I extend my deepest sympathies towards Miltiades and his family. Iris, by all accounts, has enjoyed a good life and was gifted with beautiful and loving children and grand children.
Indeed, Miltiades in his quest for sympathy from strangers, at this unfortunate time, could spend as much time with Iris as possible, looking into her eyes and reminding her how much she means to him, the children and grand children. He could also reflect upon the fortunate lives they have both led, and he himself would do well to sympathise with all those millions of innocent human beings around the world that have been less fortunate than him, including those millions that have had their lives violently snuffed out from the 'hellfire descending from the skies', killing innocent men, women and children. Miltiades in turn could offer some of the sympathy he himself seeks, towards the millions of Palestinian "savages" that have been tormented, killed, raped, bombed and embargoed to the point of suffocation, and to also realise that an innocent life taken from terrorists attacks in New York, Bali, India, London or Madrid does not justify the slaughter of thousands, if not millions, of innocent "savages" in Afghanistan, Iraq, or Palestine, for their lives are worth just as much as ours in the "civilised" west.....
Miltiades, I wish you strength and also hope you would do the same to your less fortunate fellow humans who have only known suffering, and tyranny from your very idols.