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Two sides should focus on the main game

How can we solve it? (keep it civilized)

Postby YFred » Fri Sep 04, 2009 12:42 am

The two crossings cannot be compared. When TCs crossed to go to Gochina, they were escorted by the UN and were not allowed to go anywhere else other than Gochina. The GCs were allowed to go anywhere. All they had to do is supply the lists so the check would have been very quick. What kind of stupidity is being applied here? To have supplied the lists and the list not matching with the passengers and to think the Greeks gave us mathematics. Your ancestors must be turning in their graves.
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Postby wallace » Fri Sep 04, 2009 12:53 am

YFred wrote:The two crossings cannot be compared. When TCs crossed to go to Gochina, they were escorted by the UN and were not allowed to go anywhere else other than Gochina. The GCs were allowed to go anywhere. All they had to do is supply the lists so the check would have been very quick. What kind of stupidity is being applied here? To have supplied the lists and the list not matching with the passengers and to think the Greeks gave us mathematics. Your ancestors must be turning in their graves.

Screw you Y-Fuck. If they wanted to go they could have gone from any crossing to the pilgrim. You pricks just wanted to show your authority. Well........let's see what comes out of this!
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Postby YFred » Fri Sep 04, 2009 12:56 am

wallace wrote:
YFred wrote:The two crossings cannot be compared. When TCs crossed to go to Gochina, they were escorted by the UN and were not allowed to go anywhere else other than Gochina. The GCs were allowed to go anywhere. All they had to do is supply the lists so the check would have been very quick. What kind of stupidity is being applied here? To have supplied the lists and the list not matching with the passengers and to think the Greeks gave us mathematics. Your ancestors must be turning in their graves.

Screw you Y-Fuck. If they wanted to go they could have gone from any crossing to the pilgrim. You pricks just wanted to show your authority. Well........let's see what comes out of this!

They would have their IDs checked in any other crossing point.
Can't wait to see how Muhtar X will back down and arrive at the next meeting and you'll be shouting he has sold out and all that.
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Postby wallace » Fri Sep 04, 2009 1:05 am

YFred wrote:
wallace wrote:
YFred wrote:The two crossings cannot be compared. When TCs crossed to go to Gochina, they were escorted by the UN and were not allowed to go anywhere else other than Gochina. The GCs were allowed to go anywhere. All they had to do is supply the lists so the check would have been very quick. What kind of stupidity is being applied here? To have supplied the lists and the list not matching with the passengers and to think the Greeks gave us mathematics. Your ancestors must be turning in their graves.

Screw you Y-Fuck. If they wanted to go they could have gone from any crossing to the pilgrim. You pricks just wanted to show your authority. Well........let's see what comes out of this!

They would have their IDs checked in any other crossing point.
Can't wait to see how Muhtar X will back down and arrive at the next meeting and you'll be shouting he has sold out and all that.

Bullshit....there was an agreemant that no ID's would be checked. You fuckers are not to be trusted! Even if it would have beed 3000 GC's in busses. They should have not been stopped. They could have gotten in from any crossing. It was clearly a question of trust which you failed! The truth is that a fanatic plonker on your side stated a couple of days ago to stop the pilgrims on any occasion! What are you scared of? The pilgrims or your fanatic Turks in the norht?
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Postby Simon » Fri Sep 04, 2009 1:37 am

wallace wrote:
YFred wrote:
wallace wrote:
YFred wrote:The two crossings cannot be compared. When TCs crossed to go to Gochina, they were escorted by the UN and were not allowed to go anywhere else other than Gochina. The GCs were allowed to go anywhere. All they had to do is supply the lists so the check would have been very quick. What kind of stupidity is being applied here? To have supplied the lists and the list not matching with the passengers and to think the Greeks gave us mathematics. Your ancestors must be turning in their graves.

Screw you Y-Fuck. If they wanted to go they could have gone from any crossing to the pilgrim. You pricks just wanted to show your authority. Well........let's see what comes out of this!

They would have their IDs checked in any other crossing point.
Can't wait to see how Muhtar X will back down and arrive at the next meeting and you'll be shouting he has sold out and all that.

Bullshit....there was an agreemant that no ID's would be checked. You fuckers are not to be trusted! Even if it would have beed 3000 GC's in busses. They should have not been stopped. They could have gotten in from any crossing. It was clearly a question of trust which you failed! The truth is that a fanatic plonker on your side stated a couple of days ago to stop the pilgrims on any occasion! What are you scared of? The pilgrims or your fanatic Turks in the norht?

Wallace it is clear that the Turks of Cyprus, Turkish Cypriots or whatever you want to call them, cannot be trusted in any agreement. If you give an inch, they'll take a mile. They have never been any different.
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Postby Get Real! » Fri Sep 04, 2009 2:04 am

Nikitas wrote:GR above says that a month ago, in the Kokkina celebartions, TCs were let through with no checking of IDs or any such formalities. If this is accurate, then it does cast the events in a different light.

So, were the TCs really let through with no ID card checks etc? Anybody know for fact?

Peaceful protest as Turkish Cypriots cross Limnitis for memorial

“OVER 1,000 Turkish Cypriots in 58 buses crossed through Limnitis yesterday to the former Kokkina enclave”

“Aided by the UN the crossings began around 9.30am yesterday and all the buses had passed through an hour later.”

If it only took an hour for 58 buses to pass through then that means that every minute a bus was just driving through! Had the IDs of 1,000 people been checked they probably would’ve been there for 5-6 hours.

And here’s last year’s debacle…

Another example of one way goodwill
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checking ids

Postby kehk » Fri Sep 04, 2009 4:07 pm

When the TCs went to Erenkoy, they submitted lists beforehand. On the day the passports and ID cards of the travellers were checked against the bus lists. The passengers did not alight.

When the GCs tried to cross on Wednesday, only the first bus was checked. There were 8 people not on the list on the first bus. The TC police said you can carry on though, but not with these 8 travellers. The other passengers refused, as they didn't know what their friends in the other buses would do.
Some people also had old fashioned ID cards that the TC police didn't like, and some names were not written exactly as they were printed on the lists.

It really was a simple of case of some people wanted to join in the trip and not understanding they needed to be on the list.

It has all been blown up to huge proportions over a simple misunderstanding.

I wasn't on any of these buses, but I have spoken to both TCs and GCs who were on these buses.
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Re: checking ids

Postby DT. » Fri Sep 04, 2009 7:13 pm

kehk wrote:When the TCs went to Erenkoy, they submitted lists beforehand. On the day the passports and ID cards of the travellers were checked against the bus lists. The passengers did not alight.

When the GCs tried to cross on Wednesday, only the first bus was checked. There were 8 people not on the list on the first bus. The TC police said you can carry on though, but not with these 8 travellers. The other passengers refused, as they didn't know what their friends in the other buses would do.
Some people also had old fashioned ID cards that the TC police didn't like, and some names were not written exactly as they were printed on the lists.

It really was a simple of case of some people wanted to join in the trip and not understanding they needed to be on the list.

It has all been blown up to huge proportions over a simple misunderstanding.

I wasn't on any of these buses, but I have spoken to both TCs and GCs who were on these buses.

A man called Christakis Charalambous was written on the list as Takis Charalambous because thats what the muchtaris always called him. Christakis was one example that was taken off the bus.

If 1,000 people passed through for Kokkina in one hour then you can bet your life no individuals were checked. Why? Cause we stuck to the agreement. Credibility on the turkish
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Postby bill cobbett » Fri Sep 04, 2009 8:18 pm

How can I put this? Well I have always been a bit of an optimist. More often than not, happy to think the better of people and hopeful against all the odds of a resolution to our Little Problem but regretfully I have to say that the events of the past couple of days with the Illegal Regime's virtual banning of the Morphou Pilgrimage are a rude reminder to me that perhaps I have been wrong. Let me explain....

On the Morphou Pilgrimage Ban, my understanding was that there was an agreement for minimal checks with no individual IDs being examined and no boarding of buses by the Illegal State's "police". As we all now know nothing of the sort happened in practice and this against the background of the Kochina Excursion of just a couple of weeks earlier, which as has been said, passed without incident. The Illegal Regime took the chance it had to show just a little degree of goodwill, a little amount of movement and reconciliation and threw it back in the faces of the good people of the Free Areas.

Regretfully this event raises the question in my mind and I know also in the minds of many others that if the Illegal Regime can't be trusted to honour the simple agreement that was in place for the Pilgrimage, how in a few month's time can thay be trusted to honour a comprehensive agreement, a settlement of our Little Problem that will be a thousand times more complicated?

In all agreements there is a need for the Spirit of the Agreement to be honoured as well, it's this Spirit or Goodwill that makes agreements work otherwise we start to look for the smallprint and find ways out of agreements. I really do fear now that I really can't see how, in the light of the Illegal Regime's approach to the Morphou agreement, how they would be trusted in a future settlement cos I now fear this Regime with its entrenched Police State Occupiers' Tactics seems too keen to go to the small-print and look for ways of breaking the spirit of agreements without showing any goodwill whatsoever.
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Postby The Cypriot » Fri Sep 04, 2009 8:34 pm

bill cobbett wrote:How can I put this? Well I have always been a bit of an optimist. More often than not, happy to think the better of people and hopeful against all the odds of a resolution to our Little Problem but regretfully I have to say that the events of the past couple of days with the Illegal Regime's virtual banning of the Morphou Pilgrimage are a rude reminder to me that perhaps I have been wrong. Let me explain....

On the Morphou Pilgrimage Ban, my understanding was that there was an agreement for minimal checks with no individual IDs being examined and no boarding of buses by the Illegal State's "police". As we all now know nothing of the sort happened in practice and this against the background of the Kochina Excursion of just a couple of weeks earlier, which as has been said, passed without incident. The Illegal Regime took the chance it had to show just a little degree of goodwill, a little amount of movement and reconciliation and threw it back in the faces of the good people of the Free Areas.

Regretfully this event raises the question in my mind and I know also in the minds of many others that if the Illegal Regime can't be trusted to honour the simple agreement that was in place for the Pilgrimage, how in a few month's time can thay be trusted to honour a comprehensive agreement, a settlement of our Little Problem that will be a thousand times more complicated?

In all agreements there is a need for the Spirit of the Agreement to be honoured as well, it's this Spirit or Goodwill that makes agreements work otherwise we start to look for the smallprint and find ways out of agreements. I really do fear now that I really can't see how, in the light of the Illegal Regime's approach to the Morphou agreement, how they would be trusted in a future settlement cos I now fear this Regime with its entrenched Police State Occupiers' Tactics seems too keen to go to the small-print and look for ways of breaking the spirit of agreements without showing any goodwill whatsoever.

Good point, well made, Billy. Now we must put our trust in God, and his agents on earth.
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