot, who you considered a “companion”. You believed that agreeing with him would be easy if Ankara left him alone. You reassured yourself continuously, as Ankara continuously placed terms and he was against them.

Still you are like this, eh? You don't know that even if Ankara pulls away from the table, if it does not interfere at all, Talat will have difficulties with this. Now they have put you in this cage and pressure you from everywhere, yes? Diplomats. Businessmen. And those old wolves that are over-subscribers for our island. The “wise men”.

See that you cannot impose anything that, in your opinion, is right at this table. Nor will you benefit from a trip to Paris, nor from a trip to Rome. Still it snows in the mountains that you hoped would help.

The roads are closed, even if it is only September. Hopes have ceased that they will put pressures on Ankara. Now I do not know how you will be saved from this affair with the lightest wounds. After you accepted this game with such conditions. Precisely as your predecessors. Fell also it in this trap. And now no one comes to your aid, not even the blue European flag with a lot of stars, under the shade of which you thought you could sleep easy.

For example, you could be justified for wanting to sit at this table. You could say that the closed Varosi should be opened and returned to its owners. You could also say that at least ten thousand be withdrawn from the forty thousands Turkish soldiers. Stop the flow of colonists. Stop the pillage of property. Open, without conditions, the common graves.

All these could be reasonable demands. But you have achieved none of them other than as items for discussion. And in the end you lost. And with you all the Cypriots that want the reunification of island have lost also. We, here on this side, will continue living under the administration of Turkey. As Turkish Cypriots we will be ruined daily, more and more. And you, on that side, will live in fear that one day you will lose Larnaca etc.

I read in the newspapers that you might withdraw from the discussions. What's happened? What's the matter? Have you perceived also the minarets of the village where we are headed?
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Postby Tim Drayton » Wed Sep 16, 2009 10:54 am

This is actually the Greek translation of the following article in Turkish by Sener Levent: ... artid=4728
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Postby denizaksulu » Wed Sep 16, 2009 12:33 pm

The Cypriot wrote:Not a particularly brilliant tanslation; not a particularly brilliant article...

Have you perceived also the minarets of the village where we are headed?

Look, brother Christofias. The English Lord who visited me one day said the following: “I would not want, by any means, to be in your shoes”. I do not know how this is said in Greek but, if translated word-for-word, as it was said to me, it would be, “I would not want to be in your shoes." In our own language it is not very clear.

Precisely the conversation that Tayyip Erdogan had with the British ambassador at a reception in Ankara. What did he say? “Don't make me numbers!”

Erdogan's interpreter translated this into English as follows: “Don't pull a number on me!” This is the word-to-word translation. Usually it's ridiculous.

What the English Lord said to me can be translated in our language only as “I wouldn't want to be in your place”.

Forgive me brother. I made a lengthy introduction. What I wanted to say is the following: “Nor, would I want to be in your place, brother!"

I perceive that you are cornered. Things aren't going well. You resemble a little tiger that has fallen into a trap or has been locked in a cage. I believe you're also well aware of this. You seek exit. In order to be saved from this trap, from this cage.

However, it's a little late. You've covered more than half the distance. You should have known all this from the start. Why the table was set this way. For who. Who set it.

They lulled you by saying continuously that “the Cypriots will resolve the problem”. That “this is the last chance”. Of course, you lost yourself in these choruses. You also told whoever asked you that “this is the last chance”.

You didn't appreciate the bad game that was being played behind the scenes. You trusted your interlocutor a lot, who you considered a “companion”. You believed that agreeing with him would be easy if Ankara left him alone. You reassured yourself continuously, as Ankara continuously placed terms and he was against them.

Still you are like this, eh? You don't know that even if Ankara pulls away from the table, if it does not interfere at all, Talat will have difficulties with this. Now they have put you in this cage and pressure you from everywhere, yes? Diplomats. Businessmen. And those old wolves that are over-subscribers for our island. The “wise men”.

See that you cannot impose anything that, in your opinion, is right at this table. Nor will you benefit from a trip to Paris, nor from a trip to Rome. Still it snows in the mountains that you hoped would help.

The roads are closed, even if it is only September. Hopes have ceased that they will put pressures on Ankara. Now I do not know how you will be saved from this affair with the lightest wounds. After you accepted this game with such conditions. Precisely as your predecessors. Fell also it in this trap. And now no one comes to your aid, not even the blue European flag with a lot of stars, under the shade of which you thought you could sleep easy.

For example, you could be justified for wanting to sit at this table. You could say that the closed Varosi should be opened and returned to its owners. You could also say that at least ten thousand be withdrawn from the forty thousands Turkish soldiers. Stop the flow of colonists. Stop the pillage of property. Open, without conditions, the common graves.

All these could be reasonable demands. But you have achieved none of them other than as items for discussion. And in the end you lost. And with you all the Cypriots that want the reunification of island have lost also. We, here on this side, will continue living under the administration of Turkey. As Turkish Cypriots we will be ruined daily, more and more. And you, on that side, will live in fear that one day you will lose Larnaca etc.

I read in the newspapers that you might withdraw from the discussions. What's happened? What's the matter? Have you perceived also the minarets of the village where we are headed?

'Dont make me numbers' = 'dont joke with me'.( are you kidding?)
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Postby insan » Wed Sep 16, 2009 1:03 pm

denizaksulu wrote:
The Cypriot wrote:Not a particularly brilliant tanslation; not a particularly brilliant article...

Have you perceived also the minarets of the village where we are headed?

Look, brother Christofias. The English Lord who visited me one day said the following: “I would not want, by any means, to be in your shoes”. I do not know how this is said in Greek but, if translated word-for-word, as it was said to me, it would be, “I would not want to be in your shoes." In our own language it is not very clear.

Precisely the conversation that Tayyip Erdogan had with the British ambassador at a reception in Ankara. What did he say? “Don't make me numbers!”

Erdogan's interpreter translated this into English as follows: “Don't pull a number on me!” This is the word-to-word translation. Usually it's ridiculous.

What the English Lord said to me can be translated in our language only as “I wouldn't want to be in your place”.

Forgive me brother. I made a lengthy introduction. What I wanted to say is the following: “Nor, would I want to be in your place, brother!"

I perceive that you are cornered. Things aren't going well. You resemble a little tiger that has fallen into a trap or has been locked in a cage. I believe you're also well aware of this. You seek exit. In order to be saved from this trap, from this cage.

However, it's a little late. You've covered more than half the distance. You should have known all this from the start. Why the table was set this way. For who. Who set it.

They lulled you by saying continuously that “the Cypriots will resolve the problem”. That “this is the last chance”. Of course, you lost yourself in these choruses. You also told whoever asked you that “this is the last chance”.

You didn't appreciate the bad game that was being played behind the scenes. You trusted your interlocutor a lot, who you considered a “companion”. You believed that agreeing with him would be easy if Ankara left him alone. You reassured yourself continuously, as Ankara continuously placed terms and he was against them.

Still you are like this, eh? You don't know that even if Ankara pulls away from the table, if it does not interfere at all, Talat will have difficulties with this. Now they have put you in this cage and pressure you from everywhere, yes? Diplomats. Businessmen. And those old wolves that are over-subscribers for our island. The “wise men”.

See that you cannot impose anything that, in your opinion, is right at this table. Nor will you benefit from a trip to Paris, nor from a trip to Rome. Still it snows in the mountains that you hoped would help.

The roads are closed, even if it is only September. Hopes have ceased that they will put pressures on Ankara. Now I do not know how you will be saved from this affair with the lightest wounds. After you accepted this game with such conditions. Precisely as your predecessors. Fell also it in this trap. And now no one comes to your aid, not even the blue European flag with a lot of stars, under the shade of which you thought you could sleep easy.

For example, you could be justified for wanting to sit at this table. You could say that the closed Varosi should be opened and returned to its owners. You could also say that at least ten thousand be withdrawn from the forty thousands Turkish soldiers. Stop the flow of colonists. Stop the pillage of property. Open, without conditions, the common graves.

All these could be reasonable demands. But you have achieved none of them other than as items for discussion. And in the end you lost. And with you all the Cypriots that want the reunification of island have lost also. We, here on this side, will continue living under the administration of Turkey. As Turkish Cypriots we will be ruined daily, more and more. And you, on that side, will live in fear that one day you will lose Larnaca etc.

I read in the newspapers that you might withdraw from the discussions. What's happened? What's the matter? Have you perceived also the minarets of the village where we are headed?

'Dont make me numbers' = 'dont joke with me'.( are you kidding?)

Dengiz, here in that speech it rather means "Don't do trick to me" IMHO.
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Postby denizaksulu » Wed Sep 16, 2009 2:05 pm

insan wrote:
denizaksulu wrote:
The Cypriot wrote:Not a particularly brilliant tanslation; not a particularly brilliant article...

Have you perceived also the minarets of the village where we are headed?

Look, brother Christofias. The English Lord who visited me one day said the following: “I would not want, by any means, to be in your shoes”. I do not know how this is said in Greek but, if translated word-for-word, as it was said to me, it would be, “I would not want to be in your shoes." In our own language it is not very clear.

Precisely the conversation that Tayyip Erdogan had with the British ambassador at a reception in Ankara. What did he say? “Don't make me numbers!”

Erdogan's interpreter translated this into English as follows: “Don't pull a number on me!” This is the word-to-word translation. Usually it's ridiculous.

What the English Lord said to me can be translated in our language only as “I wouldn't want to be in your place”.

Forgive me brother. I made a lengthy introduction. What I wanted to say is the following: “Nor, would I want to be in your place, brother!"

I perceive that you are cornered. Things aren't going well. You resemble a little tiger that has fallen into a trap or has been locked in a cage. I believe you're also well aware of this. You seek exit. In order to be saved from this trap, from this cage.

However, it's a little late. You've covered more than half the distance. You should have known all this from the start. Why the table was set this way. For who. Who set it.

They lulled you by saying continuously that “the Cypriots will resolve the problem”. That “this is the last chance”. Of course, you lost yourself in these choruses. You also told whoever asked you that “this is the last chance”.

You didn't appreciate the bad game that was being played behind the scenes. You trusted your interlocutor a lot, who you considered a “companion”. You believed that agreeing with him would be easy if Ankara left him alone. You reassured yourself continuously, as Ankara continuously placed terms and he was against them.

Still you are like this, eh? You don't know that even if Ankara pulls away from the table, if it does not interfere at all, Talat will have difficulties with this. Now they have put you in this cage and pressure you from everywhere, yes? Diplomats. Businessmen. And those old wolves that are over-subscribers for our island. The “wise men”.

See that you cannot impose anything that, in your opinion, is right at this table. Nor will you benefit from a trip to Paris, nor from a trip to Rome. Still it snows in the mountains that you hoped would help.

The roads are closed, even if it is only September. Hopes have ceased that they will put pressures on Ankara. Now I do not know how you will be saved from this affair with the lightest wounds. After you accepted this game with such conditions. Precisely as your predecessors. Fell also it in this trap. And now no one comes to your aid, not even the blue European flag with a lot of stars, under the shade of which you thought you could sleep easy.

For example, you could be justified for wanting to sit at this table. You could say that the closed Varosi should be opened and returned to its owners. You could also say that at least ten thousand be withdrawn from the forty thousands Turkish soldiers. Stop the flow of colonists. Stop the pillage of property. Open, without conditions, the common graves.

All these could be reasonable demands. But you have achieved none of them other than as items for discussion. And in the end you lost. And with you all the Cypriots that want the reunification of island have lost also. We, here on this side, will continue living under the administration of Turkey. As Turkish Cypriots we will be ruined daily, more and more. And you, on that side, will live in fear that one day you will lose Larnaca etc.

I read in the newspapers that you might withdraw from the discussions. What's happened? What's the matter? Have you perceived also the minarets of the village where we are headed?

'Dont make me numbers' = 'dont joke with me'.( are you kidding?)

Dengiz, here in that speech it rather means "Don't do trick to me" IMHO.

I have not read it in Turkish yet. Ofcourse it depends on the use.
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Postby Get Real! » Wed Sep 16, 2009 3:00 pm

The Turkish Cypriots are paying the price for enosis with Turkey that Greek Cypriots would’ve paid had they united with Greece…

In a bizarre twist of fate, Turkey’s invasion saved the indigenous Cypriots from extinction and condemned the Turkish Cypriots!

As for our lost land, we are still here alive and well to recover it at a future date but imagine losing our very identity through Greek assimilation! That would've been irrecoverable and the lost land would've been the least of our worries!
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Postby Nikitas » Wed Sep 16, 2009 4:28 pm

I second the sentiment in GRs post above.

It is irony of fate that TCs got the whole deal- taksim and enosis rolled into one but GCs managed to avoid it in the nick of time.

I will add the advice of chairman Mao which is a repeat of Lao Tsu: do not lament for lost territory, do not rejoice in gained territory, for neither is an indication of defeat or victory. And obviously others know as much and that is why they daily need to bolster themseles with outlandish nationalist symbols like huge flags, grotesque statues and nationalist mantras written on walls and road surfaces.

Modern Turkey is not more enduring than the Ottoman or Roman empires, it is not more powerful than the Venetians and the Crusaders, nor more cunning than the British. It will fail like all the others failed.
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Postby YFred » Wed Sep 16, 2009 4:41 pm

Nikitas wrote:I second the sentiment in GRs post above.

It is irony of fate that TCs got the whole deal- taksim and enosis rolled into one but GCs managed to avoid it in the nick of time.

I will add the advice of chairman Mao which is a repeat of Lao Tsu: do not lament for lost territory, do not rejoice in gained territory, for neither is an indication of defeat or victory. And obviously others know as much and that is why they daily need to bolster themseles with outlandish nationalist symbols like huge flags, grotesque statues and nationalist mantras written on walls and road surfaces.

Modern Turkey is not more enduring than the Ottoman or Roman empires, it is not more powerful than the Venetians and the Crusaders, nor more cunning than the British. It will fail like all the others failed.

Have we not suffered enough? Then let us be.
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Postby insan » Wed Sep 16, 2009 4:54 pm

Nikitas wrote:I second the sentiment in GRs post above.

It is irony of fate that TCs got the whole deal- taksim and enosis rolled into one but GCs managed to avoid it in the nick of time.

I will add the advice of chairman Mao which is a repeat of Lao Tsu: do not lament for lost territory, do not rejoice in gained territory, for neither is an indication of defeat or victory. And obviously others know as much and that is why they daily need to bolster themseles with outlandish nationalist symbols like huge flags, grotesque statues and nationalist mantras written on walls and road surfaces.

Modern Turkey is not more enduring than the Ottoman or Roman empires, it is not more powerful than the Venetians and the Crusaders, nor more cunning than the British. It will fail like all the others failed.

It seems to me that only u care much abt those flags, statues etc... We the TCs give our attentions to those flags and statues only on national days. :?

We believe in that GC/Greek duo with all their external supporters will fail to make TCs a minority in Cyprus.
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