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Boots, Boots, Boots.

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Boots, Boots, Boots.

Postby Floda » Wed Sep 09, 2009 12:44 pm

I understand that there is a fleet of 'Container Ships' bound for all ports surrounding the African (and supplying the Arab) nations. :shock:

It would appear that the cargo is one of many millions of pairs of sturdy 'Boots' which are to be distributed to every indigenous inhabitant of those said nations. 8)

Apparently several of the African leaders are now demanding that the draconian sanctions imposed upon the suffering Zimbabwean population be lifted forthwith since Robert Mugabe (having stood firm against every attempt to oust him by 'Western Powers') has proven his mettle and , as such, has been recognised by his counterparts. :wink:

Perhaps the news of the 'Boots' (coupled with the call for sanction lifting) will prompt certain leaders (who have been told to "Mind their own business") to reinstate 'SIR Robert Mugabe' :lol:

Gordon Brown, currently struggling to cover his tracks and attempting to fool the world that he was negotiating an 'Humanitarian Deal' with 'Mad Dog Gadaffi' when he was in fact negotiating (apparently) the now widely debated 'Blood for Oil' agreement, was described as "A Speck of Sand" by Sir Robert at their last encounter, perhaps Sir Robert should have been granted a little more credibility at that time. :roll:

However, back to the 'Boots' and the significance of such shipment.

It would appear that the African and Arab nations will shortly be making certain demands of the 'Western Powers'. :?

They will invite the Leaders of the West to 'Drop Trousers and Bare Bottoms' in order that the African and Arab leaders might deliver a hefty 'Boot in the Arse' to each and every one of them. :shock: :lol:

The general populations of both the African and Arab nations (suitably Booted Up) will similarly cleanse their regions of 'Western Influence' and will thus probably enjoy peaceful and prosperous futures. :)

It would also appear that (among the millions of black leather 'Boots') there is a special pair of 'White Leather' and these have been especially prepared for the application of the required 'Kick' to President Obama's Black Arse !, Sir Robert has been offered the honour but has declined. :?:

He has been reported as stating that such an action might be seen as one of vengeance and he would not expose himself to such a reproach, "After all" said he "Not being a White man, I don't feel the necessity to prove myself superior" :wink:

I do wonder if any forum member might be interested in applying for the job ?. :lol:

Happy Days in the 'Halls of Power' :lol: :lol: :wink:
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Postby purdey » Wed Sep 09, 2009 1:06 pm

What's the salary and mark up on the boots ? I will give it go if it's profitable.
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Postby Floda » Wed Sep 09, 2009 1:10 pm

purdey wrote:What's the salary and mark up on the boots ? I will give it go if it's profitable.

Purdey, nice one. :lol: :wink:
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Postby Floda » Sun Sep 27, 2009 4:00 pm

Perhaps the mention of the shipment was a little premature, however, it would appear that both Gadaffi and Ahmadinejad have received their boots (if the recent revelations contained in their respective speeches is anything to go by) since they have both invited the Western powers to 'Mind their own business' (as did Robert Mugabe) and as such should soon be applying the required 'Kicks' to the appropriate 'Bottoms' (Black or White). :lol:

These are interesting times we have the good fortune to live in, perhaps 'Truth' WILL prevail after all. :wink:
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Postby Floda » Fri Nov 06, 2009 7:52 pm

Time for a bit of revival I think, the shocking news of today DOES indicate that there are 'Cracks' appearing in the most unlikely of places and that a 'Muslim' Officer in the US military turned his fury upon his own comrades.

Such actions as these are apparently to be expected in the Middle East but surely NOT in the nerve centre of the largest military establishment in the USA.

It would appear that (subject to further information) the Officer was disgruntled with (either the fact that he was to be drafted to Afghanistan) or more likely (that HE, as with millions of other people in both the 'civilised' AND the West's idea of the 'uncivilised' nations of the world) is completely fed up with the oppression, persecution and deliberate slaughter of the innocents in many regions OF the Middle East.

As to the cracks, Gordon Brown declared that the UK would 'Stand Firm' in Afghanistan and actually delivered a most interesting comment aimed at the President of the nation when he insisted that there should be 'NO corruption in the Government there' :shock:

His tongue didn't fall out and he wasn't struck by lightning, which proves beyond doubt that the Almighty is compassionate. :lol:

It is easy for Gordon to talk, HE is not the poor unfortunate soldier that has to do the 'Standing Firm'.

Back to the boots, I think they will be in full swing very shortly. :lol: :wink:
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Postby Oracle » Fri Nov 06, 2009 9:15 pm

Floda wrote:Back to the boots, I think they will be in full swing very shortly. :lol: :wink:

What a coincidence! I just bought boots for this winter, today ... :wink:

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Postby Floda » Fri Nov 06, 2009 10:22 pm

Oracle wrote:
Floda wrote:Back to the boots, I think they will be in full swing very shortly. :lol: :wink:

What a coincidence! I just bought boots for this winter, today ... :wink:

Not quite the 'Cracks' I was making reference to BUT, if I were to lay down flat on my back, those boots would be welcome to walk all over me at any time, particularly if the legs were adorned with black fishnet stockings, (suspenders optional). :lol: :lol: :wink:
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