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Bakoyiannis on system of guarantees

How can we solve it? (keep it civilized)

Postby Simon » Sun Sep 06, 2009 3:11 am

insan wrote:
YFred wrote:
insan wrote:
Simon wrote:
Viewpoint wrote:
eleni wrote:VP wrote:
Its your arrgance that makes you feel we are being arrogant when in fact your aim is to reduce us to minority status and th whole of Cyprus into a GC state run by GCs. allowing them to do as they wish crushing the TCs into oblivion.

If you go to the link and have a look at the very last sentence I'm afraid I think you will find you are also in the minority where you are.

A minority amongst Turks. do you know were are also Turkish in origin how can you be a minority amongst your own origins.

Actually, you were probably originally GCs that became Muslims under Ottoman rule. I bet that makes you shudder VP, to think there could be Greek blood coursing through your veins.

My father's ancestors r from Alaminos village. Let's read what a GC historian tells abt the Turks settled down to Alaminos...

N. G. Kyriazis reports that "genuine Turks" inhabited Alaminos, thus the village was a mediaeval feud that the Turks misappropriated after the conquest of Cyprus in 1570-1571, a thing that happened to many other villages of Cyprus.

Alaminos was one of the mixed villages TCs didn't give it a different name but pronounce the name of the village a bit different than GCs. We pronounce the name of the village as Aleminyo or Alaminyo.

Dengiz, can u plz tell me what's the difference of a Turk and a "genuine Turk"? Hocam lütfen... :wink:

I'll tell you Insan. A genuine turk is Oracle. You need not look any further. She is the genuine thing.

I came across this interesting info regarding the "Genuine Turks".

It is well known that the Cantacuzino boyars, of Greek origin, would become the leadersof the native boyars’ party, while the Băleni family would lead the “Greeks”. The latter didnot refrain from accusing the former of being Greeks and guilty of all evils the Greeks hadbrought into the country: “These alien people, Greeks from Tarigrad, whose remotest,ancestors were genuine Turks named Kantakozino, whose tyranny, plundering and blood-sucking of the poor have ruined and are still ruining the country […] human tongue can-not utter” 13.The breach in the Wallachian society was so deep that one could find the reflection of theanti-Greek discourse even in the writings of a foreigner like Del Chiaro, who reiterated thepicture of the evil, usurping, plundering and tyrannical Greek. “Greeks, chiefly those fromConstantinople, have always been harmful to Wallachia every time they held the reins ofpower. The pride and ambition of some of them has never softened […] Willy-nilly, thecountry suffered” 14 ... 25-140.pdf

What does this "Anti-Greek discourse in Romanian society" as it is titled have anything to do with Cyprus? :?
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Postby Viewpoint » Sun Sep 06, 2009 11:31 am

Simon wrote:Simon
TCs have the same rights as every other Cypriot citizen, no more. Of course this means you have the right to be safe, just like GCs do, this is what the law is for, along with EU safeguards. It does not mean that you can take a piece of Cyprus and call it Turkish, declare an "independent state" on stolen land, import thousands of settlers to alter the demographics of the island, change the names of the towns, villages and roads, deny the legal occupants the right to their properties, loot churches and sell religious symbols on the black market. Remember VP, TCs have just as much blame, if not more, for the violence of the 1960s, and certainly do not deserve any more than any other Cypriot. TCs are living safe and sound in the RoC right now. They are not suffering daily attacks. You are living in the past and have not recognised how much things have changed. Guess what...GCs no longer seek enosis, there is no junta anymore, Cyprus is a member of the EU, and all of its citizens are protected by the rule of law. But I know that this is all an act VP. You are a charlatan. You make out that you are so terrified of the GCs, and put on this pretence that you are convinced GCs are blood hungry and just waiting to wipe out the TCs as soon as they get the chance, hence you need all this protection in a prison "state", but deep down you know what incredulous rubbish this is. It is simply a cover for your true feelings. The truth VP is that you are a racist. It is clear to anybody who lifts the veil of every one of your posts. You are about scaremongering; trying to convince TCs never to trust GCs under any circumstances, unless GCs agree to gift a third of the island to Turkey. You are a racist nationalist who can't stand the thought of TCs living peacefully with GCs. This is why you questioned The Cypriot on this very point in another thread. The very fact that TCs and GCs can live together peacefully breaks your heart, because it is a blow to your aims, and you try to suppress it wherever you find it, lest TCs might actually start to believe that they don't need Turkey after all.

VP wrote:
I am what I am if you dont like it then thats your problem not mine.

At least you're not denying the fact that you're a charlatan and a racist. It's not my problem VP that you display two characteristics that are reviled by men. You have to live with it.

VP wrote:
Your just saying all will be OK take that leap of faith is not enough there ahs to be clear guide lines, safeguards and guarantees to make both sides stick to the rules....neither side trusts the other and we feel you will try to stab us in the back at every opportunity.

VP, there will be clear guidelines and safeguards. But these will be legal safeguards that protect every citizen, and not anachronistic guarantees by foreign countries. Cyprus is in the EU now and doesn't need any nation to guarantee its independence. Time has moved on from 1960. Turkey abused its Guarantor status and has caused immense damage to Cyprus. So do you seriously believe GCs are going to make the same mistake by giving it the same power again? This is why we advocate a neutral body. The EU is the only guarantor that Cyprus needs, anything else is out of the question. This time we want proper independence.

Remember, GCs also suffered greatly, but we acknowledge that we have to trust the TCs again in order to reach a solution. Otherwise, what is the point in negotiating? TCs need to also understand this. If you have no goodwill towards us, then negotiations are pointless, because you cannot agree anything with someone you have no faith in. Perhaps this is why you couldn't even allow a pilgrimage? This is why I say that the TCs have never been interested in negotiations and compromise, but simply GC capitulation. It was a massive compromise for us to accept a BBF. We did it to make TCs trust us more and feel more secure, but still you refuse to meet us half way. You just keep demanding more and more, and refuse to budge until you have everything you want. All the time, you blackmail us, by holding our land hostage, and goad us by placing a massive flag near the Green Line just so we can see, and then you claim that you can't trust us!

Explain to me please how you think we will stab you in the back? If TCs allegiance is to Cyprus, GCs allegiance is to Cyprus, then we share exactly the same interests, and there is no need for either of us to stab anyone in the back. Of course, if it is your intention to do Turkey's work in Cyprus, then problems will once more arise. But you need to understand that enosis is long dead; so if Taksim dies, we no longer have a reason to fight. You see VP we have moved on, when will you?

VP wrote:
We are 110% certain you will exploit your numerical advanatage to our determent and push us to one side with no effective say in our own future, this we can never accept and need safeguards that will never allow you the opportunity.

This is why we compromised and agreed to a BBF. But it is still not enough for you is it? You want a state that is held together by a string. Sorry, but we prefer the situation now where we are the only recognised legal governors of Cyprus.

VP wrote:
As for living together I have no problem with that but people on both sides of the divide have to be given the option to decide themselves where they wish to live either in the North state under TC administration or the South state under GC administration you cannot force ones rule on the other sooner or later it will collapse.

Sorry, but first and foremost the law takes precedent. TCs can't decide to ignore the law when it suits them. An agreement must be reached where all legal owners of properties have the option to return to their land. If they choose compensation, fine. Otherwise, if you want two ethnically pure states, then the Turkish Cypriot state can be no larger than 18%, and GCs who cannot return to their properties in the 18% can either be compensated with TC properties or with monetary compensation.

Simon wrote:
VP, TCs started the violence in the 1960s. Stop pretending that TCs were somehow innocent bystanders that bloodthirsty GCs just decided to wipe out one day. TCs were just as eager to destroy the 1960 Constitution as the GCs were. And that's even with the 1960 Constitution clearly weighted in your favour. The "TRNC" is a heaven for you because it is what you always wanted, a racist partition where you can gain on others' losses and create an ethnically pure Turkish state. But we will never allow this to be legally accepted. It might feel safe for you to live there at the moment, but just remember, there are a lot of people that are just waiting for the opportunity to overturn the status quo, not because you are Turkish Cypriots and we are Greek Cypriots, but because you are thieves and legality and justice must be served.

VP wrote:
We have been over this many times and we can agree to disagee, all we know becuase we have survived no thanks to GCs to live in peace for 35 years, in comparison we were out numbered discriminated and persecuted in a so called united cyprus where the majority abused their rights to the determent of TCs. The TRNC will always be a monument to your own mistakes and continued arrogance to have the vision or capacity to reunite this island taking into account that it will be under a BBF with poitical equality of the 2 states. We are partners and not just some minority your own constitution tells you so yet you choose to ignore it at your own loss.

There is nothing to disagree about. The TCs were the instigators of much of the violence. They wanted to destroy the 1960 Constitution and execute a partition. Therefore, the inter-communal violence was not the attempted massacre of TCs by GCs, but it was inter-communal violence, i.e. both communities fighting each other. The TCs were just as much to blame, if not more so. If you were so worried about being outnumbered, you shouldn't have been so stupid as to attack the majority community. You brought much of the trouble onto yourselves.

The "TRNC" is a monument to racism, nothing more. The only mistake we made was falling into your trap, enabling you to create this pseudo-state on stolen land.

You are a numeric minority which was given disproportional rights due to the intervention of outside powers. But even this is not enough for you anymore, so we seek to give you more, via a BBF. But even this is not enough. You now want a loose confederation, and to excuse all the illegalities of Turkey's actions. Well sorry VP, but we must draw a line somewhere. For me, agreeing to a BBF was a mistake, but there you have it. Give you an inch, and you take a mile.

Simon wrote:
No, you are arrogant because you believe due to the fact that Turkey is militarily stronger than Cyprus, that you can bring any terms to the negotiation table that suits you, and unless we simply capitulate, Cyprus will remain forever divided. This is the type of rigid, uncomprimising attitude that will eventually be your downfall. VP, I cannot reduce or increase your community. I can only relay the facts to you. The fact is that the TCs are a minority. They are a minority just like any other minority in the world. You are no different to anybody else. As long as all individual rights are safeguarded and Cyprus has anti-discrimination laws (which it does) then you shouldn't have a problem. A community of 18% should not be able to dictate to the other 82%. It is undemocratic and unworkable.

VP wrote:
Now the shoe is on the other foot you call it arrogance ut when you were in the same position 35 years ago you called it your right, the fact you have to deal with is that you must try to comprehend that whats on the table is a BBF of 2 states with a political balance that will never allow you the right to turn us into just another minority and protect our right for a say in our own future and security, If as you ay all these things are provided for by the "roc" and the EU then why do you oppose them so much and will not commit to them again? what are you afraid of can you not trust yourselves or do you really have ulterior motives as we always suspect.

VP, this is the point, a BBF is not enough for you. You practically want an ethnically pure Turkish Cypriot state with high degrees of autonomy, and a weak central government. This is a BBC (and no I'm not referring to the British broadcaster) not a BBF. You want to limit the freedom of movement, and the right to settle anywhere in the country. This is contrary to EU law and is not a Federation in anyone's language. You want to allow tens of thousands of illegal settlers to remain, altering the demographics of the island. You want a Turkish guarantee, even after all the suffering Turkey has inflicted on the GCs. These are things we cannot accept, and you need to make a few compromises and goodwill gestures for a change if you ever want your isolation to end.

Thank you for taking the time to respond in detail but your analysis is riddled with issues we can argue back and forth forever and still not agree anything, this is the chasm I always refer to it is to wde to bridge because you have no intention of accepting compromise which will address our concerns and vice versa isnt this the main reason why we cannot agree a solution and the status quo will remain for many years to come.
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Postby insan » Sun Sep 06, 2009 11:54 am

Simon wrote:
insan wrote:
YFred wrote:
insan wrote:
Simon wrote:
Viewpoint wrote:
eleni wrote:VP wrote:
Its your arrgance that makes you feel we are being arrogant when in fact your aim is to reduce us to minority status and th whole of Cyprus into a GC state run by GCs. allowing them to do as they wish crushing the TCs into oblivion.

If you go to the link and have a look at the very last sentence I'm afraid I think you will find you are also in the minority where you are.

A minority amongst Turks. do you know were are also Turkish in origin how can you be a minority amongst your own origins.

Actually, you were probably originally GCs that became Muslims under Ottoman rule. I bet that makes you shudder VP, to think there could be Greek blood coursing through your veins.

My father's ancestors r from Alaminos village. Let's read what a GC historian tells abt the Turks settled down to Alaminos...

N. G. Kyriazis reports that "genuine Turks" inhabited Alaminos, thus the village was a mediaeval feud that the Turks misappropriated after the conquest of Cyprus in 1570-1571, a thing that happened to many other villages of Cyprus.

Alaminos was one of the mixed villages TCs didn't give it a different name but pronounce the name of the village a bit different than GCs. We pronounce the name of the village as Aleminyo or Alaminyo.

Dengiz, can u plz tell me what's the difference of a Turk and a "genuine Turk"? Hocam lütfen... :wink:

I'll tell you Insan. A genuine turk is Oracle. You need not look any further. She is the genuine thing.

I came across this interesting info regarding the "Genuine Turks".

It is well known that the Cantacuzino boyars, of Greek origin, would become the leadersof the native boyars’ party, while the Băleni family would lead the “Greeks”. The latter didnot refrain from accusing the former of being Greeks and guilty of all evils the Greeks hadbrought into the country: “These alien people, Greeks from Tarigrad, whose remotest,ancestors were genuine Turks named Kantakozino, whose tyranny, plundering and blood-sucking of the poor have ruined and are still ruining the country […] human tongue can-not utter” 13.The breach in the Wallachian society was so deep that one could find the reflection of theanti-Greek discourse even in the writings of a foreigner like Del Chiaro, who reiterated thepicture of the evil, usurping, plundering and tyrannical Greek. “Greeks, chiefly those fromConstantinople, have always been harmful to Wallachia every time they held the reins ofpower. The pride and ambition of some of them has never softened […] Willy-nilly, thecountry suffered” 14 ... 25-140.pdf

What does this "Anti-Greek discourse in Romanian society" as it is titled have anything to do with Cyprus? :?

U know Kryziaos, the GC historian mentioned that there were "genuine Turks" settled down to Cyprus. I made a google search for more info abt "Genuine Turks" and came across many results. The one I quoted above seemed most interesting to me which besides "Genuine Turks" also mentions Greeks and "Greeks".

Conclusion, the people of Cyprus might have ancestral roots from Turks, Genuine Turks, Greeks, "Greeks", Albanians, "Albanians", Armenians, "Armenians", Latins, "Latins", Maronites, "Maronites" etc. This does not change the fact that today there r 2 large communities in Cyprus that consider themselves as a part of 2 respective nations, namely Greek and Turk.
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Postby Nikitas » Sun Sep 06, 2009 12:23 pm

"Never forget we do not trust each other that can only also be built over time that why I suggest transition periods to allow everyone the opportunity to see there is nothing to fear and if that is not the case we will have security to deal with any major problems. "

VP you cannot build trust when foreign armies are on the island. That is the point you cannot get.

The armies will not be here for a holiday, their officers will have orders from their headquarters to pursue plans, which are plans originating in other countries. That is what happened in the 60s, it will happen again.

There is of course the probability that some Cypriots will align their interests with those of the foreign armies, as they did in the 60s and we will enter a new era of conflict. It seems some people want this to happen.

I have no problem as long as these things are stated openly at the start. It is the coverup that pisses me off.

You know and I know that 650 Turkish military are not able to stop any kind of intercommunal conflict. Their job will be to organise a local cadre, a neoTMT and prepare them for the foreseen conflict. SImilar things will happen on the GC side while the British will have their intelligence operatives "liaising" with both sides. This is not the way to a settlement.
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Postby zan » Sun Sep 06, 2009 12:32 pm

Nikitas wrote:"Never forget we do not trust each other that can only also be built over time that why I suggest transition periods to allow everyone the opportunity to see there is nothing to fear and if that is not the case we will have security to deal with any major problems. "

VP you cannot build trust when foreign armies are on the island. That is the point you cannot get.

The armies will not be here for a holiday, their officers will have orders from their headquarters to pursue plans, which are plans originating in other countries. That is what happened in the 60s, it will happen again.

There is of course the probability that some Cypriots will align their interests with those of the foreign armies, as they did in the 60s and we will enter a new era of conflict. It seems some people want this to happen.

I have no problem as long as these things are stated openly at the start. It is the coverup that pisses me off.

You know and I know that 650 Turkish military are not able to stop any kind of intercommunal conflict. Their job will be to organise a local cadre, a neoTMT and prepare them for the foreseen conflict. SImilar things will happen on the GC side while the British will have their intelligence operatives "liaising" with both sides. This is not the way to a settlement.

How simplistic.....Wy don't you just give up the pretense as well and come up with "Bloody Turks" like a well known crazy woman around here.....

Just as a matter of interest!!! Can you come up with ANY reasons that the TCs might want these soldiers on the island?????Positive ones that is....Or should we just declare the "neoTMT" right now FFS :roll:
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Postby Simon » Sun Sep 06, 2009 3:05 pm

insan wrote:
Simon wrote:
insan wrote:
YFred wrote:
insan wrote:
Simon wrote:
Viewpoint wrote:
eleni wrote:VP wrote:
Its your arrgance that makes you feel we are being arrogant when in fact your aim is to reduce us to minority status and th whole of Cyprus into a GC state run by GCs. allowing them to do as they wish crushing the TCs into oblivion.

If you go to the link and have a look at the very last sentence I'm afraid I think you will find you are also in the minority where you are.

A minority amongst Turks. do you know were are also Turkish in origin how can you be a minority amongst your own origins.

Actually, you were probably originally GCs that became Muslims under Ottoman rule. I bet that makes you shudder VP, to think there could be Greek blood coursing through your veins.

My father's ancestors r from Alaminos village. Let's read what a GC historian tells abt the Turks settled down to Alaminos...

N. G. Kyriazis reports that "genuine Turks" inhabited Alaminos, thus the village was a mediaeval feud that the Turks misappropriated after the conquest of Cyprus in 1570-1571, a thing that happened to many other villages of Cyprus.

Alaminos was one of the mixed villages TCs didn't give it a different name but pronounce the name of the village a bit different than GCs. We pronounce the name of the village as Aleminyo or Alaminyo.

Dengiz, can u plz tell me what's the difference of a Turk and a "genuine Turk"? Hocam lütfen... :wink:

I'll tell you Insan. A genuine turk is Oracle. You need not look any further. She is the genuine thing.

I came across this interesting info regarding the "Genuine Turks".

It is well known that the Cantacuzino boyars, of Greek origin, would become the leadersof the native boyars’ party, while the Băleni family would lead the “Greeks”. The latter didnot refrain from accusing the former of being Greeks and guilty of all evils the Greeks hadbrought into the country: “These alien people, Greeks from Tarigrad, whose remotest,ancestors were genuine Turks named Kantakozino, whose tyranny, plundering and blood-sucking of the poor have ruined and are still ruining the country […] human tongue can-not utter” 13.The breach in the Wallachian society was so deep that one could find the reflection of theanti-Greek discourse even in the writings of a foreigner like Del Chiaro, who reiterated thepicture of the evil, usurping, plundering and tyrannical Greek. “Greeks, chiefly those fromConstantinople, have always been harmful to Wallachia every time they held the reins ofpower. The pride and ambition of some of them has never softened […] Willy-nilly, thecountry suffered” 14 ... 25-140.pdf

What does this "Anti-Greek discourse in Romanian society" as it is titled have anything to do with Cyprus? :?

U know Kryziaos, the GC historian mentioned that there were "genuine Turks" settled down to Cyprus. I made a google search for more info abt "Genuine Turks" and came across many results. The one I quoted above seemed most interesting to me which besides "Genuine Turks" also mentions Greeks and "Greeks".

Conclusion, the people of Cyprus might have ancestral roots from Turks, Genuine Turks, Greeks, "Greeks", Albanians, "Albanians", Armenians, "Armenians", Latins, "Latins", Maronites, "Maronites" etc. This does not change the fact that today there r 2 large communities in Cyprus that consider themselves as a part of 2 respective nations, namely Greek and Turk.

Of course there were some "genuine" Ottoman Turks that settled on Cyprus. This is what the GC historian was referring to. In fact, by stating this, he is ackowledging that many TCs are not "genuine". It is well known that many were GCs that converted to Islam. How you try to draw a correlation between this and the link you have given which refers to Romanian society is beyond me. It smacks as a hint of desperation in fact. You have found one quote about Greeks in Romania who someone stated where originally Turks and you try to relate that to Cyprus, implying that this must also mean all GCs were originally Turks? What a joke! :lol: Greek Cypriots have been here since 1200BC! Long before anything Turkish existed.

You're saying that "genuine Turks" are Turks who were Greeks that were originally Turks? Wow... :lol:

I never denied that there are 2 main distinct groups in Cyprus, GCs and TCs. I was merely pointing out to VP that his origins might not be as "Turkish" as what he thinks.
Last edited by Simon on Sun Sep 06, 2009 3:12 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby insan » Sun Sep 06, 2009 3:12 pm

Simon wrote:
insan wrote:
Simon wrote:
insan wrote:
YFred wrote:
insan wrote:
Simon wrote:
Viewpoint wrote:
eleni wrote:VP wrote:
Its your arrgance that makes you feel we are being arrogant when in fact your aim is to reduce us to minority status and th whole of Cyprus into a GC state run by GCs. allowing them to do as they wish crushing the TCs into oblivion.

If you go to the link and have a look at the very last sentence I'm afraid I think you will find you are also in the minority where you are.

A minority amongst Turks. do you know were are also Turkish in origin how can you be a minority amongst your own origins.

Actually, you were probably originally GCs that became Muslims under Ottoman rule. I bet that makes you shudder VP, to think there could be Greek blood coursing through your veins.

My father's ancestors r from Alaminos village. Let's read what a GC historian tells abt the Turks settled down to Alaminos...

N. G. Kyriazis reports that "genuine Turks" inhabited Alaminos, thus the village was a mediaeval feud that the Turks misappropriated after the conquest of Cyprus in 1570-1571, a thing that happened to many other villages of Cyprus.

Alaminos was one of the mixed villages TCs didn't give it a different name but pronounce the name of the village a bit different than GCs. We pronounce the name of the village as Aleminyo or Alaminyo.

Dengiz, can u plz tell me what's the difference of a Turk and a "genuine Turk"? Hocam lütfen... :wink:

I'll tell you Insan. A genuine turk is Oracle. You need not look any further. She is the genuine thing.

I came across this interesting info regarding the "Genuine Turks".

It is well known that the Cantacuzino boyars, of Greek origin, would become the leadersof the native boyars’ party, while the Băleni family would lead the “Greeks”. The latter didnot refrain from accusing the former of being Greeks and guilty of all evils the Greeks hadbrought into the country: “These alien people, Greeks from Tarigrad, whose remotest,ancestors were genuine Turks named Kantakozino, whose tyranny, plundering and blood-sucking of the poor have ruined and are still ruining the country […] human tongue can-not utter” 13.The breach in the Wallachian society was so deep that one could find the reflection of theanti-Greek discourse even in the writings of a foreigner like Del Chiaro, who reiterated thepicture of the evil, usurping, plundering and tyrannical Greek. “Greeks, chiefly those fromConstantinople, have always been harmful to Wallachia every time they held the reins ofpower. The pride and ambition of some of them has never softened […] Willy-nilly, thecountry suffered” 14 ... 25-140.pdf

What does this "Anti-Greek discourse in Romanian society" as it is titled have anything to do with Cyprus? :?

U know Kryziaos, the GC historian mentioned that there were "genuine Turks" settled down to Cyprus. I made a google search for more info abt "Genuine Turks" and came across many results. The one I quoted above seemed most interesting to me which besides "Genuine Turks" also mentions Greeks and "Greeks".

Conclusion, the people of Cyprus might have ancestral roots from Turks, Genuine Turks, Greeks, "Greeks", Albanians, "Albanians", Armenians, "Armenians", Latins, "Latins", Maronites, "Maronites" etc. This does not change the fact that today there r 2 large communities in Cyprus that consider themselves as a part of 2 respective nations, namely Greek and Turk.

Of course there were some "genuine" Ottoman Turks that settled on Cyprus. This is what the GC historian was referring to. In fact, by stating this, he is ackowledging that many TCs are not "genuine". It is well known that many were GCs that converted to Islam. How you try to draw a correlation between this and the link you have given which refers to Romanian society is beyond me. It smacks as a hint of desperation in fact. You have found one quote about Greeks in Romania who someone stated where originally Turks and you try to relate that to Cyprus, implying that this must also mean all GCs were originally Turks? What a joke! :lol: Greek Cypriots have been here since 1200BC!

You're saying that "genuine Turks" are Turks who were Greeks that were originally Turks? Wow... :lol:

It seems u skipped my conclusion as u skip the parts of Cyprus history that don't suit ur propaganda needs, Simon Templar. :lol:

...but we all know u r capable to do the better than that... in the future I hope to see u among the impartialists... :wink:

... and ur origins might not be Greeks or "Greeks" as u were made believe ...
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Postby Nikitas » Sun Sep 06, 2009 3:16 pm

"Can you come up with ANY reasons that the TCs might want these soldiers on the island?????Positive ones that is...."

NO I cannot see how 650 soldiers are going to protect the TC community better than 5 to 10 000 well armed TC police officers. If there is any trouble it is the more numerous police that will be called in to deal with it in any case. And if things really get out of hand the Turkish air force is 4 minutes away to bomb anyone they want, with or without any guarantee agreement. So why the insistence on keeping 650 soldiers on the island?

If it is a symbolic gesture then it is you who are being simplistic. If they are going to be intelligence operatives masquerading as soldiers, we have been through that game before.

And in any case I understand your desire for 650 Turks, what i do not understand is your insistence on 950 Greeks being on the island too and the British having a gurantor status.

Who needs this anacrhonistic crap in 2010?
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Postby Simon » Sun Sep 06, 2009 3:20 pm

insan wrote:
Simon wrote:
insan wrote:
Simon wrote:
insan wrote:
YFred wrote:
insan wrote:
Simon wrote:
Viewpoint wrote:
eleni wrote:VP wrote:
Its your arrgance that makes you feel we are being arrogant when in fact your aim is to reduce us to minority status and th whole of Cyprus into a GC state run by GCs. allowing them to do as they wish crushing the TCs into oblivion.

If you go to the link and have a look at the very last sentence I'm afraid I think you will find you are also in the minority where you are.

A minority amongst Turks. do you know were are also Turkish in origin how can you be a minority amongst your own origins.

Actually, you were probably originally GCs that became Muslims under Ottoman rule. I bet that makes you shudder VP, to think there could be Greek blood coursing through your veins.

My father's ancestors r from Alaminos village. Let's read what a GC historian tells abt the Turks settled down to Alaminos...

N. G. Kyriazis reports that "genuine Turks" inhabited Alaminos, thus the village was a mediaeval feud that the Turks misappropriated after the conquest of Cyprus in 1570-1571, a thing that happened to many other villages of Cyprus.

Alaminos was one of the mixed villages TCs didn't give it a different name but pronounce the name of the village a bit different than GCs. We pronounce the name of the village as Aleminyo or Alaminyo.

Dengiz, can u plz tell me what's the difference of a Turk and a "genuine Turk"? Hocam lütfen... :wink:

I'll tell you Insan. A genuine turk is Oracle. You need not look any further. She is the genuine thing.

I came across this interesting info regarding the "Genuine Turks".

It is well known that the Cantacuzino boyars, of Greek origin, would become the leadersof the native boyars’ party, while the Băleni family would lead the “Greeks”. The latter didnot refrain from accusing the former of being Greeks and guilty of all evils the Greeks hadbrought into the country: “These alien people, Greeks from Tarigrad, whose remotest,ancestors were genuine Turks named Kantakozino, whose tyranny, plundering and blood-sucking of the poor have ruined and are still ruining the country […] human tongue can-not utter” 13.The breach in the Wallachian society was so deep that one could find the reflection of theanti-Greek discourse even in the writings of a foreigner like Del Chiaro, who reiterated thepicture of the evil, usurping, plundering and tyrannical Greek. “Greeks, chiefly those fromConstantinople, have always been harmful to Wallachia every time they held the reins ofpower. The pride and ambition of some of them has never softened […] Willy-nilly, thecountry suffered” 14 ... 25-140.pdf

What does this "Anti-Greek discourse in Romanian society" as it is titled have anything to do with Cyprus? :?

U know Kryziaos, the GC historian mentioned that there were "genuine Turks" settled down to Cyprus. I made a google search for more info abt "Genuine Turks" and came across many results. The one I quoted above seemed most interesting to me which besides "Genuine Turks" also mentions Greeks and "Greeks".

Conclusion, the people of Cyprus might have ancestral roots from Turks, Genuine Turks, Greeks, "Greeks", Albanians, "Albanians", Armenians, "Armenians", Latins, "Latins", Maronites, "Maronites" etc. This does not change the fact that today there r 2 large communities in Cyprus that consider themselves as a part of 2 respective nations, namely Greek and Turk.

Of course there were some "genuine" Ottoman Turks that settled on Cyprus. This is what the GC historian was referring to. In fact, by stating this, he is ackowledging that many TCs are not "genuine". It is well known that many were GCs that converted to Islam. How you try to draw a correlation between this and the link you have given which refers to Romanian society is beyond me. It smacks as a hint of desperation in fact. You have found one quote about Greeks in Romania who someone stated where originally Turks and you try to relate that to Cyprus, implying that this must also mean all GCs were originally Turks? What a joke! :lol: Greek Cypriots have been here since 1200BC!

You're saying that "genuine Turks" are Turks who were Greeks that were originally Turks? Wow... :lol:

It seems u skipped my conclusion as u skip the parts of Cyprus history that don't suit ur propaganda needs, Simon Templar. :lol:

...but we all know u r capable to do the better than that... in the future I hope to see u among the impartialists... :wink:

I skipped your conclusion because I destroyed the premise with which it was built upon. Therefore, the conclusion did not need to be commented on.

I actually agree that some GCs may have some Turkish roots. However, I think that the reverse is far more likely to be more common.

Before you can decide who is impartial and who isn't, I think you need to take a look in the mirror.
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Postby zan » Sun Sep 06, 2009 3:27 pm

Nikitas wrote:"Can you come up with ANY reasons that the TCs might want these soldiers on the island?????Positive ones that is...."

NO I cannot see how 650 soldiers are going to protect the TC community better than 5 to 10 000 well armed TC police officers. If there is any trouble it is the more numerous police that will be called in to deal with it in any case. And if things really get out of hand the Turkish air force is 4 minutes away to bomb anyone they want, with or without any guarantee agreement. So why the insistence on keeping 650 soldiers on the island?

If it is a symbolic gesture then it is you who are being simplistic. If they are going to be intelligence operatives masquerading as soldiers, we have been through that game before.

And in any case I understand your desire for 650 Turks, what i do not understand is your insistence on 950 Greeks being on the island too and the British having a gurantor status.

Who needs this anacrhonistic crap in 2010?

First I will reply to your last question.....Just quoting the year and trying to be oh so modern means nothing....We have just more modern means to deal with age old faults and discrepancies....Nothing more. There is no less danger then when we fed quietly in the trees.

Now. As a guarantee power, Turkey having troops on tyhe island will mean that if you attack then you will not only be attacking TC police officers and pretend it is "inter-communal fighting" and ask the world to step back and let you "DEAL" with it, but you will be attacking Turkish soldiers and then the response will be instant...for instance...

It is still a game of protection Nikitas and a way of shutting the door on any hostile intent. A nuclear deterrent.....Now try to put yourself n our shoes and see if you can think of any other advantages....Try not to think of us as Oracle does and that we do everything to harm you and that is our only goal.
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