The Cypriot wrote:Viewpoint wrote:TCs living in Baf choose to live in a GC state under their laws and rules,
They choose to do something so dangerous? Are they mad as well as treacherous?Viewpoint wrote:you really need to ask them how they are treated and the difficulties they face.
They're evidently treated better and face less difficulties than if they were living under Turkey's jackboot!Viewpoint wrote:Just because they are allowed to walk around freely does not mean they feel part of the south or comfortable not understanding the language.
Who are you to speak for them? They've voted with their feet. End of story. Oh, and I imagine they speak English in Paphos to get by, like everyone else.
Viewpoint wrote:The Cypriot wrote:
Who are you to speak for them? They've voted with their feet. End of story. Oh, and I imagine they speak English in Paphos to get by, like everyone else.
How naive just because they are in the south does not mean they are content or beibg treated fairly you should really ask them as they may reveal a story you do not want to hear.
The Cypriot wrote:Viewpoint wrote:The Cypriot wrote:
Who are you to speak for them? They've voted with their feet. End of story. Oh, and I imagine they speak English in Paphos to get by, like everyone else.
How naive just because they are in the south does not mean they are content or beibg treated fairly you should really ask them as they may reveal a story you do not want to hear.
How naive you are to believe they'd live in Paphos if they weren't content and didn't like the way they were being treated - when they could so easily live under the full protection of 40,000 troops from mama Turkiye.
The Cypriot wrote:They are probably originally from Paphos - and have realised where they really belong. Good luck to them. If only all Cypriots could have the freedom to settle where they really belong.
Viewpoint wrote:The Cypriot wrote:They are probably originally from Paphos - and have realised where they really belong. Good luck to them. If only all Cypriots could have the freedom to settle where they really belong.
You have the freedom and are welcome to settle in the TRNC.
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