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Definition of a Cypriot (Take II)

How can we solve it? (keep it civilized)

What's your definition of a Cypriot?

Someone who puts Cyprus and all its legitimate people ahead of all other considerations
Someone who (thinks he/she) is Greek really but comes from Cyprus
Someone from Cyprus who isn't Turkish/Muslim
Someone who says they're Cypriot but only to give Turkey influence on the island
Someone who has a Cypriot passport. It's a nationality only.
A Greek Cypriot only
A Greek or Turkish Cypriot
Someone who can't do polls on the CF properly (go gently on me)
Total votes : 37

Postby Paphitis » Wed Sep 16, 2009 9:03 pm

Oracle wrote:
Paphitis wrote:
Oracle wrote:
The Cypriot wrote:
Oracle wrote:
Paphitis wrote:The Cypriot confirmed that it does not include ALL TCs and nothing more, which means your argument just does not hold water.

Nope ... look again!

So how stupid can you get, because a Turkish settler can only be classified as a Turkish Settler and not as a Turk/Muslim!

So Turkish Settlers are not "Turkish/Muslim" ... but according to you, TCs are! :lol:

You categorically state that a Cypriot is NOT a Turk/Muslim and you couldn't be anymore wrong.

That's right Paphitis .... Cypriots are not "Turkish/Muslim" because if they are Turkish they cannot be Cypriot (go back to the posts with the reasons why, and revise!)

Take a break and it will all be clear in the morning ... :lol:

I don't really get what you're arguing about - but you're both wrong.

It's a looong story! :roll:

I regret even asking you what was quite a reasonable question and instigating this....

Have a nice evening anyway.....I hold no grudge, but am just sick of this pointless dual.

Maybe there is a bigger difference between Australian English and British English .... :lol:

Goodnight sweetie ...

Australian English is much simpler than British English....and it is kind of more interesting too when you get to learn some really interesting colloquialisms.

A bit like Cypriot and Greek perhaps... :)

Good night!
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Postby Oracle » Wed Sep 16, 2009 9:03 pm

Get Real! wrote:
Oracle wrote:
Get Real! wrote:Stupid humans love and want AGGRANDIZEMENT!

Yes, like associating themselves with the original Choirokitians ... :roll:

What could be more down to earth than accepting my simple farming Cypriot origins Oracle?

Because the Choirokitians were not just ANY farmers!

They were the original farmers!

And as Aristotle said, "He who does it first, does it best!" 8)
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Postby Paphitis » Wed Sep 16, 2009 9:05 pm

Get Real! wrote:
Oracle wrote:
Get Real! wrote:Stupid humans love and want AGGRANDIZEMENT!

Yes, like associating themselves with the original Choirokitians ... :roll:

What could be more down to earth than accepting my simple farming Cypriot origins Oracle?

You are free to believe whatever you want. Just don't torment the rest of us for what we believe, because just like you we are free to maintain our true Cypriot heritage in accordance with our beliefs...
Last edited by Paphitis on Wed Sep 16, 2009 9:07 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Postby halil » Wed Sep 16, 2009 9:06 pm

Hi Cypriots.........

how true is below link for Cypriots . I will return back home tomorrow and i will translate it later on or someone will do it before me .

Ebru Cem: Ancak bir Kıbrıslı

Balığın yanında roka değil golyandıro arar.

Peksemeti çaya batırıp da yer.

‘Çörekte sandviç’ diye ısrar eder.

‘Bolibif’ ve ‘bikla’sız sandviçe sandviç demez.

Hellime peynir denilmesinden hoşlanmaz ve hellimi her şekilde tüketir; çiğ, kızarmış, ızgara, kebap...

Tarhana çorbasına hellim koyar.

Karpuzun yanında mutlaka hellim ister.

Magarınayı bullisiz ve rendelenmiş hellimsiz yemez.

Ton balığına ‘tuna’, sardalyeye ‘çardella’, kabak çekirdeğine ‘pasadembo’, fil dişine ‘cashews’ der.

Her yaz birkaç saatini molohiya ayıklamaya adar. Evi kötü bir koku sarsa da günlerce o molohiyaların kurumasını bekler.

Molohiyanın yanısıra derin dondurucuların yaygınlaşmasıyla birlikte taze börülce de ayıklayıp kış için dondurur.

Macun yapma alışkanlığından vazgeçtiyse de misafirlerine kendi yaptığı taze sıkılmış limonata ağırlar.

Çayı İngiliz usulü, sütlü içer.

Normalde demli çayı sevmez ama soğuk kış gecelerinde karışık baharatlı (anason, tarçın, karanfil, zencefil, ıhlamur...) çay demler.

Tarçına ‘bahar’ der.

Kutu sütünden neskafe, muhallebi yapar.

Kaç yaşında olursa olsun ‘Farine latte’ yer.

Restorantta otururken bile yemek planı yapar.

Markası, türü, muhteviyatı ne olursa olsun, her türlü kahvaltılık mısır gevreğine ‘Corn Flakes’ der.

Türkiye’ye gidip de garsondan ‘cips’ istediğinde karşısına kızarmış patates yerine pakette hazır cips çıkınca şaşırır, anlam veremez.

“Ne içersiniz” sorusu yerine “ne dökeyim size” der.

Doğada bulduğu her yeşilliği yumurtayla kızartıp yer: yumurta otu, ayrelli, kabak, ıspanak...

Zeytinyağlı dolmaya yalancı dolma der.

Ayçiçek yağına ‘fıstık yağı’, fıstığa gunna der.

Şeftali kebabının muhteviyatında şeftali barındırmadığını bilir.

Kapariye ‘gabbar’ der.

Lor peyniri bilmez, nor bilir.

Ekmek kadayıfının içine nor koyar.

‘Diken inciri’ demez, ‘babutsa’ der.

Sucuğa pastırma, pastırmaya da ‘Kayseri Pastırması’ der.

Sulu muhallebiye gül şurubu döker.

Mercimekli pilava ‘mücendra’ der.

Hemen hemen tüm yemeklere ‘Magi’ tavuk suyu tablet ekler.

Yeşil zeytine ‘çakızdez’ der ve servis ederken üzerine sarımsak ile golyandıro tohumu koyar.

Damla sakızına ‘mezleki’ ya da ‘Baf Sakızı’ der.

Karnıbahara ‘çiçek lahanası’ der.

Enginarın, kabak çiçeğinin dolmasını yapar.

‘Haşlanmış’ kelimesi yerine ‘gaynanmış’, ‘kızarmış’ yerine ise ‘ gavrılmış’ kelimelerini kullanır.

‘Molohiya, kolokas, bidda badadez, lalangı, pastelli, kayık pasta’ nedir bilir.

Zeytinyağlı yemeklere şeker eklemez.

Bullezin biraz daha büyümüş haline kolokas der.

Kuru böğrülcenin yanında renga kebabı yer.

Kebabı ekmek arası ya da lavaşa sarıp yemeyi reddeder, kebap illa ki pidede olacaktır.

Tahınlı bidda, hellimli bidda, zeytinli bidda, çitlembikli bidda pişirir.

Yine Pazar sabahları fırına gidip hellimli, pastırmalı pide alır. Bazen kıymasını kendisi evde kavurup fırıncıya götürür.

Kızarmış köfteye ‘badades köftesi’, hellim böreğine ‘soğan böreği’der.

‘Mangal yapmak’ deyimini kullanmaz, kebap yapmak der.

Piknikte mutlaka ama mutlaka kebap pişirir.

Katmeri tavada değil de tepside yaparsa adına ‘sini katmeri’ der.

Damla sakızına ‘mezleki’ ya da ‘Baf Sakızı’ der.

Lefkoşalı ise Sabır Restorantta köfteye ‘kıyma kebabı’ dendiğini bilir.

Şamişi ve felafel yemek için bayram yerinin açılmasını dört gözle bekler.

Ramazanda illa ki Minnoş’un çöreğini yemek ister.

Last edited by halil on Wed Sep 16, 2009 9:07 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby Get Real! » Wed Sep 16, 2009 9:06 pm

Paphitis wrote:
Get Real! wrote:
The Cypriot wrote:
Get Real! wrote:
The Cypriot wrote:There's more where that came from...

Cypriots - Because you’re worth it

Cypriots - The Real Thing

Vre Cypriot, you need to UP the stakes mate… the Greek propagandists even made them feel like they were one of the Gods of Olympus, and Spartan warriors for Christ’s sake and what are you offering them? The “real thing”??? :lol:

"The antidote for civilization" - Club Cypriot

Stupid humans love and want AGGRANDIZEMENT! You need to associate them with Gods, warriors, heroes, beauty, and such megalo-manic fantasies to condition them easier.

Greece has been using all these brainwashing tricks so well, that they even succeeded in convincing scores of Cypriots to betray their own country for them!

No not at all. Most Cypriots are quite humble and don't need the ego trip you seem to thrive on. :roll:

We are just interested in maintaining our heritage intact, and not giving in to external pressures, from Turkey, to abandon them thus making her job all the more easier.

One minute you want to be a Spartan archer, and the next a "humble Cypriot"!!!

Paphitis, you're so full of ever-changing shit that they haven't invented a pipe wide enough to flash your diarrhea down. :lol:
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Postby Get Real! » Wed Sep 16, 2009 9:09 pm

Oracle wrote:
Get Real! wrote:
Oracle wrote:
Get Real! wrote:Stupid humans love and want AGGRANDIZEMENT!

Yes, like associating themselves with the original Choirokitians ... :roll:

What could be more down to earth than accepting my simple farming Cypriot origins Oracle?

Because the Choirokitians were not just ANY farmers!

They were the original farmers!

And as Aristotle said, "He who does it first, does it best!" 8)

Save these kind of "arguments" for your exchanges with Paphitis and the like… :lol:
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Postby Paphitis » Wed Sep 16, 2009 9:12 pm

Get Real! wrote:
Paphitis wrote:
Get Real! wrote:
The Cypriot wrote:
Get Real! wrote:
The Cypriot wrote:There's more where that came from...

Cypriots - Because you’re worth it

Cypriots - The Real Thing

Vre Cypriot, you need to UP the stakes mate… the Greek propagandists even made them feel like they were one of the Gods of Olympus, and Spartan warriors for Christ’s sake and what are you offering them? The “real thing”??? :lol:

"The antidote for civilization" - Club Cypriot

Stupid humans love and want AGGRANDIZEMENT! You need to associate them with Gods, warriors, heroes, beauty, and such megalo-manic fantasies to condition them easier.

Greece has been using all these brainwashing tricks so well, that they even succeeded in convincing scores of Cypriots to betray their own country for them!

No not at all. Most Cypriots are quite humble and don't need the ego trip you seem to thrive on. :roll:

We are just interested in maintaining our heritage intact, and not giving in to external pressures, from Turkey, to abandon them thus making her job all the more easier.

One minute you want to be a Spartan archer, and the next a "humble Cypriot"!!!

Paphitis, you're so full of ever-changing shit that they haven't invented a pipe wide enough to flash your diarrhea down. :lol:

Just being an Aussie Cypriot is enough for me because that is all I am. I am not a Spartan Warrior but have other "Aggrandizing" ideals, if I desire them, that are pretty much in the same vain. The ANZACs, my former squadron, and EOKA can fulfill that purpose should I require it.
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Postby Get Real! » Wed Sep 16, 2009 9:13 pm

Paphitis wrote:
Get Real! wrote:
Oracle wrote:
Get Real! wrote:Stupid humans love and want AGGRANDIZEMENT!

Yes, like associating themselves with the original Choirokitians ... :roll:

What could be more down to earth than accepting my simple farming Cypriot origins Oracle?

You are free to believe whatever you want. Just don't torment the rest of us for what we believe, because just like you we are free to maintain our true Cypriot heritage in accordance with our beliefs...

The Cypriot heritage is RIGHT HERE on Cyprus you brainless fool, so don’t go looking for megalo-manic mythological fantasies 500 miles away!
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Postby The Cypriot » Wed Sep 16, 2009 9:23 pm

halil wrote:Hi Cypriots.........

how true is below link for Cypriots . I will return back home tomorrow and i will translate it later on or someone will do it before me .

Ebru Cem: Ancak bir Kıbrıslı

Balığın yanında roka değil golyandıro arar.

Peksemeti çaya batırıp da yer.

‘Çörekte sandviç’ diye ısrar eder.

‘Bolibif’ ve ‘bikla’sız sandviçe sandviç demez.

Hellime peynir denilmesinden hoşlanmaz ve hellimi her şekilde tüketir; çiğ, kızarmış, ızgara, kebap...

Tarhana çorbasına hellim koyar.

Karpuzun yanında mutlaka hellim ister.

Magarınayı bullisiz ve rendelenmiş hellimsiz yemez.

Ton balığına ‘tuna’, sardalyeye ‘çardella’, kabak çekirdeğine ‘pasadembo’, fil dişine ‘cashews’ der.

Her yaz birkaç saatini molohiya ayıklamaya adar. Evi kötü bir koku sarsa da günlerce o molohiyaların kurumasını bekler.

Molohiyanın yanısıra derin dondurucuların yaygınlaşmasıyla birlikte taze börülce de ayıklayıp kış için dondurur.

Macun yapma alışkanlığından vazgeçtiyse de misafirlerine kendi yaptığı taze sıkılmış limonata ağırlar.

Çayı İngiliz usulü, sütlü içer.

Normalde demli çayı sevmez ama soğuk kış gecelerinde karışık baharatlı (anason, tarçın, karanfil, zencefil, ıhlamur...) çay demler.

Tarçına ‘bahar’ der.

Kutu sütünden neskafe, muhallebi yapar.

Kaç yaşında olursa olsun ‘Farine latte’ yer.

Restorantta otururken bile yemek planı yapar.

Markası, türü, muhteviyatı ne olursa olsun, her türlü kahvaltılık mısır gevreğine ‘Corn Flakes’ der.

Türkiye’ye gidip de garsondan ‘cips’ istediğinde karşısına kızarmış patates yerine pakette hazır cips çıkınca şaşırır, anlam veremez.

“Ne içersiniz” sorusu yerine “ne dökeyim size” der.

Doğada bulduğu her yeşilliği yumurtayla kızartıp yer: yumurta otu, ayrelli, kabak, ıspanak...

Zeytinyağlı dolmaya yalancı dolma der.

Ayçiçek yağına ‘fıstık yağı’, fıstığa gunna der.

Şeftali kebabının muhteviyatında şeftali barındırmadığını bilir.

Kapariye ‘gabbar’ der.

Lor peyniri bilmez, nor bilir.

Ekmek kadayıfının içine nor koyar.

‘Diken inciri’ demez, ‘babutsa’ der.

Sucuğa pastırma, pastırmaya da ‘Kayseri Pastırması’ der.

Sulu muhallebiye gül şurubu döker.

Mercimekli pilava ‘mücendra’ der.

Hemen hemen tüm yemeklere ‘Magi’ tavuk suyu tablet ekler.

Yeşil zeytine ‘çakızdez’ der ve servis ederken üzerine sarımsak ile golyandıro tohumu koyar.

Damla sakızına ‘mezleki’ ya da ‘Baf Sakızı’ der.

Karnıbahara ‘çiçek lahanası’ der.

Enginarın, kabak çiçeğinin dolmasını yapar.

‘Haşlanmış’ kelimesi yerine ‘gaynanmış’, ‘kızarmış’ yerine ise ‘ gavrılmış’ kelimelerini kullanır.

‘Molohiya, kolokas, bidda badadez, lalangı, pastelli, kayık pasta’ nedir bilir.

Zeytinyağlı yemeklere şeker eklemez.

Bullezin biraz daha büyümüş haline kolokas der.

Kuru böğrülcenin yanında renga kebabı yer.

Kebabı ekmek arası ya da lavaşa sarıp yemeyi reddeder, kebap illa ki pidede olacaktır.

Tahınlı bidda, hellimli bidda, zeytinli bidda, çitlembikli bidda pişirir.

Yine Pazar sabahları fırına gidip hellimli, pastırmalı pide alır. Bazen kıymasını kendisi evde kavurup fırıncıya götürür.

Kızarmış köfteye ‘badades köftesi’, hellim böreğine ‘soğan böreği’der.

‘Mangal yapmak’ deyimini kullanmaz, kebap yapmak der.

Piknikte mutlaka ama mutlaka kebap pişirir.

Katmeri tavada değil de tepside yaparsa adına ‘sini katmeri’ der.

Damla sakızına ‘mezleki’ ya da ‘Baf Sakızı’ der.

Lefkoşalı ise Sabır Restorantta köfteye ‘kıyma kebabı’ dendiğini bilir.

Şamişi ve felafel yemek için bayram yerinin açılmasını dört gözle bekler.

Ramazanda illa ki Minnoş’un çöreğini yemek ister.


halil's taken my sloganeering too literally. We're promoting Cypriots not breakfast cereals...
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Postby Simon » Wed Sep 16, 2009 9:24 pm

Get Real! wrote:
Simon wrote:
Get Real! wrote:Each and every one of you who claim to be “Cypriots” must reject and denounce all past programming inflicted on your brains by our enemies, and be reprogrammed to become individual marketing/promotional bastions of Cyprus!

Oracle, Simon, and Paphitis, the three of you are the most fucking useless “Cypriots” on this forum, so your reprogramming must commence immediately…

ie: Repeat after me…

1. Cyprus is the center of the universe!

2. Cyprus is the birthplace of civilization!

3. Cyprus is the alpha and the omega of the world!

I will check your progress tomorrow and press on with the second reprogramming process.

GR, I cannot be a useless Cypriot as I always put Cyprus first. The only difference between me and you is, you believe putting Cyprus first means denying our fantastic contribution to Hellenism, and our Greek identity, I don't.

Furthermore GR, as you are the most useless historian on this forum, you must repeat after me:





Simon, Simon, Simon... whatever will I do with your shortsighted little mind!

All the shit they fed you was to promote another ethnos and look what happened to your own home? It’s been torn down… will you ever learn? :?

Firstly, nobody has fed me anything. I have independently looked into the history of Cyprus, and the overwhelming amount of evidence supports what I say. Look at the quotes I gave you earlier, look at British ethnic maps from the 19th century, look at the wealth of evidence staring you in the face, from ancient times to today. The fact is Greek Cypriots have always been regarded as ethnic Greeks. This is why you have to invent history and make ridiculous assumptions to support what you say, because you have nothing else.

Secondly, it is not "another ethnos". You still haven't understood GR that Greece does not have the sole rights to being Greek. Just like there are many Turkic states, there can be more than one Hellenic one. Just because we confess a Greek identity, it does not mean we promote Greece over Cyprus. I am a Greek Cypriot, not a Greek from Greece and therefore my allegiance is first and foremost to Cyprus and I am proud of that fact. We are just as Greek (if not more so) than what they are.

I don't believe it is me being shortsighted, but rather you being very fickle.

By your logic, if we had won the war in 1974, and drove the Turks off the island, it would then be acceptable to be Greek. But because we suffered, we must abandon Cyprus' thousands of years of Greek culture and identity, and become simply "Cypriot", which is obviously an identity invented post 1974, so that we can grovel to the TCs and beg them to unite with us under this artificial banner. This is a defeatist mentality. It is the mentality Turkey wants, as it can then more easily assert its authority all over the island. You want to alienate Greece, and yet Greece is a crucial ally, and then you call me shortsighted? :roll: It wasn't our identity that caused the problems in 1974, but ultra-nationalist extremists in both Greece and Cyprus. But that was back then, Greece and Cyprus have progressed and matured immeasurably since then.

Let me ask you this question, even if today, we all completely abandoned any notion that we are Greek, and we all accepted that we are only Cypriots and nothing else, what difference would it make? Do you think Turkey would up and leave? Do you think the TCs would abandon their identity? Do you think the international community would really care all that much? It would then go from Greek Cypriot v Turkish Cypriot to Greek-speaking Christian Cypriot v Turkish Cypriot. TCs would then say they don't want to be dominated by the Christian, Greek-speaking, Cypriot majority, and that they don't want to lose their unique "Turkishness". What do we do then, deny that we are Christians, remove all the Churches, invent a new "Cypriot" language? Where does it end?

The only sensible way to reunite Cyprus would be to accept our differences and treat them as part of the diversity of Cyprus which is what makes the island so rich in culture, as an island between 3 continents. But above all, the allegiance of all must be to Cyprus as Cypriot citizens. We must be mature to behave in this way. If you are saying that we are not mature enough for this in 2009, and therefore we have to create something artificial in its place, then we are not ready to reunite. Is this what you are saying GR?
Last edited by Simon on Wed Sep 16, 2009 9:40 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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