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Hunting season

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Postby Milo » Wed Sep 09, 2009 4:36 pm

purdey wrote:Well guys it will still continue. It's one of very few industries that has seen growth throughout the worldwide recession.
Sales of firearms and huting clothing are up 65% on last year and for the first time in a decade the British RSPB are finding it difficult to buy land to turn into reserves.
As for anti's I have little or no time for them, they are lacking in knowledge of country ways and offer little in the way of a valid argument for a ban on any field sports.
Role on the elections in the UK and the return of legal fox hunting, we may then see the end of stupid individuals trapping urban foxes and releasing them back into the country.
Straight barrels guys and tally ho !

Most hunters have a hole where morality normaly resides so hard to convince how wrong they are, but Camerons party has a lot more than half of its members currently against his idea of a hunt repeal and will vote against him when he puts it to them, IF he gets in. Then of course he will say 'sorry lads I tried' and dance on into the sunset.

The sale of hunting clothing up as more people are joining drag hunting now the killing has been stopped and as you will already know being a hunter the countryside business,s have in fact done much better since the hunting ban than what they were doing beforehand so its all been good.

The fallacy that the pro hunt lobby claims that there is a rural/urban divide has been polarised by a survey that 7 out of 10 people in rural areas do not want a hunting repeal.

A further survey by The League Against Cruel Sports shows 44 million Brits would NOT welcome any return to the sport. So it ain,t going to continue. I lived in the countryside ALL my life still do.

Culture has always been used as an excuse for cruelty and thanks to the powerful bird lobbies and EU directives some birds have been saved. Much work to do though.

Hunting will eventually be centred on tiny pieces of land in their own countries and allowed to shoot a few really stupid bred for the purpose pheasants that cannot get away, and the songbirds will thrive once more.

It took 80 years to ban foxhunting so the anti,s are very patient people.
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Postby Nikitas » Wed Sep 09, 2009 4:49 pm

Milo you are full of crap-

The birds directive states clearly, as do the directives for Natura 2000 and others "hunting is an priori acceptable activity". So much for the attitufe of Europe to hunting.

Hunting as in fox hunting and hunting as in the rest of the world are two different things, do not mix them up as you are deliberately doing in your post.

Most prey species in Europe are stable or increasing whereas non quarry species are decresing or threatened, for the simple reason that most bird protectors are cheapskates who do not want to spend a cent to protect the birds they say they love. Hunting associations are major funders of habitat protection and scientific study of game and habitat management. I know how much I spend and it is a LOT. In 1999 I funded 50 per cent of the international conference of the International Union of Game Biologists. It was thousands of Euro. How much do you spend?

Most "proetectors" are also dogmatic schweinerei who will not do the obvious because of some mental cramp- ie eradicate rats from Greek islands used by the rare Aegean gull, because the animal fanatics who rule the Hellenic Ornithological Society will not agree with any scientific management practice.

The bottom line is that people like you are not really interested in the welfare of bird populations. You want to feel you are being moral when you do not know sweet FA about nature.

Do you know of any predator, mammalian or avian that does no enjoy hunting?

Like I said above

Aissihtir alites.
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Postby purdey » Wed Sep 09, 2009 5:48 pm

I see no demise in hunting in the UK or in fact in Europe. I do however see more co-operation between hunters and protectionists.
I own and hunt a substantial amount of land bordering an large RSPB reserve in the North of England. We work closely with the reserve to encourage the influx of wildfowl which has not affected the way we have hunted for generations.
I am also a member of a wildfowling club again up North, in an area of Outstanding Natuaral Beauty and of Scientific interest, the land spans a 43 square mile area. Again working closely with protectionists and providing a welcome habitat this has not inpinged one iota on 3 generations of hunting.
In short hunting in the UK is on the increase, memberships of clubs is up ten fold and the purchasing of hunting land is still firmly in the hands of the hunters.
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Postby Milo » Wed Sep 09, 2009 7:10 pm

The RSPB thankfully directly funds Birdlife Cyprus in it endeavours to stop illegal hunting of wild birds in Southern Europe ... cyprus.asp

All these wildlife protectors and lobbyists very well funded and rich too i.e IFAW and League Against Cruel sports, and it matters little if you own land in the UK or here for that matter once laws are eventually passed to stop hunting wild birds. Of course not everyone obeys laws thet don,t suit them or don,t fit in with the ideals of the majorities so we can expect a fight back as was the case with fox hunting but you loose eventually :roll: You from the blood sports fraternity just mad at me as you are in smaller minorities than ever before and basically your a hated spectrum of most societies.
What is it about killing you enjoy the most, the uniform the phallux symbol (the gun) or the blood at the end. Beats most of natural thinkers what it is that turns you on. You will eventually join with all the smokers in the world and be pushed to the outer limits of life.

But I,ll leave you to believe otherwise for now :lol:
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Postby Nikitas » Wed Sep 09, 2009 8:11 pm

I do no know about others Milo. But I regard hunting a vital personal right, as vital as breathing.

You can have me legal and regulated, or you can do what the hell you want and have me poaching. You will NEVER get me to stop what I consider a natural process of my life. Take it or leave it.

Tell the people on the forum in all honesty- now that ambelopoulia netting is stopped in Cyprus, is the furure of the species safeguarded? Before, there were orchards specially cultivated and trees pruned so as to attract the birds, but also acted as habitat, cover and food for them. Now, with the incentive gone, those orchards will be turned into concrete.

Which do you think was better for the species, the orchardf with some harvesting, or the concrete with no harvesting of birds?

Has any organization of your do gooders volunteered to buy land and maintain orchards so the ambelopoulia can thrive? No, because you skinflints do not ever put your hand in your pockets.

When asked about doing something for the birds in the north of the island, the schmuck who led the effort responded that he is not concerned about the political problem of Cyprus! But that was never the question. Talk about an evasive so and so!

For your info, the president of the league against cruel sports told the BBC (look up the relevant clip on youtube) that SHOOTING FOXES AT NIGHT WITH A HIGH POWERED RIFLE IS AN ACCEPTABLE METHOD OF CONTROL.

So piss off Milo.
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Postby Nikitas » Wed Sep 09, 2009 8:23 pm


You are wasting your breath on people like Milo.

I have been involved in wildlife biology since the age of 16. In 1999 I organized the IUGB conference in Thessaloniki and had a chance to meet personally with professor Raould Valdez, Drs Potts and Aebishcer who edit the bird lovers' bible " "Birds in Europe", professor Ritchie and many others and discussed the problems of bona fide researchers when it comes to putting their points across inordr to help government formulate policy

There is no biologist who accepts the kind of drivel posted here and other places by antis. But as politics overtakes science the views of the moral high grounders overshadow science and we get to the idiotic point where the president of LACS condones sniping at foxes with a 222 at NIGHT rather than hunt them with dogs in the daytime.

Even more ridiculous is the assertion of professor Singer that we should interfere in natural predation and feed lions and tigers on compressed bacteria cakes, which we should also eat ourselves.

We have been too patient with stupidity for too long. Politenes has its limits.
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Postby purdey » Wed Sep 09, 2009 8:26 pm

Milo we have no fear of your LAGS brigade, they have little following amongst the custodians of rural Britain or in our elected houses. They are still regarded as the great unwashed who resort to violence when their voices are not heard.
Leave the country and it's wildlife to people who know how look after it.
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Postby Nikitas » Wed Sep 09, 2009 8:30 pm

"the phallux symbol "

It is a phallic symbol, you dork. Read Freud, the Interpretation of Dreams to be precise and read what he wrote and not what your propaganda instructor told you he wrote.

Freud said that long objects seen in a dream symbolize the penis, not the phallus. He also said that HOLLOW OBJECTS symbolize the vagina. He gave examples of hollow objects- houses, hats, pots etc. So are we to assume, using your analogy of penile symbolism of the gun, that women who become architects are strutting their vaginas to society?

You need to do some reading.
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