Christine Toskos wrote:Megali Idea means all Greeks to be reunited. Since Cyprus is more than 90% Greek. There are 800,000 people on Cyprus. 658,000 are Greek Orthodox, that leaves 150,000 others. They include: Armenians, Greek Catholics, Menorites, British, Germans, UN soldiers, and Turks. So, to me that means Cyprus is overwhelming Greek. Out of every 10 Cypriots, 8 and 1/2 are Greek and only 1/2 are Turkish? That doesn't make sense. There are more Turks living in Rhodes than on Cyprus. Why is Rhodes allow to be part of Greece and not Cyprus. Especially since Rhodes is closer to Turkey than Cyprus?
Christine Toskos wrote:Sweetheart they do vote for your information. They are Greek citizens. They practice their religion and they love living in Greece. They have more freedom in Greece than in Turkey.
Christine Toskos wrote:They voted to remain Greek. They prefer living with Greeks because they have freedom to come and go as they please. They can worship in their mosques without fear. More than I can say about Constantinople. They aren't afraid that the Greeks will kill them on Ramadan. In Larnaca the mosques are there undisturbed. Can we say the same about our churches in the occupied areas?
Christine Toskos wrote:This never came up. Just like the Turkish Cypriots never wanted to be an independent country from Cyprus. They lived better with the Greeks. However, tell your parents to speak the truth. They will say there were no problems between the two communities. The British stirred the Turkey. Turkey being barbaric said opportunity to steal more Greek lands. Just as they stole, Pontia, Constantinople, Symrna etc. This is the truth not the bull your Turkish lied about. This is probably the only time you hear of the truth. As I said you are receiving an inferior education from your Turkish teachers. Sue them for lying to you.
Christine Toskos wrote:This never came up. Just like the Turkish Cypriots never wanted to be an independent country from Cyprus. They lived better with the Greeks. However, tell your parents to speak the truth. They will say there were no problems between the two communities. The British stirred the Turkey. Turkey being barbaric said opportunity to steal more Greek lands. Just as they stole, Pontia, Constantinople, Symrna etc. This is the truth not the bull your Turkish lied about. This is probably the only time you hear of the truth. As I said you are receiving an inferior education from your Turkish teachers. Sue them for lying to you.
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