Have a gander at this - a proper one!
Remove flags at Beşparmaklar!
photo bayrak
Gulben Ergen, Deputy speaker of the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus House of Representatives has called on authorities in the north to remove the flag in the Beşparmaklar mountains as goodwill gestures to Greek Cypriots and to demonstratate to the world Cyprus Turks' commitment to peace process.
"The flag has no place in North Cyprus and makes us look like we are the victors when we are victims of inhumane and unjust embargoes," said Ergen at an interview at BRT newsroom.
The representative stated that the flag is a big problem for the Greek Cypriot Side which is a member of the EU and the UN and is recognized by the whole world. He added that the Cyprus Turkish Peoples, which are suffering under international isolations, are in need of urgent settlement and removal of the flag will help break the deadlocks.
Ergen added that important progressions could be achieved on the peace talks, and that although differences still remained on some issues, especially on the topic of property and security, these could be removed with good will gestures like the flag removal.
Ergen also called on Turkey, which recognizes Cyprus Turks as the sole owners of the north, to exercise common sense and to analyze carefully the political realities on the island, and support the removal of flag.