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Need advice about getting to Cyprus by car

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Postby zacharius » Tue Oct 06, 2009 8:05 pm

Hi Chris, No I haven't checked the prices actually waiting to get my house rented out and it's taking longer than I thought so the time is really dragging on....

Will get around to checking out the prices and let you know...was a bit of a shock to hear it costs so much for a relatively short journey, thanks for the info.
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Postby Lady Annabella » Mon Jan 11, 2010 11:33 am

Hi Zacharius,

I to was interested in driving to Cyprus, but was not sure on the crossing from either Athens or Turkey.

Did you do it in the end and if so how did it go, was it ok or did you have problems.

If you did it, please let us know how you got on.
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Postby zacharius » Mon Jan 11, 2010 12:58 pm

Have been meaning to write in about how it's going but it's been pretty hectic.

If you're driving, then the only way to get in is via a Ro-Ro ferry from Piraeus. Have made goodness knows how many phone calls to the Cyprus Embassy here in Sweden about coming through from Turkey, but it's a definite no-no. A friend of mine took this route with his car and when he got to the Green Line, they refused him and he ended up having to send his car to Syria and back to one of the legal ports of entry !!

I have had mail contact with every ferry company I can find. There was only one that took passengers...and in my case 2 small dogs aswell. The company is called Champion Ferries.

I don't know what kind of vehicle you will be travelling in but I can give you an idea of the prices we were quoted :-

Motor home 5-7 meters = 420 euros
Piraeus free in expenses = 65
Passenger ticket = 165
Piraeus customs = 50-100
Cyprus liner out expenses = 200

He said that the ticket includes cabin and a meal.
Will be arriving in Piraeus around the first week in February and he said to get in touch around the middle of January to book our convenience.

Not really looking forward it if I'm honest....he said the seas are pretty rough.....ugh !

Don't know where you're travelling from....we're travelling down from the South of Sweden.

Hope this helps you.....
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Postby zacharius » Mon Jul 26, 2010 2:55 pm


Should have answered months ago, sorry...

We managed to get a ro-ro ferry through Salamis Shipping to bring the campervan across. It took a couple of days and despite being February the sea was very calm.

The price was around £1,100 which as you said was pretty expensive, but didn't have a lot of choice. A cabin, plus all meals was included in the price and it was a really pleasant journey and friendly staff.

What you have to be careful of if considering this company, is that we were told to meet a rep at Piraeus harbour to sort out papers for the car. This rep told us we had to pay 50 euros for the papers or we wouldn't be able to bring the campervan into Cyprus. We paid him and he told us to wait where we were and he'd be back in 2 hours. He never came back. We asked the ships captain...everyone in any kind of management position and nobody wanted to tell us what was gong on. When we got to Limassol, there was another rep waiting to greet us...and he wanted 50 euros for his trouble aswell ! He said we MUST pay or we couldn't bring the car through. This time I refused to pay without a receipt stating what the money was for. He got frustrated and angry but finally, after 2 hours of haggling... he left in a huff without the money.

I did my best to find out what this money was for and couldn't get an answer from anybody. I know it's my own fault for paying without getting a receipt directly, but you live and learn I guess.
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