A chap is in the dentists chair.
"Had a 69 before you came in ?" asks the dentist.
The dentists nurse starts giggling and the man with a bright red face watches as the dentist drops a hair he's removed from the mans mouth in the tray.
The bloke is glad when he's able to get out of the chair and goes out of the surgery with the nurses laughter ringing in his ears.
A month later he has to go back.As he's been active the night before he scrubs his teeth three times,then rinses his mouth out twice.Hed already bought four packets of chewing gum and has chewed his way through nearly all of them beofre his name is called in the waiting room.He pops the last piece in his mouth,frantically chews it,spits it into his hand and has a quick rub round his mouth with his finger before he opens the dentists door,walks in and sits in the chair.He opens his mouth wide as the dentist turns to look at him
The dentist smiles."Another 69 last night?"
"How could you know?" asks the man
"Because you've got a ruddy great skid mark on your forehead" replies the dentist.