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Postby CBBB » Mon Sep 14, 2009 7:02 am

OK, you have now mentioned two of the things I can't stand in the cuisine of Cyprus, Kolokassi and trahana! Kolokassi has absolutely no taste (but I agree with umit about boulez) and trahana with halloumi looks and smells like puke!!!!

The hare/rabbit with onions, potatoes, tomatoes and don't forget the vinegar, is excellent. We do make sure that no close relatives are used!

I am also with GR on the shieftalia front, but you can't make them properly in the UK, the pork is not right there. You have to use good old Cyprus pork for these. Commiserations to our TC friends who do not eat this haram food, and I am happy for those that do.

Other Cypriot favourites are fasolaki yachni me arni, pisellia yachni me arni (with loads of freshly crushed garlic), fasolia yachni, moussaka (I use a mixture of beef and pork, much better flavour), and the all time favourite of kefalaki (sheep or goat's head), yum yum!!!

Due to the sensitivities of some members of the forum, I won't mention pickled ambelopoulia (but I do love them)!

These are all dishes which I often cook for the family on a Sunday (mind you, I did roast beef and yorkshire puddings yesterday). As I use loads of garlic in anything I cook, nobody talks to my family when they are at work until around Wednesday!
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Postby yialousa1971 » Mon Sep 14, 2009 8:01 am

Get Real! wrote:Kologassi sucks and Shieftalies rule! :D

Are you aloud to eat Pork?
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Postby CBBB » Mon Sep 14, 2009 8:08 am

yialousa1971 wrote:
Get Real! wrote:Kologassi sucks and Shieftalies rule! :D

Are you aloud to eat Pork?

He prefers pygmy-hippos, but eats pork as he is not Jewish or Mulsim (or that Armenian thing, Vegetarian).
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Postby denizaksulu » Mon Sep 14, 2009 9:21 am

Nikitas wrote:Kafene,

The reason, I was told by my grandmother, is that cutting the kolokassi all the way through with a knife will stop it from cooking.

Deniz- "waste of a hare" !!!! Stifado, the dish you are referring to, is a standby in most Mediterranean countries of the west, going under names like agrodolce (sweet and sour), stuffato, estuffade, stifado. It is a balance of flavors between sweet (onions) and sour (two spoonfulls of vinegar). Obviously you had it from the wrong hands.

On the other hand i have noticed a general aversion of TCs to vinegar and sour notes in food.

Now as to national dishes we must include the flat pies cooked on a hot stone in Rizokarpasoo, home made Ravioles, Tahinopitta, Shilari, Titsiries, Ressi, Tsamarella, Elioti, Kolokoti, Savoro . Let's see who knows these, who the true Cypriots are in here, cause any imposter can hide behind sheftalies and kleftiko.

The home made Ravioli's are what we used to call 'Tatar Bourek'. Now under foreign influence they call them 'manti'. I dont know/ or cannot remember the other names, but might recognise the foods on sight.
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Postby Get Real! » Mon Sep 14, 2009 9:28 am

yialousa1971 wrote:
Get Real! wrote:Kologassi sucks and Shieftalies rule! :D

Are you aloud to eat Pork?

I didn’t know you have to scream to eat them! :?

Your Hellenic IQ is most entertaining… :lol:
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Postby denizaksulu » Mon Sep 14, 2009 9:28 am

CBBB wrote:OK, you have now mentioned two of the things I can't stand in the cuisine of Cyprus, Kolokassi and trahana! Kolokassi has absolutely no taste (but I agree with umit about boulez) and trahana with halloumi looks and smells like puke!!!!

The hare/rabbit with onions, potatoes, tomatoes and don't forget the vinegar, is excellent. We do make sure that no close relatives are used!

I am also with GR on the shieftalia front, but you can't make them properly in the UK, the pork is not right there. You have to use good old Cyprus pork for these. Commiserations to our TC friends who do not eat this haram food, and I am happy for those that do.

Other Cypriot favourites are fasolaki yachni me arni, pisellia yachni me arni (with loads of freshly crushed garlic), fasolia yachni, moussaka (I use a mixture of beef and pork, much better flavour), and the all time favourite of kefalaki (sheep or goat's head), yum yum!!!

Due to the sensitivities of some members of the forum, I won't mention pickled ambelopoulia (but I do love them)!

These are all dishes which I often cook for the family on a Sunday (mind you, I did roast beef and yorkshire puddings yesterday). As I use loads of garlic in anything I cook, nobody talks to my family when they are at work until around Wednesday!


We do eat sheftalia and when done properly it is fantastic. We use lamb caul instead of pork. Tastes even better. I have had both. Ask GR. He fed me some in Kakopetria. :lol:
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Postby Nikitas » Mon Sep 14, 2009 9:29 am

OK I will give a glossary

Tahinopitta- stringy pie with tahini and sugar
Shilari- thickened broth with flour
Titsiries- grilled pieces of pork fat
Ressi- broth made with wheat and lamb and/or goat, stirred all night over a slow fire
Tsamarella- salted sun dried goat meat
Elioti- olive bread
Kolokoti- pumpkin pie
Savoro- fried fish in sauce made with rosemary, garlic, vinegar and sugar

And I will add here Patates antinahtes, tossed small potatoes with corianger seeds and wine, a recipe with which a Greek cookery "expert" won the Peruvian international cooking show. At least he did mention the origin of the recipe.
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Postby denizaksulu » Mon Sep 14, 2009 9:50 am

Nikitas wrote:OK I will give a glossary

Tahinopitta- stringy pie with tahini and sugar
Shilari- thickened broth with flour
Titsiries- grilled pieces of pork fat
Ressi- broth made with wheat and lamb and/or goat, stirred all night over a slow fire
Tsamarella- salted sun dried goat meat
Elioti- olive bread
Kolokoti- pumpkin pie
Savoro- fried fish in sauce made with rosemary, garlic, vinegar and sugar

And I will add here Patates antinahtes, tossed small potatoes with corianger seeds and wine, a recipe with which a Greek cookery "expert" won the Peruvian international cooking show. At least he did mention the origin of the recipe.

Olive bread and olive 'cake' are yummy. In summer we used to eat a lot of gologoti and filaounes/pilavuna as well. Still do.
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Postby yialousa1971 » Mon Sep 14, 2009 9:50 am

Get Real! wrote:
yialousa1971 wrote:
Get Real! wrote:Kologassi sucks and Shieftalies rule! :D

Are you aloud to eat Pork?

I didn’t know you have to scream to eat them! :?

Your Hellenic IQ is most entertaining… :lol:

Ha ha, so you can't. :idea: GR is a Turco. :cry: No wounder he hates us Cypriots (Greeks).
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Postby halil » Mon Sep 14, 2009 10:17 am

iceman wrote:How dare you lot discuss food in Halils absence?? :lol: :lol: :lol:

Goodmorning all . I am in Amsterdam Now. Having my breakfast.
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