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Are you more Eurosceptic now?

Benefits and problems from the EU membership.

How has your attitude towards the EU changed since May 1st, 2004

Significantly more positive (more Europhile)
Slightly more positive
Stayed the same/No change
Slightly less positive
Significantly less positive (more Eurosceptic)
Total votes : 11

Are you more Eurosceptic now?

Postby cannedmoose » Mon Jul 04, 2005 7:38 pm

Since it's more than a year since Cyprus joined the EU with fanfares and fireworks, I'd just like to ask the following quick questions...

1. Do you think that Cyprus is a better or worse place to live since EU membership, or has it largely stayed the same?
2. How have you been personally affected by EU-inspired policies, such as the introduction of VAT?
3. Do you feel that the politicians who universally supported the membership application explained the real implications of EU membership to the population of Cyprus?
4. Do you feel more European than a year ago, or less?
5. Do you see economic benefits from Cyprus' EU membership?
6. Do you believe that EU membership will help secure a solution to the Cyprus problem, i.e. will the much-promised 'European solution' be realised?

To TCs especially...

7. Have you seen any EU impact north of the buffer zone?
8. Are you disenchanted with the EUs current stance on the Cyprus problem - would you like to see a more proactive position taken?
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Postby demetriou_74 » Mon Jul 04, 2005 10:25 pm

not to sure because i dont live in cyprus but i can definately say that it has shown trnc that cyprus will not wait for them. as the eu expands those outside will feel more pressured to join as they are 'behind' the rest of the surrounding nations.
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Re: Are you more Eurosceptic now?

Postby sk » Mon Jul 04, 2005 11:01 pm

cannedmoose wrote:Since it's more than a year since Cyprus joined the EU with fanfares and fireworks, I'd just like to ask the following quick questions...

1. Do you think that Cyprus is a better or worse place to live since EU membership, or has it largely stayed the same?
2. How have you been personally affected by EU-inspired policies, such as the introduction of VAT?
3. Do you feel that the politicians who universally supported the membership application explained the real implications of EU membership to the population of Cyprus?
4. Do you feel more European than a year ago, or less?
5. Do you see economic benefits from Cyprus' EU membership?
6. Do you believe that EU membership will help secure a solution to the Cyprus problem, i.e. will the much-promised 'European solution' be realised?

To TCs especially...

7. Have you seen any EU impact north of the buffer zone?
8. Are you disenchanted with the EUs current stance on the Cyprus problem - would you like to see a more proactive position taken?

1)its a worse place
2)yes,for the worse
3)they didnt explain anything
4)the same
5)no,i dont see any benefits except from the fact that more international companies want to open branches in cyprus but my wallet has less money now

as a future unemployed doctor i am really upset with the cypriot goverment(not specifically the current one). none of them has taken any major steps to invest in the young people and talent of cyprus.
i have to wait for one year before i get a place for my preregistration job in cyprus bc of lack of places. then i will have to take more exams before i get a place for my specializaton which means at least 1-2 more years of waiting.i will be thirty at that time .
my parents are pensioners and they cant support me anymore financially.
cyprus has opened its job market to all the eu citizens as it should have but it seems that cyprus is the only one who did that.
i applied to italy and they said they dont accept foreigners for medical specialization, in uk you have to be an "observer"for about a year before they give you a place for preregistration(observer=you are not allowed to touch patients,only look+you dont get paid),i definately cant afford such thing(this is not valid for british medical students),here in hungary hungarians have a priority etc.
this is why i am against the current stupid eu they way it is. you all watch the news in cyprus,how many times have you seen in the last year farmers and etc taking the streets and demanding subsidies and etc?well,we are getting organized 2,in case we dont get places we will start demonstrating 2(we=postgraduate unemployed medical doctors) and demanding things.
all the time cypriot politicians talk about investing in tourist industry,have they ever thought that there are other groups of people that they have to think of?cyprus is simply "destroying "its children. hundreds of cypriot scientists go abroad simply bc cyprus doesnt have the proper infrastructure.
why do they have to build 4-5 marinas for tourism? build 2 and invest the rest of the money in r&d.

ps. most probably you will see my face in october outside the parliament demonstrating....
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Postby Agios Amvrosios » Tue Jul 05, 2005 2:17 am

. Do you believe that EU membership will help secure a solution to the Cyprus problem, i.e. will the much-promised 'European solution' be realised?

lets be honest. To Cyprus the EU is all about security and stability. Economic considerations are of a very secondary concern.
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Postby gabaston » Tue Jul 05, 2005 4:01 am

Eu stability?

Agios you havent noticed the wings are falling

man britain has been in the eu now for thirty years, i was pro eu but im not too sure anymore - it seems to be money in and less out - we pay tax to give to other nations, i just dont get it- it doesn't make sense to me.

now it seems that we are killing african trade too by subsidising sugar and coffee, and then they go on about human rights. Its another of those one law for us and one for them things. How is this a good thing?

The scandanavians are seriously considering getting out. The French are being French (dont do as i do, just do as i say).

If it were leading to a united states of europe, i'd understand and be all for it, the price would be worth it imo. At the moment its a pack of haggling hyena's squabbling, sovereignty against unity, and who gets what.

I cant see it falling apart, but I cant see it being anything other than an economic pact.
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Postby cannedmoose » Tue Jul 05, 2005 7:12 pm

Agios Amvrosios wrote:lets be honest. To Cyprus the EU is all about security and stability. Economic considerations are of a very secondary concern.

But was this image that Cypriot politicians created of the EU as some sort of guarantee against Turkish 'aggression' realistic. The EU does not guarantee to stand by one of its members in the case of invasion, although I'm sure its members would. The way I perceive it is that Cypriot politicians became fixated on using the EU to solve the national problem, therefore, all debate on the virtues and vice-versa of membership were sacrificed on the altar of expediency. It seems that to be anti-EU in the run-up to accession was tantamount to admitting to being a traitor.

I'm not sure if I'm misreading events, but the prevailing attitude seemed to be one of "Shut up for now, we need to get into the EU and you might derail the effort if you cause problems. Wait until we're in, then you can shout and protest as much as you like".

Is there any truth to this argument that there was an implicit agreement in society at large, but mostly between politicians, trade unions and other interest groups, that Cyprus had to be seen to be doing everything by the book, in order to guarantee its accession negotiations reaching fruition?
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Postby magikthrill » Tue Jul 05, 2005 11:08 pm

the roc only was waiting to join the EU to help with a solution to the Cyprus problem. of course since that has not happened cypriots can only bitch and whine for nothing good having come along their way.
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Postby demetriou_74 » Tue Jul 05, 2005 11:14 pm

the longer trnc refuses to sort out the issue the further behind they will be.
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Postby Agios Amvrosios » Wed Jul 06, 2005 1:11 am

Chirac's recent statements mean I have to agree with you about an increased lack of stability Gabaston.

Hey all you Europeans -Cool it!
Chirac started a food fight:out of this morning's Australian

Chirac was overheard bashing British cooking and trustworthiness in a private chat with German Chancellor Gerhard Schroeder and Russian President Vladimir Putin. "You cannot trust people who have such bad cuisine," Mr Chirac joked. "It is the country with the worst food after Finland."

Mr Chirac scoffed: "
The only thing they (the British) have done for European agriculture is mad cow disease."

Hey all you Europeans -Cool it!

Canned Moose ,(Traoulos sto tenekouin) I agree with you that EU membership is probably not the same thing as say NATO membership- but its less likely that someone will fuck with the entire european union as opposed to a little un affiliated fart.
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Postby sk » Wed Jul 06, 2005 2:04 am

Canned Moose ,(Traoulos sto tenekouin)

this was so funny!!!i am actually typing this post after i spent 5 min on the floor laughing!!!!! :lol: :lol: :lol:
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