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Christofias says Turkish troops must leave for Cyprus deal

How can we solve it? (keep it civilized)

Postby barouti » Mon Sep 14, 2009 5:36 pm

Get Real! wrote:Talking to your self after just 30 posts is not a good sign... are you Greek? :?

Well, you did read it...and respond as well. So I am talking to someone after all. That you're on this forum 24/7 (a life...get one) I'm sure whatever I post will certainly grab your attention.

GR, do you know what you are? You're the Tom Cruise movie at a film festival.
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Postby Expatkiwi » Mon Sep 14, 2009 6:13 pm

barouti wrote:
Get Real! wrote:Talking to your self after just 30 posts is not a good sign... are you Greek? :?

Well, you did read it...and respond as well. So I am talking to someone after all. That you're on this forum 24/7 (a life...get one) I'm sure whatever I post will certainly grab your attention.

GR, do you know what you are? You're the Tom Cruise movie at a film festival.

Barouti, I may not have the same opinions as Get Real, but he has more integrity in his little finger than what you have in your whole body! He espouses a free Cyprus neither Greek or Turk and while I don't think it possible, I respect him for his keeping to that ideal.

BTW, noone in NZ argues for South Island Independence, but South Islanders do want a little more consideration for the South Island...
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Postby Simon » Mon Sep 14, 2009 6:20 pm

Expatkiwi wrote:
barouti wrote:
Get Real! wrote:Talking to your self after just 30 posts is not a good sign... are you Greek? :?

Well, you did read it...and respond as well. So I am talking to someone after all. That you're on this forum 24/7 (a life...get one) I'm sure whatever I post will certainly grab your attention.

GR, do you know what you are? You're the Tom Cruise movie at a film festival.

Barouti, I may not have the same opinions as Get Real, but he has more integrity in his little finger than what you have in your whole body! He espouses a free Cyprus neither Greek or Turk and while I don't think it possible, I respect him for his keeping to that ideal.

BTW, noone in NZ argues for South Island Independence, but South Islanders do want a little more consideration for the South Island...

We all want a free Cyprus, free from foreign troops and interference. The only difference is, some are willing to give up their heritage and identity for it, and others aren't. I believe there is more integrity in the attitude of the latter.
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Postby Get Real! » Mon Sep 14, 2009 8:38 pm

barouti wrote:
Get Real! wrote:Talking to your self after just 30 posts is not a good sign... are you Greek? :?

Well, you did read it...and respond as well. So I am talking to someone after all. That you're on this forum 24/7 (a life...get one) I'm sure whatever I post will certainly grab your attention.

GR, do you know what you are? You're the Tom Cruise movie at a film festival.

With an alias like “Barouti” (Gunpowder), and a tagline quoting Grivas having Greek mythological hallucinations, in this day and age the best actor I can possibly associate you with is… Mini-Me! :lol:
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Postby Raymanoff » Mon Sep 14, 2009 9:21 pm

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Postby EricSeans » Mon Sep 14, 2009 10:03 pm

Expatkiwi wrote:
Paphitis wrote:
Australia could invade the North Island, ethnically cleanse all Kiwi "scum" and create a Maori protectorate....

Its great we are on the same page here, and that you condone such activity...I only hope Australia heeds your call and "intervenes" within NZ by staging a "peace" operation...NZ after all is just an extension of Australia and so you are probably better off under our thumb.... :D

But don't worry about a thing, because should this happen then you must know that we will come in peace just like the Turks did in 74... :lol:

If you Kiwis know what's good for you, you would greet the ADF with rose petals... :roll:

I condone self-determination... period. To support one group while opposing another group's right to self-determination is hypocritical. The Turkish Cypriot people deserve this right as much as any other nationality. Sorry, Paphitis, but your counters to my arguments are not cutting much ice as far as I'm concerned.

That being said, I should tell you what I told GR once. I met a couple of Turkish tourists a couple of months ago, and while chatting, the topic turned to Cyprus. These Turks (Male, mid-30's) thought I was rather naive to support TRNC independence. They stated that the TRNC is not an end in itself, but a means to an end. They told me that the ultimate goal of Turkey's support of the TRNC is the eventual annexation of TRNC to Turkey, which is what they supported. I express total opposition to that as the mainland Turkification of the TRNC would effectively expunge the Turkish Cypriot identity, just as surely as the Maori overwhelming, and breeding out of the Moriori in the Chatham islands in the 19th Century. This has put me in a quandry: Is my support of TRNC actually supporting it's extinction? Judging from the history of Cyprus since independence, that actually puts the Turkish Cypriots between a rock and a hard place: Hellenization on one side, and Mainland Turkification on the other. So you see the reason why I support the TRNC as a seperate country is simply to ensure the Turkish Cypriot people's survival. What other choice can there be?


Forgive me for casting doubt over your integrity over whether your alleged meeting with these "Turkish tourists" ever took place. Trouble is, there are not that many expat Kiwis frequenting these forums. And just the other day one of them with a similar writing style to your own posted this on Cyprus44:

Speaking of 'thuggishness', I well remember the demonstration at which the attempted hauling down of the Turkish flag incident occurred - it was GC bikers, who rode up to Nicosia from all over RoC, plus the students.

My Canadian (UNFYCYP) friend was on duty that day - apart from being verbally abused, spat at and physically threatened, he had sand flung in his face several times. He told me that one young GC wouldn't cease being confrontational, so he had no alternative but to clout him across the ear with the handset of his field telephone.

The member on that forum who challenged (you) about the truthfulness of that post - on two glaringly obvious points - was immediately banned from posting for 11 years. Here we enjoy freedom of expression. So maybe you have something to say? :wink:
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Postby paliometoxo » Mon Sep 14, 2009 11:47 pm


exactly.. only the old people who are about to drop dead any minute are screaming we will have a turkish state and all that rubbish and will insist all the way on turkish state..

why doesent christofias go to the table and insisit on enosis with greece all the way and when the stupid turks say no tell the world there is no chance of a solution the turks wont co-operate they wont accept our fair deal of enosis... i wonder WHY?!?
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Postby repulsewarrior » Tue Sep 15, 2009 2:10 am

EPSILON wrote:Being a Cypriot means, i am Turk, I am Greek, I am Syrian, I am Maronite, I am Settler, I am British ...I am Babel ...
I am Greek of Cyprus means i am exactly what i am. are right!!!

so read my manifesto; consider its value to a Greek of Cyprus, living in a Cypriot State.
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Postby Expatkiwi » Tue Sep 15, 2009 5:50 am

EricSeans wrote:Expatkiwi,

Forgive me for casting doubt over your integrity over whether your alleged meeting with these "Turkish tourists" ever took place. Trouble is, there are not that many expat Kiwis frequenting these forums. And just the other day one of them with a similar writing style to your own posted this on Cyprus44:

Speaking of 'thuggishness', I well remember the demonstration at which the attempted hauling down of the Turkish flag incident occurred - it was GC bikers, who rode up to Nicosia from all over RoC, plus the students.

My Canadian (UNFYCYP) friend was on duty that day - apart from being verbally abused, spat at and physically threatened, he had sand flung in his face several times. He told me that one young GC wouldn't cease being confrontational, so he had no alternative but to clout him across the ear with the handset of his field telephone.

The member on that forum who challenged (you) about the truthfulness of that post - on two glaringly obvious points - was immediately banned from posting for 11 years. Here we enjoy freedom of expression. So maybe you have something to say? :wink:

Well, I can say that I was not the person who published the article you alluded to. BTW Those Turkish tourists I spoke to were in Little Rock, Arkansas, the same time I was waiting for my son to die at Arkansas Childrens Hospital (he was critically injured in a vehicle accident and finally passed away after being in a coma for 36 days. Get Real sent me condolences on my son's passing). Anyway, I had bumped into them at a masll in North Little Rock while shopping for some items to take to my wife back at the hospital (standing vigil over my son's hospital bed). I don't know if those tourists' attitude is typical of Turks in general, or a minority viewpoint. But I can tell you that I was shocked that they regarded my support of the TRNC being a totally independent state was naive.
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Postby Expatkiwi » Tue Sep 15, 2009 5:51 am

If Self-Determination is an inalienable right, then why won't the Greek Cypriots allow the Turkish Cypriots to exercise it? Can someone please tell me?
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